Chapter 8 Sages of the Ages

The vast righteousness in the sky turned into a rolling tide, flowing freely along Shen Changqing's body, continuing to clear away the fog.

The light of the Baizhang Golden Wheel of Merit was reflected in the sky and was quickly seen by Li Wen and Li Tongtong.

 The two of them were shocked and turned around sharply.

That dazzling halo is so dazzling!

“This is the direction of the catacombs. Could it be that a master from the Hall of Valor is coming?”

 General Chang Sheng continued to fight with the man in the bone mask of the Ghost Slave Sect. Although Li Tongtong was currently out of danger, he was still gritting his teeth and persisting under the threat of those summoned evil spirits.

However, after the majestic and righteous people came over in the distance, the expressions of many evil spirits showed fear and panic.

They retreated in a hurry, gave up their pursuit of Li Tongtong, and began to turn around and run away wildly.

It seems that if you are even half a step slower, if you are overwhelmed by that awe-inspiring righteousness, your soul will fly away!

This sudden scene also caused the face of the man in the bone mask to change.

Without hesitation, the big sleeves flicked up and disappeared quickly.

 “They ran away?”

Li Tongtong gasped for air, a little shocked.

No one expected that on the way back to Lucheng, two strong men from the Ghost Slave Sect would suddenly appear.

“Dare to attack the students of Yingling Academy? Is this Ghost Slave Cult crazy recently?”

Li Wen's face was quite ugly. After he was sure that the other party had left, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Looking at this appearance, the Ghost Slave Cult clearly got the information and set up an ambush here.

 Their target is Li Tongtong!

"Let's go back quickly. I'm worried that Shen Miao is in danger. The old man didn't chase her. He probably went to look for her."

Seeing that the crisis had been lifted and the fog had dissipated, Li Wen and Li Tongtong returned immediately.


 Cave, the end of darkness.

Everyone was completely silent, but there was a pair of red inverted jade eyes, staring at Shen Changqing's figure outside.

The eyes were a little suspicious at first, then revealed a deep fear, and then turned into exclamation.

His appearance is 80% similar to that of humans. Apart from the difference in pupils, there is also a tail growing on his back.

If Li Wen sees it, he will definitely recognize it at a glance. This is a person from the Xuanhuang Realm who came through the cave passage!

 “O sages through the ages…”

The jade-eyed man let out a long sigh, and he didn't know what kind of emotion it contained.

 He was attracted by the rich righteousness, and he didn't expect to see such a scene.

Xuanhuang Realm has gone through seven million years of civilization changes, and in the current Yuling Era, it has become the pinnacle of power and the absolute mainstream of ways to become stronger.

 The ancient strong men buried in the long river of history are enough to awe everyone.

The man with jade pupil knew very well what it meant to be able to contract an eternal sage.

Although this kind of sage is not the strongest, nor does he have terrifying killing and destructive abilities, the impact of his 'auxiliary' effect is beyond imagination!

 They may save the common people during their lifetime and capture the luck of an era.

 They may have created many pharmacopoeias, written a large number of secret laws, and were themselves gods of medicine.

They may also preach everywhere and have a large number of disciples and descendants. This kind of belief is the most terrifying.

 If you don’t do it well, in today’s era of guarding spirits, if you just raise your arms and call, your own heroic spirits will run to recognize their ancestors and return to their clan!

 So, even though Shen Changqing was a heroic spirit summoned by the people of Daxia, and his interests were in conflict with his own ethnic group, the jade-eyed man was still full of awe. Soon, black light gathered around him, and an ancient heroic spirit exuding an ancient aura and a strong sense of oppression appeared.

The jade-eyed man said respectfully: "Demon Lord."

The ancient heroic spirit known as the Six-Fingered Demon Lord nodded slightly and was also staring at Shen Changqing's figure outside, but there was not much emotion in his eyes.

As a legendary heroic spirit, the Six-Fingered Demon Lord was a powerful demon in the Xuanhuang Realm three thousand years ago.

 His arrival flattered the entire clan of jade-eyed men.

 He has the right to come and go as he pleases and is not subject to any control by the jade-eyed man.

 “You’ve found a great helper.”

 Six-fingered Demon Lord spoke calmly. He was wrapped in a rich demonic aura, accompanied by thrilling power fluctuations.

"I understand what the Demon Lord means, but since this little girl has contracted with an eternal sage, her identity must not be simple, and she may have a high-level background in Daxia behind her."

"Based on what I know about Daxia, this little girl is most likely Xia Beni. She has no reason to rebel."

The jade-eyed man explained that the Six-fingered Demon Lord had taken a liking to the eternal sage and wanted to take him under his wing, which was the same as his own.

 It is obvious that implementation is not easy.

“I don’t care who this little girl is, and no matter what method you use, without causing Daxia to notice, you must make her a member of your clan and the young commander of your clan!”

"The value of the eternal sage is far beyond your imagination. If she is really unwilling in the end, then destroy her, otherwise Daxia will only get stronger and stronger."

The six-fingered demon glanced at the jade-eyed man beside him, almost in a commanding tone.

“I understand, I will try my best to send someone to contact her.”

The jade-eyed man thought for a while, and then said: "We might as well cooperate with the Ghost Slave Cult. They have been secretly capturing many young geniuses recently."

“These young geniuses, without exception, all possess considerable innate abilities and can contract with ancient heroic spirits through some ancient media.”

"I heard that the Ghost Slave Cult conquered a ruins some time ago and found the medium of a terrible demon from the ruins. This should be the reason why they are so crazy and bold in attacking young geniuses."

 The Ghost Slave Sect holds the medium of a certain terrifying demon, but it suffers from the fact that no one in the entire sect can contract it and bring it back to the world.

Then he turned his attention to the young geniuses and wanted to use the abilities of these young geniuses to contract the demon.

 If this is the case, the Ghost Slave Sect will probably not let go of the little girl who has contracted with the eternal sage.

If he could make use of the Ghost Slave Cult, he would not only be able to pass the blame to them and prevent Daxia's anger from pouring on himself, but he would also have a chance to get the little girl.

 “What’s the name of that demon?”

After hearing this, the Six-fingered Demon Lord suddenly felt his heart sinking and had a bad premonition.

“It seems to have a name, it’s called Guixuluo.” The jade-pupiled man blurted out.

 “Ghost Xuluo?”

 Six-fingered Demon King's pupils suddenly shrank, and his whole body couldn't help but feel a little out of control and disordered.

 The nightmarish historical records struck again, and once again appeared clearly in his mind.

 “After the matter is done, the Ghost Slave Cult cannot stay.”

After saying this, the Six-fingered Demon Lord waved his sleeves and disappeared.

The jade-eyed man respectfully handed over his hands and began to prepare for all the next steps.

 (End of this chapter)

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