Chapter 5 Who is this genius?

 The rugged road in the mountains.

 Li Tongtong was still looking at her phone. As a message in the group was conveyed, she couldn't help but wonder.

“Uncle, do you know who Mr. Qingyunzhai is?”

"Lao Tzu? I don't know much about it. I only know that the information on the bamboo slips excavated from the emperor's mausoleum shows that he created Dharma and preached in Beilingzhou a thousand years ago. He was a very powerful person."

 Li Wen responded unhurriedly.

“The mentor just sent a message in the group. He seems to have been contracted by someone.”

"What did you say?"

As these words came out, the vehicle suddenly stopped suddenly.

Li Wen turned around suddenly, breathing quickly and asked: "Tongtong, you can't say this nonsense. Are you sure that I, Qingyunzhai, have been contracted?"

As a senior staff member of the Lucheng Hall of Heroes, judging from the importance attached to the entire Hall of Heroes, he certainly knew what kind of influence the old man from a thousand years ago had.

The imperial mausoleum of the Jing Dynasty has just been excavated and has not been developed in depth. We only learned about the existence of Qingyunzhai Laozi from the restored bamboo slips.

  Why have you returned to the world now?

 Li Tongtong was startled by Li Wen's reaction. It seemed that the Qingyunzhai Laozi mentioned by his mentor was far from being as simple as it seemed on the surface.

She nodded: "The instructor said this because a student suffered backlash when he tried to pass the advanced media contract."

Li Wen's expression was changing, and his mind suffered an unprecedented impact.

When the imperial mausoleum of the Jing Dynasty was being excavated, the masters of the Hall of Heroes had already tried to call the Qingyunzhai Laozi from thousands of years ago through advanced media.

 But unfortunately, the predecessors failed.

 The General Secretary made a prompt decision and distributed a lot of high-end media to the colleges of heroes in major cities, including the affiliated halls of heroes and so on.

 Unexpectedly...the news of success came so quickly.

What Li Wen couldn't calm down was: Which city, where is the Yingling Academy, and what kind of genius can get Laozi's blessing?

To be recognized by Laozi Qingyunzhai, the person who contracted him must be such an amazing person.

"Can you find out who this person is? Qingyunzhai, what level of heroic spirit is he? I'm afraid it's not lower than the legendary level."

 Li Wen's voice was already trembling. He couldn't wait to know which genius it was. At the same time, he was also looking forward to the level of the heroic spirit of Mr. Qingyunzhai.

“It’s not from our college anyway. The tutors are asking everywhere, and the dean is also participating. It seems like the whole college is fried..."

 Li Tongtong didn’t know what he had missed. Judging from the reactions in the group, it was obvious that Mr. Qingyunzhai’s origins were extremely surprising.

He is also the leader of Lucheng Yingling College, ranking among the top three top students.

 Even if placed in other cities, it is still a bright and dazzling star.

 But before I had access to Qingyunzhai Laozi’s advanced media, I was caught first!

“I really didn’t expect that we in Daxia actually have such a mysterious genius.” Li Wen sighed, feeling rather sad.

At this time, Li Tongtong suddenly looked complicated and said: "It may be Xia Beni from Dongcheng. She is one of the few girls who has contracted a heroic spirit."

“She is very beautiful, and she is also very smart. It is said that she had already achieved a photographic memory when she was studying in her early years. When she was eight years old, she contracted the Book of Heroes for the first time, and she turned out to be a hero."

“I happen to have her contact information, so I’ll ask.”

Li Tongtong quickly started operating on her mobile phone.

Looking at this sudden scene, Shen Miaoke knew in his heart that something big must have happened.

She sat next to him obediently and asked curiously: "Uncle Li, what kind of person is this Qingyunzhai man? Is he important?" Li Wen immediately responded with a smile: "I'm still young and don't understand this level. What a heavy weight the character has.”

“But uncle can tell you that if he has really returned to the world and been successfully contracted by a genius, then he will have ten thousand ways to prevent your father from disappearing!”

“Furthermore, if he sees something in you and is willing to accept you as his disciple, then you will be on a bright and righteous path from now on.”

“You will have a big, big house, and you will have lots and lots of snacks every day, and you will never have to cook for yourself again.”

Li Wen used a few simple and easy-to-understand words to describe to Shen Miaoke a beautiful life that was almost impossible to achieve.

Shen Miaoke's eyes quickly shone with light, and she asked expectantly: "Really? Then you must find him quickly, so that my father will not disappear."

Li Wen smiled and nodded.

 “It’s not her...”

 After receiving the accurate reply, Li Tongtong became confused again.

“Could it be Lu Mingyuan from Tiancheng?” Li Wen said thoughtfully.

“This child has just turned sixteen this year, and it’s time to contract a second heroic spirit. He contracted General Yue Long eight hundred years ago. It can be said to be a sensation on the entire Internet, and he is known as the number one genius in Tiancheng.”

After finishing speaking, Li Tongtong hesitated a little.

Although she had Lu Mingyuan's contact information, she didn't seem to want to say more than half a sentence to this person.

 Because when Lu Mingyuan contracted with General Yue Long, he was too arrogant and completely arrogant and indifferent.

If this kid really made a contract with Mr. Qingyunzhai, he would probably be extremely crazy!

However, soon, the mentor sent another message in the group, investigating many young talents, and Lu Mingyuan was among them.

 “Nor him.”

Li Tongtong shook his head and felt relieved.

 The car suddenly fell into silence.

Some well-known geniuses all answered truthfully that they did not contract with Mr. Qingyunzhai.

Then who could this be?

"It can't be those aristocratic families..." Li Wen suddenly looked worried.

If some parts of the high-end media in the Imperial Tomb are leaked and fall into the hands of aristocratic families, the situation will become worse.

 The class hierarchy in this world is inherently unequal.

Those aristocratic families have strong foundations and have always occupied high-quality resources. If they contract Qingyunzhai Laozi, the outpouring of resources will be even more serious.

 The most urgent matter is to return to Lucheng first.

Li Wen restarted the vehicle and continued on his way.

 Li Tongtong’s class group has begun to announce the life experience of Laozi Qingyunzhai.

 “Laozi Qingyunzhai, formerly known as Shen Changqing, read the Book of Songs at the age of three, created mental methods at the age of five, and was admitted to the Hanlin Academy of the Jing Dynasty at the age of eight…”

As Li Tongtong read, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Does this name sound familiar?

 Seeing the vehicle suddenly stall again, Li Wen turned his head in shock.

Two pairs of eyes stared straight at Shen Miaoke, and the car was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.


 (End of this chapter)

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