The bonfire is burning in the snow, and the front part of the body facing the fire will feel a little warm, but the back is cold.

But the werewolf’s fur can keep warm, Bray sighed, and a long white smoke was exhaled from his mouth. He looked behind him with the corner of his light, only to see a few elves staring at it quietly, they were sitting On one side, each has weapons in their hands.

Huh, what a warm hospitality.

Bray is taunted.

“By the way, Elder sister, how come you are in this place? I heard that you should live in a big forest with a beautiful house.”

Fuyin Asked curiously, Bray felt that the timing of her question was not good. After many elves heard this, their expressions changed slightly, and they slowly lowered their heads.

The current elven queen Kekri sighed, she thought for a few seconds, she should be wondering if she wanted to tell them.

“We have gone through many disasters and lost our original residence. We can only wander here, looking for a new home.”

She looked thoughtful and said that the once great spirit Spirit The King country looks like this now, which is really embarrassing.

“Don’t talk about this, anyway, our elves and your dwarves are also somewhat related. Thousands of years ago, we were still very close allies.”

“Really? I never knew about this. Can you tell me more about it? At that time, would we dwarves use magic?”

Fu Yin asked excitedly.

After hearing this, Kekree laughed and said: “I don’t know this. I just heard a piece of history from my mother when I was a kid. Apart from some problems in your dwarf kingdom, the forest is polluted and the river water Became dirty, and the dwarf king was helpless at the time. He quickly thought of the Guardian of the forest, that is, our elves…”

The elven queen Kirk said that history with a smile, although from The stories told by the elves must beautify the elves a lot, but everyone can still feel the power of the elves and dwarves at that time. They will not be weaker than human beings. During that period of glory, many races were so prosperous.

But now, most of them are withered, and even humans are a lot weaker.

“I didn’t expect that era. I also heard from Royal Father. We used to be a very powerful kingdom.”

Fuyin said.

“Royal Father? Are you a dwarf Princess?”

The young elf queen was a little surprised. This extraordinary little girl is actually the Princess of a country? This World is too small.

“en! That’s right.”

“Fuyin Princess! You forgot what Lord Wang said!”

“Yes, don’t expose it easily Your own identity.”

The three dwarves behind them quickly whispered to persuade.

“What’s the relationship, anyway, the elves and the dwarves are friends, and we are also brothers and sisters now. Thousands of years ago we helped each other, we should help each other now.”

She Innocently speaking, Bray was very worried in his heart that this immature dwarf Princess would definitely stab Lou Zi.

Kikri smiled bitterly, allies, it seems that the brothers and sisters who are in trouble are almost the same. The dwarves that have disappeared for thousands of years, and the elves that are on the verge of extinction, their ancestors must have never imagined that the future will be so down.

“Ah, yes, I have one thing, that is the proof of friendship that you dwarves gave us.”

Speaking, she took the strange bracelet on her arm After coming down, this bracelet is very strange, it is very beautiful, but Fuyin and the others think it is more like…a crown, with many beautiful crystal gems on it, there is nothing wrong with it, this is the craftsmanship of dwarves, and there are also A small line of text.

“May the friendship between the dwarf and the elves last forever.”

That is the text of the dwarf, and there is a line behind it: The gate of the dwarf kingdom is always open for you.

“This! This is the work of our ancestors!”

Fuyin opened her eyes wide, she was very excited, she touched and touched her little hand, only she, as a Dwarf Race, I know how precious this bracelet is. This is not something that can be beaten with a hammer, but a very costly method, that is, the dwarf’s unique melting core furnace, which can extract the characteristics of different metals and fuse them together. Different formulas will produce differences. The metal, and this bracelet, it is a special metal smelted by a lost formula. It transcends the boundaries of metal, can have terrifying ductility like life, and can repair itself.

“Can I really accept it?”

“Please accept it, I hope we can continue to help each other like our ancestors.”

“We Yes.”

The dwarf Princess and the Elf Queen looked at each other and smiled. In the eyes of Werewolf Bray, they are not like the Queen and Princess. Kirkley does not have the majesty and coldness of the Queen. Fu Yin is more like a tomboy.

This was supposed to be a diplomatic session, but the scene was just chatting with two ordinary persons. He yawned, and the night slowly deepened. I don’t know when, he was used to acting during the day and at night. To sleep, he would hunt in the forest at night a year ago. Now, he and his companions embark on an unfathomable mystery journey…

Looking at the campfire, Bray fell asleep unconsciously, maybe Because he was too tired, he hadn’t had a good night’s sleep for a long time. Perhaps it was because too many people around him were watching him. This kind of tension made him sleep better.

