She has no white smoke.

Russ half-opened his mouth, white smoke exhaled from his mouth, and he instantly noticed that the blond woman who suddenly appeared in front of him had many weird places on her body.

She has exposed clothes, and in this icy environment, she has not been affected by the cold at all. Moreover, seeing her eyes, he felt a weird impulse running around in his body.

“He is my friend.”

Ikky said quickly.

That girl, she is very beautiful, Lars thought of the female subordinates beside Demon King, but no is as coquettish as her. She turned her head and looked at herself, Lars felt her heartbeat very fast.

“You actually have friends, which is so enviable. Wait, I seem to have seen you, where have I seen you.”

The mysterious blonde woman said while she Walking to Russ, Russ panicked, raised his sword, and shouted: “Don’t come close to me.”

However, tone barely fell, he came back to his senses and found that the other party was actually Right beside him, he touched his face with that soft and cold hand. He felt the danger, but his body was unable to move even a little bit, and even his breathing stopped.

What happened?

“Nice look, ah! I think of it, it’s you, the kid behind Dark Knight, what a coincidence, he is your friend.”

mysterious The girl turned her head and looked towards Yiqi. Yiqi didn’t dare to look at her. He swallowed and lowered his head not to speak.

“By the way, why is your friend on that side? I am very interested in it.”

Her hand moved away from Russ, Russ immediately Panting and kneeling on the ground, he showed a panic expression at this time. Just being touched by her, the soul seemed to be stripped from the body.

“Please let him go, he doesn’t know anything.”

Iqi knelt on the ground and begged. Lars took a breath. He understood what and why Yi Qi would be so scared of her.

“I will ask you questions again, don’t let me remind you the second time.”

“It’s you, you made Ikky like this, didn’t you?”

At this moment, Russ looked towards the mysterious golden haired girl angrily.

Hearing that, the other party slowly turned his head, and Yiqi felt bad. When he was about to say something, the girl said: “It seems that your friend has a question that hasn’t been understood. You should answer him. Ikky’s problem.”

Ikky gritted his teeth, he showed a bitter expression, and said, “No, it’s not like this, it’s me, I beg her by myself, please. , Don’t talk about it.”

However, Lars was even more angry. He stared at the woman and showed hostility without any secret.

“Shut your dog’s mouth, Ikky, the last reminder, don’t speak without my permission.”

After hearing this, Ikky really closed his mouth, he Shaking his head at Ras, I hope he will not talk nonsense, because this golden haired girl is not a human…

But how can Ras endure such humiliation? He is impossible to watch his best friend be People treat this way.

“Who the hell are you?”

He just lifted the sword, and suddenly a heartache came, and he fell into the snow, clutching his chest.


The pain made him yell, and he didn’t realize that he was hit by the opponent’s moves.

Ikky stared wide-eyed, he gritted his teeth, but did not speak.

“I’ll give you a chance to soak this bag in tea and drink it for the Dark Knight.”

The mysterious girl squatted in front of Russ and held it in her hand. Holding a bag of white things shaking in front of him.

“Don’t even think about it.”

Russ gritted his teeth and said painfully.

Golden haired girl sneered, she fluffed her hair, turned her head and said, “Aiya Aiya, Ikky, it’s a pity, it seems that your friend is not worthy, so you should persuade him. “

“Russ, listen to her, just make a cup of tea.”

“no! Iggy…Ikey, that lord, he is my benefactor. , I can’t…”

Russ bit his teeth. The pain almost made him unable to speak. He clenched his teeth, and blood stains appeared on his gums.

“Then there is no way.”

golden haired girl shrugged.

“I will persuade him again, no, no, don’t do that, I beg you.”

Ikky said in a panic, Russ fell on the ground and had no kind With a good premonition, he tried his best to lift the head and saw the golden haired girl looking at him with a smirk. She extended the hand and grabbed Ras’s face.


Suddenly, the blood vessels on his face turned black and spread along his body. He felt as if there were countless knives on him. Swimming in the body.

“no! Don’t.”

Iqi looked at all this in horror, he was breathing heavily, he didn’t know what to do.

Just as the black blood entered Russ’ heart, the power hidden in his heart burst out suddenly, Russ eyes sent out rays of light, and a black shadow appeared on him. Behind him, then violent wind erupted and space distortion caused the light to be distorted.

bang! !


There was a loud noise, and the blonde woman screamed at the same time. This force forcibly shook it away. It was the first time Yiqi saw her suffer. And amazingly, her blood is actually red.

Iqi turned his head and looked towards Ras. He was still lying on the ground, but all the snow around him disappeared, and the aftermath of the explosion made them dry instantly. The mysterious blond woman covered her right hand and stood up. She gritted her teeth and stared at Russ who was still lying on the ground.

“The power of the Demon King is protecting him! Damn! This is a trap! Ikky, I order you to kill him immediately! Hurry up!”

Heard, Ikky took a deep breath.

Kill Lars?

Iqi’s brain buzzed, he didn’t know what to do.

He can’t rebel against each other…


Ikky stood up, he walked slowly towards Russ, he His nails changed to the color of white bones and stretched continuously, and the muscles of his arms were rapidly expanding.

“What are you waiting for? Kill him!”

The blonde woman yelled from behind.

Ikky came to Russ, he looked at Russ on the ground coldly.

“Do you know that I have experienced that many things, what have I learned?”

He suddenly asked, Russ hook the head, his body was impossible to move.

Ikky laughed stiffly and said: “There is no one in the world who treats you nicely except for your family. If there is, then he must want something in you, remember it. “

When Lars understood what the other party meant, Ikky suddenly turned around and rushed directly to the terrifying golden haired girl, grabbing his monster-like right arm towards the other party.

But in the next instant, his monster-like right hand flew in the air, and a monster with a cross scar on his forehead suddenly appeared. He waved his arm one gear and directly interrupted Yiqi’s right arm.


Russ yelled, his eyes widened, but disappointing body couldn’t move anyhow. Finally, he saw Ikky turned his head back , Shook the head with tears in his eyes.

His mouth moved, and he said two words to himself: Goodbye.

In the next second, the raised fist of the monster with the cross scar hit Yiqi’s body, and the huge fist directly crushed Yiqi…

“Ah!!!! “

Lass roared, his eyes were already covered with bloodshot eyes, and red blood flowed from the corners of his eyes.

He hates himself that is useless, hates himself that cannot help Yiqi.

Hate the powerless self.

At this moment, a little white luminous snowflake fell. He didn’t know what was going on. In the sky, there were countless such white snowflakes. Then his vision was covered by the dazzling white light, and then Change to black…

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