Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 86: The Five Saints have come out of seclusion. I have been waiting for you for a long time

Chapter 86 The Five Saints have come out of seclusion. I have been waiting for you for a long time (Thank you to the helmsman for his long-cherished wish 0805)

 The plateau land is barren.

This is where demons live, and the evil spirit is extremely strong.

 There are a large number of ancient palaces built scatteredly and divided into multiple territories.

At the moment when the three generations of ghost saints died, many powerful wills were suddenly awakened, and their spiritual thoughts swept out, intending to check the movement of Tianyuan.

 “The breath of three generations has disappeared! Who has set foot on the plateau?”

There were earthquakes in all directions, and ancient spiritual thoughts reached into the abyss of the sky, hundreds of miles away in an instant.

 The strength of these few is second only to the Third Generation Ghost Saint, and they are the masters and leaders of the local demon group on the plateau.

It is also similar to the genius of the human race who failed in the competition for the Heavenly Monument, but here it is the Five Directions Ghost Mountain.

 No matter how the leader of the group changes, they will only obey the orders of the messengers from the Five Directions Ghost Mountain.

 The so-called messengers are the most talented and powerful in history.

The supreme being who was proclaimed a ghost saint by the evil spirits of the Five Directions Ghost Mountain.

 Following the will of the five ghost saints, they have killed and plundered resources from generation to generation.

 Refining the human race to obtain majestic energy and blood, and continuing the continuous development and growth of the demon race.

Countless powerful human beings died in their hands.

 Not long after, he was swept by his spiritual thoughts.

 They all saw a figure that broke all the restrictive forces in Tianyuan and entered the plateau!

"Who is this person? The third generation of saints was killed?"

The panic suddenly broke out, before a new Ghost Saint was born in the Five Directions Ghost Mountain.

Tianyuan has always been guarded by the ghost saints of the previous generation to prevent the human army from taking the opportunity to attack.

 But now, Shen Changqing has broken the Tianyuan restriction and entered the plateau territory alone, which can only prove that the third generation ghost saint is dead!

The hegemonic edge that swirled out of his body, wrapped with the invisible Lingtian Sword Intent, shattered the sky-wide restrictions on foot, and the sight of many ancient demons was heart-breaking.

 The moment Shen Changqing entered the plateau territory, he was sensed by almost all the demon groups.

Countless eyes looked over at him, their ferocity rising.

 But immediately after, their eyes suddenly froze, and their hearts filled with boundless fear.

The overwhelming sword shadow split the sky, fell across the sky, and instantly penetrated the eyebrows.

 The **** sword swept across, unstoppable!

Just walking slowly as Shen Changqing walked, thousands of demons died on the spot with every step he took.

Screams came one after another. Some demons saw the sword shadows sweeping across the sky. They were frightened and wanted to turn around and escape, but they were still caught up by the sword shadows.

This scene fell into the eyes of many ancient palaces and demon lords, forming an absolute shock.

“Who are you? There is no martial sage from all directions with your name!”

Shen Changqing has arrived in front of a black castle. A blood river waterfall pours down, and countless human skulls are floating in the blood pool.

 There was a supremely powerful man with magic horns growing on his forehead, and the hairs all over his body stood up, staring at him.

Since the birth of Wufang Ghost Mountain, no strong human being has ever been able to enter the plateau alone.

 Shen Changqing is the first!

If Shen Changqing is not the Martial Saint left behind from the past, then he is the new Martial Saint of this generation.

 Those who hold swords must be called Sword Master.

However, after so many years, countless sword cultivators have been born in the ten directions, but no one can suddenly understand the secret of the Heavenly Monument Sword Master.

 Why is there such a genius of the human race in this generation?


 He did not receive any response, but the sword light flashed, piercing the center of his eyebrows in an instant, shattering all life.

 Shen Changqing continued to walk to the next castle palace.

