Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 77: Shuzhou cannot live without the Martial Saint

Chapter 77 Shuzhou cannot live without the Martial Saint

The year 2532 of the Tianbei Calendar.

 In this great age, the most talented people compete with each other.

On this day, all the forces in Shuzhou fell silent, and the Yuwen family felt sad and regretful.

Yu Wenyuan defeated Wu Xiu Xiu in the wilderness, and the history records recorded the fall of Mingyue.

 Same year, same day.

The glow of the Sky Monument Peak in Middle Earth reached straight into the sky, and the vast spiritual energy erupted, setting off a huge storm.

Blowouts occurred in major caves and blessed places, and the people cheered, causing a sensation all over the world.

On this day, a figure appeared at the foot of Tianbei Peak, carrying ninety-nine dazzling divine patterns on his back, and slowly climbed the stairs with a calm demeanor.

Nie Xingyuan became the first person to climb the mountain, and history records the beginning of the prosperous age of Middle-earth.


the other side.

 Shuluo Mountain in Shuzhou.

The sky is dark and there are constant flashes of thunder.

Ten years have passed in a hurry, Shen Changqing's long hair is flying, and his whole body reveals unfathomable aura fluctuations.

 In front of him, there were a total of more than twenty dead and incorruptible corpses.

There is no way to trace the identities of these corpses, but Shen Changqing still found clues about the Immortal Era from their remaining traces.

“It turns out that the origin of Wufang Ghost Mountain also originated from the fall of a corpse.”

Shen Changqing pondered for a moment, the origin of the evil spirits in the world in later generations was caused by some kind of turmoil in the Immortal Ancient Era.

Behind this turmoil, it seems that the Xuanhuang Realm, a mysterious intercontinental continent, is involved.

 It is located at the other end of the Xuanhuang Realm, extremely far away from Central Earth and Shuzhou.

 Just how did the corpse that was the source of the disaster fall into the Five Directions Ghost Mountain?

Shen Changqing could not guess that the twenty corpses in front of him were extremely powerful during their lifetimes, and they should have fought with the corpses from Wufang Ghost Mountain.

 While he was meditating, the jade slip in his arms radiated warmth.

Picked it up and saw that it was the news from Xuanyuan Taihua.

“The journey of divine marks is coming to an end. Nie Xingyuan from China has obtained ninety-nine divine marks and climbed to Tianbei Peak yesterday. ’

‘Shuzhou was in turmoil, and Yu Wenyuan was defeated by Wu Xiujiu in the wilderness. Shangguan Yulong of Zhongtu gathered his followers and wanted to wipe out all the remaining geniuses with divine patterns in Shuzhou. ’

  ‘If my son is not absolutely sure, no matter where he is, remember not to show up. How long can it take? ’

Shen Changqing raised his eyes and narrowed his eyes.

 “Yu Wenyuan...was defeated?”

 This news really surprised him.

 He then looked at the guardian of the sky monument, and saw a large number of ancient words imprinted on his body.

 The number of divine patterns on it is clearly revealed.

     Nie Xingyuan, from the Middle Earth, has ninety-nine divine patterns. 】

  【The prince of Xingzhou Wuma, the number of divine marks is ninety-three. 】

【Beiyuan Xiahou Lingyun, the number of divine marks is seventy-five. 】

  【Chinese-earth Shangguan Yulong, with forty divine patterns. 】

  【Central Emperor Yi Lin, the number of divine patterns is forty. 】


  【Shuzhou Xuanyuan Mark, the number of divine patterns is thirteen. 】

 Several names that have been imprinted on it for many years have disappeared.

Dugu Buhuo in the wilderness, Yu Wenyuan in Shuzhou, both were defeated.

 Shen Changqing stared for a long time, quite silent.

He has never fought against Yu Wenyuan, but the outside world is full of news that Yu Wenyuan controls the wilderness alone, and his powerful figure has long been obvious to everyone in the world.

 But unfortunately, Yu Wenyuan was defeated.

 What kind of prosperity is this era?

Even a genius like Yu Wenyuan, who is rare in ten thousand years, can only quit in despair?

 For a moment, Shen Changqing probably understood.

 Why did Middle-earth belong to the core of the surrounding lands during the time of demons and demons, and was a holy place for all people to worship.

