Chapter 58 Public Enemy of Relics

 The ruins of the Eastern Wasteland.

There were also exclamations in the floating car of the Bai family team.

“Someone in the clan sent a message that the Daxia Legend list has been restarted!”

With a sound, Bai Feihong, Bai Li, and Emei Taoist Priestess all looked over.

With the transmission of C2-level communication tools, many Central Continent and Star Continent forces who pay close attention to Daxia have received the news.

“Quick, what does it say?” Bai Feihong asked eagerly.

“I, Qingyunzhai, am...number one on the Daxia legend list?” The man murmured to himself, his mind being strongly bombarded.

Bai Feihong was in disbelief, Emei Taoist Priest's body was shaking, while Bai Li was thoughtful.

"Although I had already expected that that gentleman must be not simple, I never expected it to be so exaggerated."

Bai Feihong let out a deep exclamation. Who would have thought that the heroic spirit of Great Xia they met casually in the ruins of the East Wasteland was such an important figure.

“For fifty years in the Great Xia, the top of the legend list has been an existence named Qinglian Sword King. Is Qingyunzhai more qualified than him to sit on the top of the list of legends?”

Taoist nun Emei saw with her own eyes that Shen Changqing seemed to have the power of merit dripping from his body.

But if you are just a preaching sage, you will definitely not be able to achieve this point.

 Unless he is a saint from the Xuanhuang Realm.

 However, if it is a saint, it is impossible to be rated as a legendary level. It should be a mythical level or even a holy spirit.

 This means that Shen Changqing must still have an identity that surpasses Qingyunzhai Laozi, but the historical level will not be too far away.

Taoist nun Emei’s contractor also murmured to himself at this moment:

“The master of Huangquan Manor, the legendary number one in Ziwei Kingdom, had a Taoist competition with the Green Lotus Sword King twenty years ago, but could not decide the winner.”

“But according to the description of the owner of Huangquan Manor, the Green Lotus Sword King is indeed qualified to be the number one in the Great Xia legend. It is not without reason that no heroic spirit can shake his position within fifty years.”

“But now the owner has actually changed. Doesn’t that mean that this old man from Qingyunzhai is slightly better than the owner of Huangquan Village?”

In the Xuanhuang Realm, civilization flourished in later generations, and hundreds of flowers bloomed.

 The foundations of Shuzhou and Zhongzhou are almost side by side, there is not much difference.

Ten thousand years ago, Central Continent was still called Middle-earth in ancient times. At that time, it was the core of the surrounding lands.

The contractor of Emei Taoist Priest may not know the King of Qinglian Sword, but he is deeply impressed by the owner of Huangquan Village of Ziwei Kingdom.

 Qingyunzhai Laozi suppressed the Qinglian Sword King, and he might also suppress the Huangquan Villa owner. How could this not make her feel incredible?

“Whether it’s Daxia or our Ziwei, legendary heroes are the mainstay. The more they are, the stronger their foundation is.”

“Since the top spot in the Legend of Daxia can change hands, it proves that instead of declining, they are thriving…”

Taoist Aunt Emei lamented in her heart. As a person recorded in the Ziwei Kingdom and ranked among the top fifty in the legend list, she naturally has considerable strength and status.

 But she also knew in her heart that there was still an unbridgeable gap between her and the legendary heroic spirits in front of her.

Unexpectedly, the Qingyunzhai Laozi whom I met just now, with such a polite manner, turned out to be hiding such an important identity.

“Li’er, do you have any relationship with Mr. Qingyunzhai?”

At this time, Bai Feihong suddenly asked Bai Li, who was beside him and remained silent.


 The other side of the ruins.

The aerial vehicle continued to fly, and Li Tongtong and Xia Beini were rushing to a place called Dongtian Palace.

 The two of them had extended an invitation to Shen Miaoke, but Shen Changqing politely rejected it and did not go together after leaving the war boat.

