Chapter 70 Shen Changqing takes up the challenge

 In the Gongsun family, many powerful spiritual thoughts have actually awakened.

At this moment, the sound was loud and powerful, reverberating over the entire city, and soon a large number of figures walked out of the city gate.

Although Gongsun Wuji has a childish face, his eyes are full of fierceness.

 “Gongsun’s family, Gongsun Wuji responded to the battle.”

His calm words fell and he took a step forward.

 The seven divine patterns on his body continued to shine with a faint luster.

 There is a divine pattern among them, which is clearly imprinted on the center of the eyebrow. It is in the shape of Suan Ni.

 “Seven ways…”

Tang Shaoqing’s heart was beating wildly.

The genius in front of me is extremely famous in Shuzhou, and almost no one is willing to challenge him.

 Because of the competition among the geniuses with divine patterns, in many cases they are cautious and cautious, and they are afraid of each other and will not take action easily.

 However, he has absolute confidence in this battle.

  After all, the people in the family basically have a clear idea of ​​Gongsun Wuji’s strength and trump cards, including his methods of making moves, etc.

 If he was not sure of victory, the old man would not be able to let him come to challenge.

If you successfully obtain the seven divine patterns on Gongsun Wuji's body, the harvest will undoubtedly be huge!

 As soon as you think of this, powerful energy will burst out from your whole body.

 He rushed out quickly and rushed in front of Gongsun Wuji. He waved his sleeves and waved his hands with a large number of hidden weapons.

 This is the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle!

Gongsun Wuji frowned and immediately ducked away.

 At the same time, he gathered strength from his palms and tried to slap Tang Shaoqing on the forehead.

In the midst of lightning and flint, the blow quickly missed. Tang Shaoqing twisted him in a strange manner, and his index finger hit Gongsun Wuji's lower ribs on the spot.

Severe pain filled his heart, and Gongsun Wuji stepped back.

 Looking down, I saw a hole in my ribs!

 “An Jin?”

His expression changed slightly. He did not dare to fight Tang Shaoqing in close combat anymore, but immediately distanced himself.

Took out the Zhangba Silver Spear, the most precious treasure of the Gongsun family, covered all the power, made it shine brightly, and struck the ground hard.


This blow shook out dozens of feet of dust.

The cracks in the earth were killing Tang Shaoqing with overwhelming force.

   “Try it and I’ll give you a hammer!”

 Suddenly, a huge shadow condensed in the air, and the deep pressure caused some distortion of the space.

The moment it fell, it wiped out the attacking force of dozens of feet of dust, tore a **** alive, and made the eight-foot-long silver spear tremble violently.

Gongsun Wuji's face changed drastically, and a crushing pain came from the tiger's mouth.

He spurted out blood with a roar, the silver gun in his hand was knocked away, and he fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Tang Shaoqing's figure rushed towards him, ready to deliver a fatal blow.


 Suddenly there was a sigh on the city.

Tang Shaoqing’s Dingtian hammer landed on Gongsun Wuji’s head, three inches away.

"I lost…"

Gongsun Wuji’s face was covered in blood and his eyes were gray.

 The seven divine patterns on his body quickly dimmed until they completely disappeared.

Wisps of luster emerged and were quickly imprinted on Tang Shaoqing's body.

Without saying much, Tang Shaoqing turned and left.

 Looking at the entire Gongsun family, they were all silent.

The competition for divine patterns is inherently cruel. They have also made others despair, but now this despair has only returned to themselves.

 This is almost the inevitable result.

 Because it is obvious that if Gongsun Wuji does not have the qualifications to become a martial saint, then sooner or later the divine marks on his body will belong to someone else.


"who is the next?"

Tang Shaoqing asked calmly.     "Xuanyuan family, Xuanyuan Hen."

 The old man took out a list from his arms.

"This Xuanyuan Hen will be ten years old in a few months. Ever since he obtained a divine mark, he has always stayed in the family and has never taken a step out."

“He neither went to Tianbei Peak to gain enlightenment nor tried to challenge any divine mark holder. Anyone can take the divine mark on his body.”

"But I heard that Xuanyuan Taihua, the head of the Xuanyuan family, took care of Shuzhou a long time ago. I'm afraid no one will challenge him when he reaches ten years old."

After finishing his words, Tang Shaoqing couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, as if he was very surprised.

Facing the secret of Wu Sheng, there are actually people who are willing to obey the Xuanyuan family's wishes?

"Does the Xuanyuan family have a high status in Shuzhou?" Tang Shaoqing asked.

"Indeed, it is no exaggeration to say that almost no one in the entire Shuzhou dares to offend the Xuanyuan family. Being able to form a good relationship with the Xuanyuan family is something that many people dream of."

The old man nodded slightly, unless his heir Tianjiao really has the qualifications of a martial saint and can compete for the secret of the heavenly monument.

 Otherwise, wouldn’t provoking the Xuanyuan family end up cutting off the road ahead?

"How about putting this divine mark on first?" The old man hesitated slightly.

 The Xuanyuan family’s heritage is probably not comparable to that of the Tang family.

 Offending a Shuzhou giant just for a divine mark is not worth the gain.

 However, Tang Shaoqing shook his head.

 “I want this divine pattern.”

 Seeing this, the old man stopped talking.


  Xuanyuan Hall.

Nangong Yu looked worried and continued to wander uneasily.

“Don’t worry too much. Gongsun Wuji has seven divine marks, so he may not lose to Xingzhou Tang Shaoqing.”

Xuanyuan Taihua spoke comfortingly beside him.

“I hope so too, but those people in Xingzhou are very wild.”

Nangong Yu was anxiously waiting for the news.

Not long after, a maid hurried over.

"Madam, there is news. Gongsun Wuji has been defeated! The genius of the Tang family in Xingzhou is coming towards us."

As soon as the words fell, Nangong Yu felt like a bolt from the blue.

Her body was unsteady, her steps staggered, and her face suddenly lost its color and became extremely pale.

Xuanyuan Taihua's heart sank slightly and his eyes showed regret.

 Even Gongsun Wuji was defeated?

 Ten years have passed, and Hener still has to face it all.

At the same time, Shen Changqing, who was continuing to practice in the Sword Tomb, had an increasingly restrained luster, as if he had reached a new level.

He stared at the Xuanyuan Sword sleeplessly and all night long, and he had fully comprehended and mastered the sword intentions of the three ancestors.

 “This Sword Tomb has no pressure on me anymore.”

Shen Changqing murmured to himself. Although he didn't know his hegemony, how strong he was now.

But after being tempered by the fierceness of a hundred thousand divine weapons, he was completely insensitive to the pressure of the entire sword tomb.

If you continue to practice in the Sword Tomb, your hegemonic body will no longer improve.

 He needs better training methods and a more cruel environment.

 “It’s almost done, only the last sword stance is left.”

Shen Changqing lowered his head and looked at the thirteen sword styles he had carved on the ground.

These thirteen sword styles were created by him personally. Each one is integrated but complements each other.

Shen Changqing gave them all a name. If there are any geniuses from the Xuanyuan family who come out in the future, they can clearly see them when they come to the Sword Tomb.


 In a blink of an eye, another few months passed.

On this day, Shen Changqing was just about to carve out the fourteenth sword style when he saw a sound from the sky above the sword tomb that spread throughout the Xuanyuan Hall.

“Tang Shaoqing, the person in charge of Xingzhou Divine Pattern, comes to challenge Xuanyuan Hen today!”

 (End of this chapter)

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