 Because from now on, Middle-earth is beyond reach.

It is true that from the time he was born to the present 19,000 years ago, and from the time he obtained the Suzaku Divine Pattern, Shen Changqing's goal has always been to become stronger and to explore the secrets in history. Only by becoming stronger and knowing the secrets can we deal with some more difficult problems in reality.

 What he wants is that his will will not be bent by anyone.

 What he hopes is that his decision will not be changed by anyone.

 And now…

“Shuzhou cannot live without the name of Martial Saint.”

Shen Changqing lowered his head and murmured to himself, slowly clenching his fists and feeling the power of the Overlord Body.

The Xuanyuan Sword mark imprinted on the center of his forehead was also flickering slightly at this moment.

No matter how powerful the geniuses outside are, it’s time to face them now.

 With one step, he left Shura Mountain.

 The guardian of the sky monument behind him followed closely behind.

With the stormy weather, Shen Changqing shrunk to the ground and rushed towards Chen's house along the road.


 At this moment, in a cave somewhere in Shuzhou.

  A young man closed his eyes tightly, and while breathing calmly, rays of light were revealed from outside his body.

 The Great Heavenly Lord's power fluctuates, slowly flowing through the internal organs and the eight extraordinary meridians.

This person is Shangguan Yulong who came from China and prepared to climb Tianbei Peak in Shuzhou.

 Forty divine patterns are branded all over the body, exuding an extremely strong ancient aura.

Beside him, two followers looked overjoyed.

 “Congratulations, Brother Yulong, for finally breaking through to the Great Heavenly Lord!”

As the voice fell, Shangguan Yulong slowly opened his eyes, and a mysterious light flashed past.

 “How is the situation outside?”

 The two followers immediately responded: "Brother Nie has already climbed the Tianbei Peak, Brother Yi Lin is preparing to climb the peak in Xingzhou, and Wu Matthew from Xingzhou is said to be climbing the peak in Dahuang."

 Shangguan Yulong thought for a moment, and it seemed that Huangfu Yilin and Wu Xiu Xiu had indeed reached a consensus.

 In this case, he can only reach the peak in Shuzhou.

 At present, the number of divine patterns remaining in Shuzhou, including the Xuanyuan marks, is about thirty, which is basically enough.

“Have you found Xuanyuan Hen?” Shangguan Yulong asked again.

This genius recognized by the guardians of the Shuzhou Sky Monument has actually never experienced a battle in ten years.

 He seemed to have disappeared from the world. After defeating Tang Shaoqing that year, he never showed up again.

 The thirteen divine patterns on his body have not changed for a long time.

You should know that the more divine patterns there are, the more helpful it will be for the speed of practice.

Xuanyuan Hen has only had thirteen divine patterns in the past ten years, and his level of realm may have been far behind.

“Not yet. This person is strange to say. He has never taken the initiative to challenge anyone. It can be said that he has almost no ambition.”

 The two followers were also puzzled. Without the help of divine patterns, the progress of cultivation would definitely not be as good as theirs.

Now Shangguan Yulong has blessed forty divine patterns, and with his own natural ability, he has broken through to the level of a Great Heavenly Lord.

 For the same talent, the more divine marks, the better.

“Let’s start. It’s best to collect all the divine patterns in Shuzhou within half a year to avoid long nights and many dreams.”

Shangguan Yulong's eyes flickered slightly, ready to move towards Tianbei Peak in Shuzhou.


 The two followers stood up and prepared to conduct a sweep against the divine geniuses in Shuzhou.

But at this moment, a rainbow came rushing outside the cave. It was another follower, and he shouted urgently.

“Brother Yulong! I received news that Xuanyuan Hen was originally in Shura Mountain, and now he has gone down the mountain!”

After speaking, Shangguan Yulong and the two followers beside him all looked stagnant.

 Sura Mountain, the eternal forbidden land in Shuzhou?

Shangguan Yulong couldn't help but feel chills all over his body, and his eyes were solemn as never before.

Sura Mountain has a million-mile radius with no trace of human beings, and anyone who steps into it will encounter a forbidden attack.

Even the weakest thunder can annihilate the God Refining Realm into flying ashes.

 What kind of strength did Xuanyuan Hen have back then that he could stay in the forbidden area for ten years?

 (End of this chapter)

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