"When the ghost saints from the five directions come out of seclusion, I will take your life and slaughter all the people in your house!"

 The second demon lord laughed. He knew that he was no match for Shen Changqing, so he simply gave up the resistance.

  But before he died, he still spoke nonsense.

 “It seems you are very confident.”

Shen Changqing's eyes were filled with interest.

 “More than that?”

The demon lord sneered.

“Four hundred years ago, your human race’s ten martial saints fought against the Ghost Mountain, but nine warrior saints died outside the abyss.”

"Four hundred years later, the Five Directions Ghost Mountain will choose another envoy, and his talent will be several times higher than that of the previous generation!"

“There is even a whirling ghost baby who took over the supreme creation at the age of ten and became the first ghost saint in the contemporary era!”

 “You humans…”

 Shen Changqing lost patience and walked past him.

   The neck was broken, the skin and flesh were separated from the neck, the head was thrown away and the blood was shed.

 From these few sentences, it can be seen that it is not just the ten directions of the earth.

This time, a rare peerless genius appeared, a figure of ancient freak level.

Even the Five Directions Ghost Mountain has given birth to ghost saints that far surpass those of previous generations.

 In the great world of cultivation, the spiritual energy of various realms in the Xuanhuang Realm rises and revives explosively.

This is not limited to demons, but also to all races of creatures in more distant places.

With this thought in mind, Shen Changqing continued walking on the plateau.

 Behind him, blood had already flowed into a river, and corpses were everywhere.

 The overwhelming sword shadows roared across the sky, in every direction.

The screams from the demon tribe were endless and lingered on the plateau for a long time.

 For Shen Changqing, he came to the plateau alone with only one purpose.

 Repay your parents for their kindness in raising you.

Let the entire ancient Xuanyuan clan not leave a drop of blood and not a single person die.

 This is Shen Changqing's selfish intention.

 He hopes that his parents will live well until they die.

If you want to talk about it more broadly, it is the mission and sense of responsibility that a contemporary martial sage in Shuzhou should have.

 After all, four hundred years ago, the Shifang Martial Saints fought against Guishan, but nine of them died heroically.

Looking across the land in all directions, there were countless casualties and extremely tragic events.

If this battle must be fought, then the battlefield must be the demon's lair.

 This is Shen Changqing’s overall view.


  One month later.

 The cold wind howled on the plateau, and the wind carried a strong smell of blood.

There are no more sharp screams in the sky, and there is no more half-demon figure that moves. Skeletons were piled up among the major palaces, and the blood soaked the ground and dyed patches of withered yellow weeds red.

It was quiet, and the entire plateau felt like the end of the world.

Ten thousand paths of human traces have been wiped out, thousands of mountains and birds have disappeared!

 Shen Changqing was stationed outside Wufang Ghost Mountain.

 A white shirt, spotless.

Only with a slightly tired face, he stared at the forbidden area that was completely enveloped by a mysterious force.

 Seeing this restricted area, Shen Changqing was basically certain of his previous inner guesses.

  When the Heavenly Monument gave birth to the Martial Saint, there were also restricted areas that opened and closed.

 It cannot be broken through, cannot be resolved, and exists the power of the laws of heaven and earth.

The same is true for these five ghost mountains, which stand in the center of the plateau.

 They twine around each other and tower into the clouds, forming some kind of lotus lantern shape.

 The revelation of the forbidden realm also proved that the corpse that fell at the end of the ghost mountain was actually a treasure in a distant continent.

Perhaps he came out too early, and there was silence in the Five Directions Ghost Mountain.

The five powerful ghost saints that were arrogantly mentioned in the mouth of the demon lord before were beyond their previous existence and are still in retreat.

Shen Changqing remained silent for a while, and finally sat cross-legged outside Wufang Ghost Mountain.

If possible, he would like to use his heaven-defying talent to try to understand the laws of heaven and earth.

  Time passes little by little, and in the blink of an eye, spring turns to winter and comes again.

