Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 66: Birth, reincarnation, new talents

Chapter 66: Birth, reincarnation, new talent

 Night falls.

The Tiancheng Keeping Room was brightly lit, and many historical documents were placed in front of Shen Changqing.

 He generally had a clearer understanding of the chaotic background of demons and demons in the Xuanhuang Realm.

The era that Kunlun Taoist lived in was already in the last years of demons. As the years went by, many very powerful ancient demons had actually disappeared long ago.

In his heyday, Gui Xuluo, known as the Ghost King of Laoshan, was just one of their ranks.

 It is said that there is the Five Directions Ghost Mountain, which is the origin of demons and the place where the demon disaster first started.

In addition, the human forces in all areas of the Xuanhuang Realm are also extremely brilliant.

 They are so strong that they are connected to the boundaries of the land and are no longer limited to the local area.

 In the context of great conflicts, many proud men emerged in various territories, and later generations called it the Great World of Prodigies.

The True Lord of Wuyi, who was contracted by Marquis Wuwei, carved his own path in the world of geniuses.

Shen Changqing glanced at the ripe reincarnation fruit under the World Tree and no longer hesitated.

 With a light touch between the palms, ripples immediately appeared in all directions.

 At present, Bai Li is taking care of Shen Miaoke, which makes him feel quite relieved.

Now that many matters have been settled, it’s time to give birth.

 Soon, the description of the fruit of reincarnation was revealed again.

  【Starting reincarnation...】

  【Reincarnation Fruit Talent: Comprehension is heaven-defying. 】

  【Reincarnation Fruit Talent: True Demon Soul. 】

  【Reincarnation Fruit Talent: Overlord Body. 】

 The three reincarnation fruit talents that appeared this time were truly unexpected by Shen Changqing.

 In the previous reincarnations, there was basically only one talent, and both were very rare. This time, three talents actually appeared!

And with the continuous reincarnation, what surprised Shen Changqing the most.

This ‘understanding that defies heaven’ always exists, as if it has been completely bound to one’s own reincarnation and belongs to oneself forever.

“If the Heavenly Demon Emperor can be brought into the next reincarnation, he can continue to practice. That would be wonderful.”

Shen Changqing was quite amazed. He looked at the new reincarnation fruit talent again.

 This so-called ‘overlord body’ should be a physical talent.

  There is no prefixed noun, just two simple words.

Shen Changqing currently has no way of knowing the specific training methods of this domineering body, as well as the upper limit of talents, etc.

 But according to past experience, it is definitely not simple every time a new innate ability appears in the reincarnation fruit.

  【Reincarnation has started, do you want to enter? 】

【whether. 】

Shen Changqing did not hesitate and chose to enter.



  Xuanyuan Hall.

 “What am I?”

Shen Changqing could not open his eyes. He only felt that the space around him was very narrow and the light was dim.

There were voices of conversation and occasional giggles.

 “It seems that it is still in the mother’s belly.”

Shen Changqing secretly marveled that this reincarnation not only has three innate abilities, but it is no longer a tragic beginning of abandonment or adoption.

Soon, after half a month of getting to know each other, Shen Changqing learned about his family background from the conversation.

 The Xuanyuan Ancient Clan in Shuzhou!

This seems to be an ancient family with a very strong foundation and a very long bloodline.

There are many powerful people in the family, and they occupy a very vast territory. A total of more than thirty cities belong to the Xuanyuan family.

There are many affiliated clans under the Xuanyuan family, and the entire family lineage is very exaggerated. His father's name is Xuanyuan Taihua, who is the current head of the ancient Xuanyuan clan and is in charge of the entire huge family.

And his mother's name is Nangong Yu, who also comes from an ancient family in Shuzhou, and her background is not weaker than that of the Xuanyuan family.

 And Nangong Yu's status was obviously also very high. In just half a month, Shen Changqing found that dozens of different groups of people came to give great gifts.

“I didn’t expect that this reincarnation would turn out to be from a prominent family, and he was already at the top before he was even born.”

