“Your Majesty! A quick book came from the front!”

In the Imperial Palace, a soldier ran in quickly.

At this time, singing and dancing were flourishing in the great hall. The king had his stomach straight, his left hand on his face, and his mouth open. A maid took a small fruit and fed it into his mouth.

The soldier felt that he was a little out of place. He knelt under the throne. Behind him was a group of dancing girls. The king didn’t say a word, and he never saw the soldier. This made the latter feel the pressure like a mountain, and the cheerful dance music around him was so noisy.

“What’s the news?”

“General Booth guarded the dragon bridge and defeated the invading enemy, beheading the enemy general Fik.” The soldier replied, He tried his best to allow his voice to reach the king’s ears, while not too much to influence the surrounding music too much.

“hmph, this is as I expected.” The king said disdainfully.

The soldier continued: “Also, General Booth is requesting reinforcements, and there is a letter, please read it.”

As he said, he dragged a letter cautiously. A maid came down, took the envelope, and returned to the king’s side.

The king looked impatient. He took the letter and scanned it. Just as he was about to throw it away, he suddenly froze for a while, then blinked his eyes and pushed him away with one hand. The maid who feeds, sits upright.

“What! He dare! It’s the other way around!”

The king suddenly scolded in a rage, and the dancer and the music player stopped in fright.

“What are you looking at?! Keep playing!”

The sound of music started again, and the dancing girl jumped up again, as if nothing happened just now.

“Damn it, I shouldn’t let this hairy boy go, forget it. Send my order, send 10,000 reinforcements, go to the front line, hurry!”

The king’s attitude is one Suddenly, an army was sent out. Not many people knew the reason. Many ministers admired Booth, and they were able to make the king change his mind. They were also curious about what method General Booth used to force the king to send an army.

The thing for sure is that the king will definitely not change his mind just because he wins a battle. The ministers know this very well.

They were never expected, and Booth used the union.

“General Booth, we may not be able to agree to your request.”

In the office of the adventurer union, a middle age person named Yibo, the chairman of the branch, shook his head and said, and Booth sat in front of him as a guest.

“As a general, you should know that when it comes to the internal affairs of the empire, our adventurer workers will only remain neutral and do not favor any side. What we can do is protect civilians.”

The union president said so, which made Booth feel very frustrated and angry. The Calis Empire sold a large amount of food to the union at a low price, and provided it with a large amount of young soldiers and money, but in exchange for it It’s just sitting on the sidelines during disasters.

But Booth didn’t express his emotions. It didn’t make sense, but it only made things worse.

“I know, but I hope you can ensure that the ship does not fall into the hands of the Eagles, and has always maintained a neutral position.” Booth continued.

“That is inevitable, young generals, you can rest assured, if they dare to do something with us, this is good news for you.” The president said with a smile.

Booth couldn’t laugh. By that time, the empire had fallen, and what the union did was meaningless to the Calis Empire.

After some discussion, he still failed to persuade the union to stop the merchant ship from working.

Fortunately, his threat was successful. In the afternoon, he received the secret order and the king sent reinforcements. But he didn’t expect the king to send only 10,000 people. This is extremely stingy. , But it’s better than nothing.

The river is a long river, which is a huge monster with a width of more than 10,000 meters. It is not so easy to cross it. On the side of the pier, General Booth’s army has already been deployed. Dozens of magic cannons are facing the river. Once someone sails across the river, they will be blown to pieces.

However, in the evening, a young man standing in a calm boat with a bamboo pole was approaching the dock.


“General Booth!”

The stalking soldier shouted immediately, Booth went to the dock and squinted his eyes. , He saw a thin boy wearing a shabby blue clothed.

The opponent had no intention to dodge at all, and he drove straight in. There was an explosive heretical magic that caused the living person to rush towards the enemy with the explosive Demonic Artifact, and then detonated to strike the enemy.

The Eagle Group has done similar things, although they do not admit it.

The soldiers became nervous. They held their weapons and yelled and stopped far away! No need to get close! Things like that.

The opponent was frightened, stopped in the river not knowing what to do, and was almost washed away by the current.

He got closer, about ten meters away from the pier, so that the bamboo poles were inserted in the bottom of the river so that they would not be washed away.

“What are you doing?”

The soldier yelled at it.

“The fisherman.”

“Go back! It’s a big battle!”

“But my house is here.”

Shouted the boy.

“What evidence do you have? What is your name?”

“My name is Sangou.”

The other party said a strange name, but in This area is not surprising, children always have some strange nicknames.

“Where is your family?”

When the soldier asked this sentence, there was a silent silence.

“The flood washed away.”

The other party shouted.

Hearing this, everyone pityed each other on the one hand, and became vigilant on the other.

They looked towards Booth, Booth frowned, and whispered to the soldiers beside him: “Go and check to see if there is such a person.”


After the soldiers left, Booth was nodded, and the young man was able to land.

He is a thin boy, maroon’s hair, very ordinary.

“You can’t get close to the river now, do you know?”

“Huh? Oh, I don’t know, I’m fishing.”

The young man was a little scared Said, he came to the shore carrying a basket of fish, and when he turned his head, he saw the soldiers carrying his boat to the shore. He had some not knowing what to do and wanted to go up and stop, but was stopped.

“We will keep it for you for a short time. Don’t worry, you won’t take you. Before checking your identity, you have to stay with us for a while.”

After that, a few soldiers surrounded it.

“You guys, do you want fish?”

The boy shrank his head, looking a little unwise.

General Booth glanced at him and said, “Take him away first, don’t stay here.”


“Hey? Hey! Me, my boat.”

“Leave your boat alone, go and go!”

The boy was taken away by his men like this, but for some reason, the boy gave Booth felt uncomfortable all over, he felt that the other party’s stupidity was pretending. So he kept an eye on him, until the evening his men brought a few fishermen over.

“Ah! Sangou, yes, there is such a person, it’s so pitiful, his family lives on the shore, and the floods have washed away a few years ago…”


The fishermen confirmed the identity of the teenager, and Booth was frowned standing in front of them. He stared at the three dogs and was silent for a while. The other party seemed to be a little afraid of him, and kept his head down, not daring to look at him.

“General? How do you deal with this boy?”

The soldiers some not knowing what to do, they felt that the atmosphere was a little bad, and the fishermen who brought them were obviously panicked. , This boy was also very scared.

“Go back, don’t be near the coast during this time.”

Booth said.

“Thank you, my lord.”

After that, the fisherman left with the three dogs.

When they left, a cloud of haze appeared on Sangou’s face.

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