Ding Dong!

Suddenly a voice came from the entrance of the cave, and the hunter who was guarding the campfire felt his heart for a while.

“The strange demon! The strange demon is here!”

He immediately shouted, took up his weapon, and was asleep in the cave with more than twenty people.

Hakkar immediately opened his eyes. As a thorn in the eye of the fox, he sleeps at the outermost position. Even when he sleeps, he maintains a high degree of vigilance, even if no one wakes him up. , He will wake up naturally if something happens.

Just as the three of them yelled, he opened his eyes, and suddenly only heard a sound of landing, and a pair of eyes suddenly appeared in front of him.

That was the head of the companion, falling in front of him.

At that moment, the cells in his body came to his senses.

“Enemy attack!!”

He roared, and immediately turned around and picked up the long spear. The power of his tail was exerted to its extreme, and it bounced from the ground instantly. At the same time, a sharp stab foot stuck in the place where he was just lying down.

Hakkar jumped to the wall, stepped on it with his feet, and leaped away suddenly.


The screams came from behind him. He looked back and saw that it was a monster about two and a half meters high, with six feet on his lower body. The upper body has hands like praying arms. The most terrifying thing is its head, tumor-like eyes, and ant-like jaws.

Its feet are very sharp, and a hunter who was too late to react was penetrated through its body. At this time, it was still inserted under its feet and wailed fiercely.

Obviously its main weapon is that scary arms, sharp praying man-arm knife, the night watch hunter was instantly split in half, the trap at the entrance of the cave did not cause damage to it, and it was able to rush in. Kill the night watchman.

He has never seen such an opponent. Years of hunting experience tells him absolutely not to make a move at this time.

In just a few seconds, the terrifying monster launched an attack, brandishing Death God’s Scythe, rushing to the crowd quickly, and the hunter collapsed.

“What are you afraid of! There is only one enemy! Attack!”

At this moment, the fox shouted, he appeared in the crowd, holding a strange Bamboo tube, he put the weapon in his mouth, aimed at the enemy, blew it fiercely, swished, and a feathered arrow flew out. When he touched the terrifying monster, peng sound suddenly exploded.

The hunters did not dare to care, some pulled up their bows, some picked up the noose, and some set up lance.

Behind the flame, the strange demon was unscathed, but then there was a fierce arrow rain, crackling on it, and the hard shell burst out a lot of fire. The hunters tried their best, the iron chain flew, and immediately entangled the strange demon, and the net that trapped the prey, the sling, and the rope. The two held the other end of the rope and put the strange demon. fix.

At this moment, the bear-like hunter slammed a huge hammer and rushed forward, hitting the alien demon with heavy blows.

bang! !

The huge power made the strange monster hit the wall and plunged directly into the wall.

“Get out!”

The fox yelled, and the bear hunter quickly moved away. The fox came forward. The right hand was holding a strange water bottle. It opened its mouth and sprayed. A blazing flame came out.

The temperature of the flame instantly made the cave hot, and the silhouette of the alien demon was also swallowed by the flame.

“No creature can survive from my hellfire! Everyone has worked so hard, and mourns our dead brother.”

The fox wiped his mouth and turned his head slowly. , The walls were burned red by the flames, and the strange demons were also motionless, and seemed to have died.

Everyone was in shock. After seeing the fox’s hand, they couldn’t help but admire them. When they relaxed, an unrealistic cold light appeared.

In front of everyone, the fox’s head flew up, and the alien monster behind him suddenly launched an attack. The speed was so fast that they did not even react, which means that as long as it is within its attack range Within, will undoubtedly die.

“Run! Go back to the door!”

At this moment, Haka from the lesser dragon shouted, it was clear that this opponent is not something they can deal with. This is by no means a test put in by the examiner, a real guy has come in! Their only hope is to open the steel door for help!


The bear hunter clenched the teeth, roaring and rushing up, it wielded the hammer, but its hands and eyes were instantly cut off, and it screamed The sound shook the ground. The hunters scattered and fled, stepping on the bodies of the people in front of them and rushing out of the cave.

Haka is also one of them. After it ran out, it looked towards the cave.

“monster! A monster broke in! Wake up if you don’t want to die!!”

It yelled, hoping that other team members would wake up and think of a way together Deal with this monster.

At this moment, a monster rushed out of the hole where they escaped, and the strange demon ran out following them, voices of despair continued.

Everyone moved towards the gate all the way.

Just then, a voice came.

“Miki Ginseng! Are you the monster?”

It’s Miki. After hearing the monster, he rushed out instantly, holding an iron rod, nothing Fearfully rushed towards the monster. The strange demon who followed Hakkar heard the sound and would go too far.

Although he is very selfish, Haka is stunned, but he doesn’t think Miki can beat that monster.

He ran desperately, Wuxia went to see the battle behind him, but he suddenly remembered something, and when he passed a hole, he suddenly stopped.

Candidate No. 371, a little bit, the smell of that guy is completely different from the others.

Hakkar didn’t know why he suddenly thought of this person, he immediately moved towards the entrance of the cave and shouted: “Hey! Come out, or it’s too late! The terrifying monster has appeared!!”

After speaking, his whole body was erected, and he felt an unprecedented fear.

For an instant, without a word, he turned to you, raised his left hand as a shield, and the right hand long spear slammed. Sure enough, the monster was behind him.

He only felt a sharp pain in his left hand. The hard scales that the lesser dragons are proud of were instantly broken open. He watched the spear stabbing on the opponent’s body, breaking and rebounding. The power made his right hand hurt, and he flew out instantly.


Haka resisted this blow with a strong body, but he knew that next time he would not be so lucky, he fell to the ground immediately move back.

The strange demon slowly walked towards him and raised the Death God sickle.

Just when he was desperate, a small silhouette suddenly appeared in front of him.

That guy!

He was shocked. There was more than one reason for the shock. The other party didn’t wear a hat and had no horns on his head…

bang! !

Suddenly a white light turned on and the monster was shot out. A deep white wound appeared on Rena’s right hand, and white blood was shed.

But the wound healed in an instant.

“Huh! It hurts.”

Rena smiled and said, Hakkar couldn’t understand at all, he backed away in shock.

Suddenly, Rena and the monster jumped up at the same time, and a battle was about to start.

Haka described the scene at the time, but Heilige and Niu Yi could not imagine the scene at that time from his description.

“Finally, I saw her incarnate as Goddess, flying to the edge of the cliff with the monster, and falling down with the monster.”

Helig stared wide-eyed, He showed a look of regret and gradually bowed his head.

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