Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 73: The guardian who walked out of Tianbei Peak

Chapter 73 The Guardian who walked out of Tianbei Peak

“Give me another ten years, and in ten years I will definitely step into the Little Heavenly Palace!”

Yu Wenyuan saw that Ma Yi Yao Sheng was silent, and immediately took a deep breath, his eyes showing unprecedented determination.

 Deep in his heart, a high fighting spirit burst out.

 So far, there is no doubt that he belongs to the first echelon of divine geniuses in the entire Shu continent.

He is only eleven years old this year, but he has already broken through the Jinjin Realm, entered the God Refining Realm, and became a fifth-level master in the world.

This talent is enough to make him proud throughout the years, making him one of the few who can match him.

 Whether it is Xingzhou, or Middle-earth and Northern Plains.

Those top divine geniuses are basically adults.

 He has an absolute age advantage and growth potential. That was why the Medicine Saint Mai came down from the mountain and personally protected him.

"Of course I believe that this is not a problem for you. Before I return to the ruins, I should be able to witness you becoming the new Martial Saint."

Ma Yi Yao Sheng's eyes showed kindness. Seeing that Yu Wenyuan was full of fighting spirit, he smiled and nodded.

This also proves that he did not see the wrong person.

As a martial saint of the previous generation, what he can do now is to train the next generation so that he can continue to shine for the human race in his twilight years.

“Although age is your advantage, it is also a shortcoming. In the next ten years, you need to temporarily avoid other top talents.”

“Don’t face this Dugu Buhuo now. You might as well continue to challenge the other geniuses in the wilderness and come back when the time is right.”

Ma Yi Yaosheng made a decision in his heart and prepared to take Yu Wenyuan away from here.

When I got up, I saw the top of the mountain in the distance, which was the direction of the holy land of Dugu Buhuo.

There was a scene of ripples of light, a huge spiritual energy swirling around, and a figure that was full of the original aura of the heavenly monument!

It came from Tianbei Peak and landed above the Holy Land. It instantly attracted the attention of countless old eyes from all directions.

"This is?"

Ma Yi Yao Sheng also shrank his pupils, stared at the figure, and his breathing suddenly became rapid.

Yu Wenyuan was confused, but looking at the appearance of Medicine Saint Mayi, it was obvious that something big had happened.

 “Master, what’s wrong?”

Ma Yi Yao Sheng's body trembled, and then he burst into laughter.

“The guardians of the Heavenly Monument have come down from the mountain, proving that all the divine patterns on the Heavenly Monument Peak have been distributed, and the quota for this generation’s divine pattern geniuses is full!”

 There are only ninety-nine divine patterns in each realm.

 This also means that each realm can only produce a maximum of ninety-nine geniuses who can spy on the secrets of the Martial Saint.

  When the quota is full, a guardian will appear on the celestial monument on the celestial monument peak.

 This protector has no subjective consciousness and no ability to think for himself, but his strength is extremely terrifying!

 It is formed from the origin of the Heavenly Stele. In other words, it is some kind of supreme guardian puppet.

 It will choose a person to protect the path among up to ninety-nine geniuses with divine patterns.

There is no doubt that the divine genius who can be recognized by the guardians of the Heavenly Monument and used as the object of protection.

 That must prove that this genius has the most potential!

At this moment, the Great Wilderness Tianbei Peak walked out of the guardians and came to the location of Dugu Buhuo, which was equivalent to announcing to the entire Great Wilderness that Dugu Buhuo had the appearance of a martial saint!

The reason why Ma Yi Yao Sheng is so happy is because the peak of the Tianbei Peak in the ten directions affects the whole body.

If you guessed it correctly, the guardians of Tianbei Peak in other realms began to descend the mountain.

 Although in the previous generations, there were cases where the geniuses recognized by the Guardians of the Sky Monument were defeated by others, but they were in the minority after all.

This kind of recognition is still very valuable.

“Wait a minute, Yuan’er, your guardian of the heavenly monument should be on the way.”

Ma Yi Yao Sheng stroked his beard gently and smiled broadly.

After hearing this, Yu Wenyuan’s eyes showed strong expectation.

… at the same time.

Shuzhou Sky Monument Peak, below the majestic Sky Monument standing on top of the clouds.

There are quite a few geniuses with divine patterns, frowning and gritting their teeth as they continue to delve into the secrets of the Heavenly Monument in an attempt to obtain more divine patterns.

There was an exclamation, followed by laughter.

 “Dad, I succeeded, I got the second divine mark!”

Everyone near Tianbei Peak looked over and couldn't help but marvel.

 However, the next moment, the entire sky monument suddenly glowed brightly.

The countless ancient words on it seem to have come alive.

As the squirming process continued, the golden light gathered one after another until a figure exuding a terrifying aura emerged from the golden light.

 “The Guardian of the Sky Monument has appeared. What a blessing. That boy just got the last divine mark!”

The whole hall was in an uproar, and everyone looked up.

The guardian of the sky monument has no facial features, and his whole body is covered with ancient writings.

 At the moment of appearance, take steps towards the distance.

 One moment can cover a hundred miles, stirring up the aura of heaven and earth, causing a storm!

 This scene immediately attracted the attention of every ancient force and family in Shuzhou.

A large number of spiritual thoughts opened and closed one after another, and they looked over in surprise.

 “The guardian of the Sky Monument has come down the mountain!”

“Where is it going? Looking in this direction, it seems to be the Yuwen family!”

“This time, the person chosen by the Guardian of the Sky Monument is probably Yu Wenyuan.”

There was a sensation in Shuzhou, and the sky was filled with rainbows.

 One by one, the ancestors of the ancient clan looked at the location where the glow in the sky had left.

 They did not hesitate and followed immediately.

Among the Yuwen family, the palace and attic here exudes grandeur, standing among the majestic peaks, and there is also a prosperous city located at the end of the basin.

With the appearance of the guardian of the sky monument, the slowly walking figure naturally attracted the attention of the whole clan.

  Three supreme ancestors opened and closed their spiritual thoughts together, looking at the arrival of the rays of light in the distance with great excitement.

 Until they descended into the sky, the three supreme ancestors were filled with joy and immediately stepped out.

 “The Yuwen family respectfully welcomes the protector of the Heavenly Monument!”

The loud voice echoed in all directions, attracting the envious expressions of the many Shuzhou forces who came to pay attention.

However, the guardian of the Sky Monument did not stop.

 It completely turned a deaf ear to the respectful words of the three supreme ancestors.

Stepping over the domain of the Yuwen family, he continued walking forward without stopping at all.

This scene made the three supreme ancestors stiffen up, with expressions of astonishment and incomprehension on their faces.

“Isn’t it the Yuwen family?”

The forces from all directions in Shuzhou took a breath of cold air, completely unexpected for this situation.

“Looking at the world, which genius can compare with Yu Wenyuan?”

“Yes, Yu Wenyuan entered the wilderness a few years ago and is almost invincible. He has already reached the realm of refining gods at a young age!”

“The Guardian of the Sky Monument did not choose Yu Wenyuan, why?”

“You’ll find out if you follow it, it’s hard to say who it will choose!”

Many figures in the sky stopped and hurriedly followed the footsteps of the guardian of the sky monument.

 (End of this chapter)

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