The voice of the conversation slowly faded, and the crackling of the campfire was getting farther and farther away from him. He seemed to be lying in a small boat on the sea, drifting out slowly, everything was far away from him. Go…

In the early morning, when the cold wind blows, Bray, who is asleep, feels an itchy sensation in his nose.


Bray sneezed while shaking his head. After squinting his eyes, he found that the sky was already bright, and the campfire beside him was still burning, but the other elves had already gone to work.

“Get up, the sun is tanning, Mr. Wolf, you are still sleeping late.”

A clear voice came. It was the guy Fuyin, Bray sighed, and opened helplessly. Eyes, she squatted in front of her, playing with his nose with that damn goose feather.

It’s not the first time for her.

“Don’t do it, I’m up.”

Bray gave up the struggle and got up from the ground. The hair on his back was stained with a lot of snow. He shook his body and deliberately Those snow fell on Fu Yin’s body.

“Ah!! hahaha.”

She smiled and ran away, like a little child.

It’s not bad to travel with her. Although she sometimes gets into trouble, her child-like optimistic nature affects the people around her. She has a special ability that makes people hate does not raise.

When the surrounding elves saw this scene, they couldn’t help but laughed. Bray knew they were here to monitor him.

“What are your plans.”

Bray yawned and asked.

“I want to help them.”

“How to help? We are all finished.”

“Help them hunt and spend the winter together. “

But winter has just arrived…

The werewolves wanted to tell the cruel truth. The elves don’t have any food, and most of them can’t survive this winter, regardless of It’s useless to work hard.

“There is a group of deer around here, it’s time for you to show your strength.”

“When is my strength hunting, hey, forget it, where.”


The werewolf stood up.

He hasn’t hunted for a long time, and now he hears the word hunting and his blood is ignited.

The elf hunters were shocked when they heard that a werewolf was about to join the hunting team, and their lover Princess showed up with the werewolf in front of them. After all, the other party was a guest, so they didn’t dare to say anything.

The elves living in the forest rarely hunt, and they don’t even eat meat, but in extraordinary times, they need to pick up bows and arrows to feed themselves. With their arrow technique, hunting should be easy, but now they are encountering difficulties.

The moose herd are very vigilant. Once they find something unusual in the snow, they will immediately run away. Their senses are very keen and very clever. Since the elves have successfully hunted two or three times, they will never catch them again.

Now Mr. Werewolf is here. He is an expert in hunting. Compared to Demon Race, he prefers to call himself a part of the forest, a predator.

There are messy footprints on the snow, which are left by the elk, and there are their feces on them.

The hunting team came here, the werewolf took a look, and then said: “A total of seventeen, four of them are young, one is injured, we have to grab the other injured.”

After hearing this, several elves were speaking in their own language, and Fu Yin asked incomprehensibly: “How do you know there are wounds among them? There is no blood here.”

The werewolf laughed confidently. He moved his eyes away from the footprints and turned to the snow in the distance, saying: “The smell can tell me many things, even some things don’t even know him.”

” Is it so magical?”

Fu Yin asked suspiciously, and sniffed it through her nose. She couldn’t smell anything.

“For example, an hour ago, you sprinkled it at a distance of 300 meters over there…”

“Hey, hey! I believe it, I believe it. ! Stop talking.”

Fu Yin blushed and interrupted quickly, but she didn’t want people to know these things.

The werewolf showed a triumphant smile, which is regarded as an enemy of getting up in the morning.

“Then how do we hunt them?”

“They won’t let us go to the front or surround them, we can only approach them slowly downwind , At about four or five hundred meters, you will notice them when you get close to them, and then one strike certain kill as much as possible.”

The werewolf held his hand and said, it is very experienced, those damn elk are very strong , Ordinary bows and arrows can’t even hurt their fur, they can knock down a tree when they are crazy.

At this time, the elf hunter team came to the conclusion that the blue-eyed elf, who seemed to be called Laray, glanced at the two of them, and then said: “We don’t need a Sharo to teach us Hunting, let’s go.”

As they said, they walked forward along their footprints, leaving behind two lonely people. They stood in place, watching their backs leaving.

“Do they think I was too young to take me?”

Fu Yin suddenly turned around and asked.

“No, although there is this factor, it is mostly because of me.”

The werewolf was shrugged.

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