Shen Changqing sighed inwardly that he had not been idle during the past half month.

 Under the influence of various genius treasures taken by his mother, the Overlord Body has begun to slowly cultivate, and the Heavenly Demon Emperor of the True Demon Soul is also silently devouring resources.

 At this rate of progress, I am afraid that by the time he is born, his domineering body will begin to take shape.

 A few more months passed.

 On this day, Xuanyuan Taihua returned from his trip.

“Hen’er is six months old, right?”

Nangong Yu wore a green skirt and looked a little tired. She nodded and responded: "It will be June in two days. This child is quite energetic and can't stop moving."

Xuanyuan Taihua smiled and said: "This is a good thing, it means that he is not a sick man. In addition, when I came back this time, I also brought a few Taiyin blood-producing pills. This pill needs to be powdered and made into soup. I will ask my servant to make a bowl for you later. "

Taiyin blood elixir?

Nangong Yu couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this.

There is only one person in Shuzhou who can refine this elixir, and that is the Ma Yi Medicine Saint.

It is said that the Medicine Sage Ma Yi has retired to the mountains and forests. How did Xuanyuan Taihua find him?

 “The hemp medicine sage has come out of the mountain.”

Xuanyuan Taihua saw Nangong Yu’s doubts and sighed in explanation.

“Didn’t the Yuwen Ancient Clan give birth to a noble son two years ago? That child’s name is Yuwen Yuan, and he has mastered a heavenly monument mark at a young age.”

“This incident alarmed the Medicine Sage Ma Yi, who called him a rare talent that would be rare in ten thousand years. He might be able to compete with the ghost mountains in the five directions in the future, so he personally washed his marrow and bones and refined the elixir.”

“This is where these Taiyin Blood Pills come from.”

 After finishing speaking, Nangong Yu could not help but be deeply shocked.

 She has not left home, but she has heard about the ten thousand year old wizard from the Yuwen family.

Didn’t you expect that at just two years old, you have already mastered a heavenly tablet divine pattern?

She had a complicated look on her face, lowered her head and murmured to Shen Changqing: "I don't have much expectations for Hen'er. I just hope that he will be born healthy. I can't compare with those evil geniuses outside."

Seeing this, Xuanyuan Taihua felt mixed emotions in his heart.

Although the Xuanyuan family has a strong foundation, in the past fifty years, it has never produced an amazing and outstanding son of heaven, let alone a ten thousand-year-old genius like Yu Wenyuan.

 He carries the burden of the family, and as Nangong Yu's happy lineage spreads, he also attracts the attention of the world.

Everyone wants to see what kind of outstanding figure he, the current head of the Xuanyuan family, will continue to be.

While under tremendous pressure, his thoughts were the same as Nangong Yu's. As long as the child was born safely, it was more important than anything else.

 As for the concerned eyes outside, don’t worry about it.


 Very quickly, time flies by.

 In a flash, several months passed again.

On this day, many family members gathered in Xuanyuan Hall, waiting extremely nervously for Shen Changqing's birth.

 As a cry sounded, everyone's faces showed joy.

Xuanyuan Taihua was just about to go in to take a look at the situation, but he saw a scene of wind and clouds rolling over the entire Xuanyuan family's domain, with a bright glow shining out!

"This is…"

Xuanyuan Taihua looked up and his eyes froze on the spot.

That glow contained auspicious omens, and a fierce roar pierced the sky, and a figure with its whole body burning with divine fire flames appeared.

 “The auspicious beast Suzaku?”

Xuanyuan Taihua took a breath of cold air.

Then he seemed to suddenly remember some ancient legend, and suddenly laughed ecstatically: "Hahaha, the auspicious beast is returning to its den, this is the auspicious beast's return to its den! My son thinks it is auspicious!"

The whole hall was shocked. All the Xuanyuan family members looked at the divine fire figure in the sky and couldn't believe it.

 (End of this chapter)

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