Chapter 63: Forced Killing (please follow up)

Black mist galloped in the distance, and Gui Xuluo tried his best to escape.

The image of Fa Tian Xiang Di was deeply imprinted in his mind, and he vaguely seemed to have seen it somewhere.

 “Remember it, it’s a Taoist magic!”

  A kind of magical power that has been completely lost in the troubled times of demons and monsters.

As a descendant of Kunlun Dao Zun, how could he use it?

Gui Xuluo survived the catastrophe and quickly left the scope of the Dongtian Palace ruins.

 Looking back, I saw Shen Changqing coming with a rainbow of momentum, like thunder coming.

 Under the seals of both hands, a golden circle of heaven and earth curse seal appeared.

This circle of heaven and earth is condensed by magical powers. It was understood by Shen Changqing from the most precious Yin and Yang heaven and earth ring in the Enlightenment Pond of Kunlun Mountain.


 Lengheng fell, and the circle of heaven and earth expanded instantly.

 One hundred feet, one thousand feet, ten thousand feet!

Like the arc of the waning moon in the sky, it extended in front of Guixuluo on the spot.


Shen Changqing suddenly pulled back the circle of heaven and earth again, and the width of the universe shrank in the blink of an eye, and was clasped around Gui Xuluo's neck, causing all his strength to be ruthlessly suppressed.

Just as Shen Changqing came slowly through the air, he was about to raise his hand to shatter Guixu Luo Yingling's body.

 Suddenly there was a loud sound from the sky, accompanied by a real magic weapon light, which fell on Gui Xuluo's body.

 “Wait a minute!”


 Golden light burst out, and Shen Changqing's power was resisted.

Ki Xuluo's whole body was covered in a large number of red spells, and these spells contained unimaginable power.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw two figures appearing on the ground in front of him.

“While worshiping the moon in the Southern Kingdom of Xingzhou, the ghost Xuluo captured by you is suspected of violating the contract by the people of the Southern Kingdom. Please entrust it to me. This matter should be handled internally by the Southern Kingdom.”

The speaker wears a red robe, with two moons imprinted on the sleeves, and the body of the heroic spirit exudes a very ancient aura.

Just standing there, as if one with the heaven and earth.

  Mythical level?

Shen Changqing frowned.

Seeing this scene, Guixuluo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The Wang family has not fooled him, and there is indeed hope for survival in this direction.

“Sorry, Guixuluo is in my hands, so there is no reason to hand it over.”

Shen Changqing narrowed his eyes and continued to exert force on his palms, making the large number of red spells click.

How could he not see that the mythical heroic spirit in front of him was trying to save Oni Xuluo?


Original Ancestor Worshiping the Moon looked slightly unhappy when he heard this.

Shen Changqing is a heroic spirit of Daxia. He was just ranked first in the legend list by Tianshu Division. He is undoubtedly extremely important to Daxia.

 He will not take action against Shen Changqing without authorization, but Shen Changqing cannot leave today unless he hands over Guixuluo.

“Senior, you must have just signed the contract, right? I am the eldest son of the prince, Wang Helong.”

The contractor of Patriarch Worshiping the Moon smiled and spoke. As the eldest brother of Wang Jianshan and Wang Yue, he was in charge of nearly 40% of the resources of the entire Wang family, and had the right to say anything to determine the outcome.

He has seen the value of Guixuluo, and naturally he will not let Shen Changqing destroy it.

“My predecessors have learned a lot about how to conquer demons, and I admire them greatly. However, this era is not only about slaying demons and protecting the Tao, but also about the world’s sophisticated people and powerful backgrounds.”

“My Wang family can be said to be able to rule the sky with one hand in the Southern Kingdom. Today you entrust Guixuluo to me, which means you have formed a good relationship with the Wang family. If you encounter trouble in the future, my Wang family will definitely help you.”

“In addition, I would like to give another piece of advice to my seniors. Each mountain is higher than the other. It is best not to move this ghost.”

Wang Helong smiled and seemed to be quite respectful to Shen Changqing, but in fact his words contained an intriguing threat.

 Giving it is a good karma.