At this moment, the two of them fell silent as they looked at the information revealed by the C2-level communication tool. The Sword Master of Nanhai was beside me and he let out a long sigh: "I originally thought that you were born in the wrong era. If you were my righteous leader in the ancient martial arts era, there would be no way for the Black Lotus Master to change the world."

“Unexpectedly, it turns out that sir had a more mysterious life experience in a much older era.”

It is true that with Qingyunzhai Laozi’s talents and qualifications, he would definitely be able to become the leader of the righteous path of the Eastern Wasteland if he were born in the Ancient Martial Era, and his achievements would be far greater than his.

 So, when the sword master of Nanhai learned about the deeds of Laozi Qingyunzhai, he felt regretful.

Xia Beini looked disappointed and spoke slowly: "Historical records show that in 6580, the year of the demonic chaos in Shuzhou, King Qinglian Sword was born. With his absolute qualifications in swordsmanship, he was known as the strongest swordsman in the contemporary era."

"Other records state that in the 6600th year of the demon-troubled period in Shuzhou, layman Xiaoshan was born. He used half of the scriptures to liberate demons and aspire to the top of Confucianism."

“Twenty years later, the Master Haitang was born, and suppressed the young geniuses of the current generation.”

“That was the land of Shuzhou, an era when demons were most rampant. Many legendary heroes were born in that era.”

"So...when was Shen Miaoke's father born?"

 Xia Beni’s research on history is obviously rich in experience.

 Shen Changqing can suppress the first three in later generations, then he will definitely be able to suppress them ten thousand years ago.

 However, there is no similar record in Shuzhou, so I cannot speculate on the origin of Shen Changqing.

 The high probability is that Shen Changqing was not born in Shuzhou that year.

At this time, Li Tongtong also sighed and spoke, with a complicated heart: "I don't have much impression of Shen Miaoke's father. When I was a child, I only remember the old man in the village. He often said that he liked to enjoy flower viewing and fishing."

"She doesn't have much of a temper. She is almost aloof from the world and a very ordinary person. When Shen Miaoke made a contract with her father, I really felt a little pity for Shen Miaoke for a moment."

“Later I felt sorry for her father. After all, as an ordinary heroic spirit, he almost completely disappeared. I took them both to Lucheng without stopping to find a solution.”

“I hope they can get together as father and daughter. Unexpectedly, her father is not simple at all. It turns out to be Mr. Dahuang!”

 Shen Changqing ranks first on the legend list, and the most shocked person is undoubtedly Li Tongtong.

Who would have thought of this?

As he spoke, the aerial vehicle had already arrived near Dongtian Palace.

It's just that the atmosphere here is inexplicably weird. The surrounding world is dim and cold, and there seems to be wisps of evil spirits floating around.

“Let’s find a high-level medium first. This is a holy place in the Eastern Wasteland 10,000 years ago, called Dongtian Palace. There should also be legendary level media.”

Xia Beni turned around and looked around, and soon discovered a huge hole in the ground.

From the hole, a large amount of black gas was coming out, and a ferocious skeletal face appeared vaguely.

 “What’s going on here?”

 Everyone also saw this scene, and their expressions changed one after another.

 “Something’s wrong, leave quickly!”

The Sword Master of Nanhai stared straight at the hole in the ground, and his pupils suddenly shook violently.

 He felt an extremely terrifying force deep in the cave!

The float car immediately turned around. Li Tongtong and Xia Beini looked pale, and naturally they discovered that there was something very dangerous under the hole.

It was just too late. The moment the black mist erupted, huge bone claws condensed and headed directly towards the floating vehicle.


Before the sword master of Nanhai took action, he saw a long rainbow descending from the sky, and a silver needle came through the sky, piercing the bone claw on the spot.

 “What a monster!”

As Taoist Sister Emei gave a thunderous shout, the sound waves rolled and shook the mountains and rivers, and the floating car of the Bai family in Zhongzhou had also arrived.

 (End of this chapter)

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