  The wind howls on the plateau, and the wild grasses wither and fade, but then take on new life.

That black monster corpse gradually eroded day and night, leaving only white bones.

 I don’t know how many years have passed.

 Finally, the flowing river of blood dried up.

Dense trees grew out of the white bones.

 The ancient palace has been neglected and has dried into ruins.

 Until this day, boom!

  A huge storm was set off by the Five Directions Ghost Mountain, and the black barrier surged outward for thousands of miles, covering the sky and the sun in an instant.

The cold and evil Yin and Luo elements opened and closed, revealing wisps of soul-stirring aura fluctuations.

 At the top of the Wufang Ghost Mountain, which is 100,000 feet high, there is a huge black coffin.

 From the black coffin, there were spatial distortion fluctuations.

Immediately afterwards, five figures who exuded a terrifying aura walked out.

 The leader had **** hair and a face as pale as snow.

The eyes are dark and emotionless, indifferent to everything.

This is the entire Five Directions Ghost Mountain, the most powerful ghost saint in the contemporary era - the whirling ghost saint.

 “Now that you have come out of seclusion, offer sacrifices with the blood of human beings.”

Whispers came out, and the five ghost saints looked towards the sky in the distance, where they belonged to the land of the ten directions.

 One of the ghost saints showed strong greed in his eyes and licked his scarlet lips.

“It’s been so many years, I’ve almost forgotten the taste of human food.”

 Another Ghost Saint immediately took a few steps forward and looked around the Five Directions Ghost Mountain. He frowned and snorted coldly.

 “You bastard! Why don’t you see the leaders of the twelve tribes coming to worship you?”

 The entire Wufang Ghost Mountain is deserted.

 The restraining power has disappeared, and there should be tens of thousands of demons worshiping, but there is no sign of them.

 “Let’s go down the mountain.”

 Finally, the whirling ghost saint got up and walked out of the mountain.

The remaining four ghost saints did not hesitate, and followed closely behind them as they swept through the monstrous evil waves.

Soon, after just walking a few miles, they discovered that it was not just the dead silence near the Ghost Mountain.

 Even the entire plateau area has completely lost all traces of the demon!

"what happened?"

 “Where are the leaders of the twelve tribes?”

 “Where are the thousands of troops of my kinsmen?”

 The five ghost saints looked at each other in shock and confusion, feeling extremely absurd.

They just shut themselves up, why are they alone?

 “The breath of the third generation has also disappeared...”

The black eyes of the Whirling Ghost Saint were like falling stones on a calm lake, causing huge ripples.

 He could sense that the three generations of ghost saints far away in the direction of Tianyuan also disappeared without a trace.

 This situation caught the five ghost saints by surprise.

 They had no way of knowing what was going on here.

 “Have the leaders of the twelve tribes already declared war on the human race?”

 The five ghost saints were silent for a long time.

 Finally, they all opened and closed their majestic spiritual thoughts and swept across the entire plateau area.

 The next moment, the faces of the five ghost saints changed drastically.

 They saw numerous bones.

The grass on the graves of the demon leaders of the twelve tribes is dozens of feet high!

 “Who did it?”

 The Five Great Ghost Saints’ spines were filled with endless chills.

 Suddenly, the whirling ghost saint noticed something.

He suddenly looked into the distance, his pupils suddenly condensing violently.

Youdao's figure, wearing a white shirt, was sitting there quietly cross-legged.

 No breath is exposed, as if it is integrated with heaven and earth.

 “The martial saint in the world?”

 The five ghost saints all looked at each other.

  A terrifying wave of power erupted from the whole body in an instant, and Ling Tian stared at Shen Changqing with overwhelming momentum.

As the sound spread, Shen Changqing's closed eyes finally slowly opened.

 He looked up, his eyes dim, revealing a trace of vicissitudes and calmness.

 “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

 (End of this chapter)

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