 If you don’t give it, you are an enemy. As the head of the five great families in Xingzhou Southern Kingdom, the Wang family has a very solid foundation.

I believe that as long as Shen Changqing has heard of the reputation of the Wang family, he will definitely know what to choose.

Besides, with the magic weapon Zhenyuan Bell, Shen Changqing can't hurt Gui Xuluo at all.

 “You heard it too, please let go.”

Gui Xuluo made a hoarse voice. Under the suppression of the seal of the Qiankun Circle, even the contractual connection between him and Wang Qiong was actually blocked.

 Fortunately, the Wang family is strong enough and has mythical heroes at their command.

If it were other contractors who had no power or influence, he, the dignified Laoshan Ghost King, would have no choice but to die along with him.

“I don’t need your good fortune from the Wang family. This ghost Xuluo fell into my hands today and will only end up being destroyed by ashes.”

 Shen Changqing shook his head again, holding Gui Xuluo's right arm. Suddenly, the golden light exited the scene, and the merit disappeared.

 When the face is filled with light, it is half sacred and half Shura.

 Even the eyes are like this.


Following Shen Changqing's right arm that turned into darkness, Gui Xuluo sensed another source of extremely terrifying power, and his expression changed again.

That power is hidden deep within Shen Changqing's body, and no one except Gui Xuluo himself is aware of it.

“It’s impossible, you can’t hurt me, that’s the most precious body protection treasure of a mythical heroic spirit!”

Gui Xuluo's whole body was shaking with fear. Why was the power coming from Shen Changqing's right arm becoming more and more terrifying?

“Since you have heard of Kunlun Dao Zun in China, have you heard of the Heavenly Demon Emperor?”

 Shen Changqing leaned into Gui Xuluo's ear and whispered quietly.

 His right eye is dark and his left eye is bright.

 Half is the leader of the Black Lotus, and half is the Taoist Master of Kunlun.

When the second stage of the power of the Black Lotus Master was activated, the Zhenyuan Bell, which came from the blessing of the ancestor worshiping the moon, was crushed and shattered in an instant!

 Gui Xuluo's pupils were dilated and his expression was dull.

He vaguely recalled that during the massacre in Middle-earth, in addition to the name Kunlun Dao Zun, there was also a Demon Emperor who had disappeared for hundreds of years and was made up into a nursery rhyme.

The evil name of the devil can make people's liver and gallbladder burst.

Although it is short-lived, it is a threat that lasts forever and becomes a mystery!

He originally thought it was just a fabricated legend, but now he can see that the Demon Emperor is actually real?

 “Are you the same person? No!”

Ghost Xuluo screamed in fear, and the Demon Emperor's power penetrated down his right arm, shattering his heroic body on the spot.

Shen Changqing patted his sleeves lightly. The black light on his right arm was dispersed when the wind robe danced, and he looked calmly at Wang Helong and the ancestor worshiping the moon.

As the starlight shattered, Wang Helong's expression froze.

He seemed to have never imagined that Shen Changqing, who was at the legendary level, would be able to smash the Yuan Bell, the most precious treasure of ancestor Baiyue!

Is this really legendary?

Original Ancestor Baiyue was also stunned for a moment, in disbelief.

 For a moment, there was a strange aura fluctuation on Shen Changqing's body, and there was a sudden increase in power, but it quickly disappeared.

However, he still felt a strong palpitation in his heart.

  "Okay, okay, great Kunlun Dao Zun, my Wang family and you are at odds with each other!"

After Wang Helong was briefly shocked, he became furious.

Although he didn't know what happened to Shen Changqing, this attitude of ignoring him was really intolerable.

 “Someone from Daxia is coming!”

Ancestor Baiyue suddenly felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. He raised his eyes to look at the distant sky, where he saw the vast army of war boats and numerous legendary heroes.

Wang Helong's heart suddenly trembled, and his boundless anger was like being poured by cold water.

 There is the Qinglian Sword King, there is the Xiaoshan layman, there is the Begonia Sage, and...

 “The Myth of Daxia, the True King of Wuyi?”

 (End of this chapter)

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