bang! !

With a loud bang across the sky, the city gate that was originally frozen by ice was suddenly opened, and countless angry eagle soldiers filed out. They roared and rushed towards the opposite mountainside.

Of course they feel angry, because people generally feel angry when they find that they have been teased. When the scout found that there were only less than 20,000 people left in the enemy and brought the news back, the soldiers who defended the city were so angry that their faces were crooked. They had been in anxiety and fear, and found that there was no danger at all. The enemy is just a painted paper tiger.

So, after confirming that there were no ambushes around, the angry eagle group decided to teach these imperial lackeys.

Boom hong long!

The sound of huge footsteps came, and the soldiers on the hillside had already seen this scene.

“The enemy is coming! Vice Admiral Yass.”

In the barracks, the soldier who informed the news knelt in front of a soldier with a horoscope. He is Vice Admiral Yass and a small reputation. Soldiers, used to be the lieutenant of General Booth.

“I saw it.”

He stared at the army rushing in the distance, without a trace of waves in his eyes.

“Then should we retreat as planned.”

“No, let everyone prepare to meet the enemy.”

Lieutenant General Yass said lightly, this Astonished to his subordinates, he lifted the head and solemnly said: “But! Your lord! The number of enemies is more than three times ours. It is very unfavorable for us to fight head-on, and the enemy generals are…”

The soldier stopped abruptly when the conversation was halfway. He couldn’t go on. He was the same as the lieutenant, who used to be Booth’s men. More than half of the troops stationed are not just two people. When they received the flyers, the papers that said General Booth had sought refuge in the Eagles, what they felt was not anger, but guilt. They did not believe that the general would do such a thing.

At this time, Yass can be sure of one thing, that is, the enemy lied, Booth impossible with such a team, they filed out, there is no formation, and there is no effective command, like It’s a group of robbing houses. This is the battle method of the Eagles, not General Booth’s! He did not treason!

So, he wants to stay, he wants to prove it.

“The whole army! Defeating the camp!!”

The imperial army with topographical advantages immediately launched a counterattack. The position of the half-hill slope is very good, and the enemy’s bows and arrows are easily blocked by obstacles. And your own bow and arrow can accidentally hit the enemy. It takes a lot of effort for the enemy to climb up. They stand on it and have only one thing to do, and that is to prevent the opponent from approaching.

The battle situation suddenly became stalemate, and the attacking Eagle Corps soldiers were frustrated. Facing the enemy’s arrow rain, they slowly fell into the wind. Slowly, this evolved into a funny offense.

Lass is also there. He can’t shoot arrows, nor can he attack magic remotely. What he can do is to lift a big rock as much as possible and then smash it down. This is very useful, even if it smashes. Not hitting the enemy’s head or hitting the foot can stop people from moving forward.

The soldiers who stayed in the camp were very excited. They knew that this was a battle with fewer enemies and more enemies, but no one flinched. Everyone was fighting in blood.


“Don’t let them come up!”

Strong soldiers stand at the forefront, using their bodies and shields to resist the enemy On the offensive, they desperately pushed the enemy down, which became a duel of strength. The archers shoot arrows desperately, and the magicians desperately cast their magic.

But human strength is not infinite, arrows will always run out, magician’s magic power will also be exhausted.

Soon, the inferiority of the number of people showed up, the enemy still rushed up from Danger Land, they could only rush forward, because behind them were their gunheads and sharp swords, once they stopped , May be hurt by their own people, and want to survive, they can only run forward desperately. Apart from this, the rewards of the eagle regiment army are very simple. Every time you kill a person, you will be promoted to Level 1. The higher the level, the more rewards and land you will get, and the more you stand back.

As long as it reaches the level of Hundred-men Commander, as long as it is not annihilated, it will almost never die. After leaving the army, the rewards and land they received were enough to allow them to marry the most beautiful girl in the village and live the rest of their lives lavishly.

However, no one has calculated the number of Hundred-men Commanders, nor has they calculated the total amount of land they can get. In fact, their theoretical land area has exceeded that of Cali The total area of ​​the Sri Lanka Empire is even half the size of the Dragon Boat Empire, but no one has calculated it, so no one knows.

The enemy broke through the first line of defense, and the melee began. During the battle, the soldiers only knew to kill people who were dressed differently from them. They didn’t even know where they were, which was where they were. Is after.

The well-trained imperial soldiers resisted stubbornly. Even if the enemy is few, they still make the enemy pay a very heavy price.

This was a battle without a winner. Both the Eagle Regiment and the Imperial Soldiers died, many of them.

Russ surrounded by this, he was lucky to survive, perhaps because the soldiers Uncle took care of himself and made him stand at the back of the team. Until the end, he also killed a few enemies, but there were too many enemies, and he could feel powerless.

“Go! Kid, hurry!”

At this moment, a soldier uncle yelled to Russ.

“You’re still young, don’t die here, go! Don’t let them catch, they will cut off your head and go back to exchange money, run fast, ran into the forest, and walk towards the big army. Go tell the lord the news, hurry! This is an order.”

Russ can’t distinguish East, West, North, and South. The enemy and the friendly are intertwined. He is panting, his body is full of blood. , Is the blood of the enemy.

He took a step forward, moved towards one direction, but was slammed.

“The enemy is over here! Over there! Withdraw over there!”

The frightened Lars immediately changed direction. He heard the sound of swords whistling in his ears, very close. He didn’t stop, just took a heavy step, moved towards the forest and ran.

The empire is defeated, and the eagle group will not stay alive, so there are only two choices, either fight to the end or escape.

Many people fled. They threw down their weapons, took off the armor that was in the way, and compared them with the soldiers who were still fighting. They were cowards.

So is Lars, at least he himself thinks so. Stepping into the deep snow, he walked forward desperately, and a whistling sound came from behind his ears. The instinct trained by the killer made him tilt his head suddenly, and a white feather arrow flew past his face. He felt a tingling pain in his face, and then a warm liquid came out.

He didn’t think about that many, and kept on running hard. There are companions in front, and soldiers who wear the same clothes as you, follow them, and you can live by following them…

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