Chapter 49 Xingzhou Wang, death letter

  Half an hour later.

 In the war boat room.

“I think it’s better to return to Lucheng after the trip to the ruins. After all, there are so many spiritual masters here, all waiting to go to the Eastern Wasteland to dig for treasures.”

 Shen Miaoke felt quite nervous after listening to Chen Xiangyang's words.

She thought that the identity of her father, the leader of the Black Lotus, might not be hidden. After all, if there were changes in Tianshu Si's legendary list, there was a high probability that the leader's power would be detected.

"That's good. With your accurate answer, I can report it to the boss." Chen Xiangyang nodded.

 Shen Changqing has fallen into deep thought, his eyes showing some recollection and nostalgia.

He learned from Chen Xiangyang's mouth that this trip to the Eastern Wasteland ruins, in addition to Shuzhou, also involved other realms, which inevitably caused ripples in his heart.

 Middle-earth, the ancient land that continues the course of life, was called Middle-earth ten thousand years ago.

Unexpectedly, Shen Changqing’s last reincarnation place was so close to reality.

Since they are so close, can he meet Bai Li again?

“Excuse me, Senior, have you recalled any more distant memories recently?” Chen Xiangyang suddenly asked again.

Judging from the instructions issued by Tianshu Division, there is a high probability that I, Qingyunzhai, are showing signs of a second awakening.

This is not the first, there have been cases in Daxia, but they are very rare.


 Shen Changqing nodded slightly after pondering for a while.

While he was under the World Tree, he discovered that Qingyunzhai Laozi's merits continued to soar, and Haoran's righteousness increased many times.

 He ​​guessed that this should be related to the journey of Kunlun Taoist. After all, he had been fighting demons in the Middle Earth for a hundred years, and he had naturally produced countless merits.

 These merits will inevitably be discovered when they interact with Qingyunzhai Laozi.

 Now that you know everything, there is no need to hide it.

He just said what he needed to say, and no one forced him to say what he didn't want to say.

“Okay, senior I, please rest first. If you remember any important information, you can tell me in time.”

 Chen Xiangyang stood up, breathing quickly.

It seems that Tianshu Si's judgment is absolutely correct. I, Mr. Qingyunzhai, am indeed about to awaken for the second time!

Looking at the fact that Tianshu Division has temporarily closed the legendary list and blocked the news, this may have a lot of reasons.

 Daxia upholds an attitude of respect for every heroic spirit.

Especially when the level has reached the legendary level, even though Chen Xiangyang is the president of the provincial Yingling Guild and has contracted with the Taoist Celestial Master, he will still be called senior in front of the respected Laozi.

 He left the room and prepared to report the matter to Qin Tian Jian.


 A few days later, the war boat finally approached the cave passage.

Such passages are found all over the Xuanhuang Realm, and no one knows how they were formed so far.

Each passage is like a node on a large network, which can span endless distances in the Xuanhuang Realm.

At this moment, in the sky above the cave passage, war boats from other cities can already be seen, one after another stepping into the abyss, and then disappearing.

 Looking into the distance, there are also war ships coming.

One of the war boats has a large number of patterns carved on its entire body, and the word "Wang" is imprinted on it under the fluttering flag.

This is a family from Xingzhou, belonging to the southern country of Xingzhou.

Although the Southern Kingdom is only a small country and is far from being comparable to the big countries, those aristocratic families with strong foundations cannot be underestimated at all.

 Their strength almost controls the lifeblood of the entire Southern Kingdom.

The Wang family is one of those aristocratic families, and it is natural that they came here today to visit the ruins of the Eastern Wasteland. On the deck of the war boat, a large number of figures could be seen stopping. Among them was a man in white robes, standing with his hands behind his hands. He was obviously of extraordinary status. There was also a young man about fifteen years old standing beside him.

“Qiong’er, although this journey to the Eastern Wilderness is important, you must remember that no matter what happens, you must not expose Guixuluo at will. After all, this is an ancient evil spirit that exterminates the common people.”

"Although no one in our southern country dares to say anything, those people in Shuzhou and Zhongzhou will inevitably have grudges in their hearts. If they are targeted, they will only lose a small amount."

The middle-aged man spoke slowly, his eyes already seeing the war boats from Shuzhou and Zhongzhou.

 “I know, father.”

The young man named Wang Qiong responded expressionlessly.

More than a month ago, he and his father Wang Yue secretly set off to Daxia, found Guixuluo's medium in the Guinnu Sect's base camp, and successfully contracted it.

No one knew about this, not even the senior officials of Daxia were aware of it.

 After contracting Gui Xuluo, Wang Qiong's mind had some changes, which he might not even have noticed, and the way he spoke to his father changed.

“Ten thousand years ago in the Eastern Wasteland was also an era of troubled times of demons and demons. What if we find what Guixuluo needs?” Wang Qiong asked again.

Seeing this, Wang Yue lowered his head and glanced at his son, and then responded after thinking: "You can show up without causing others to notice."

 “What if someone sees it?”

Wang Qiong suddenly raised his head and grinned. His pale face was quite penetrating, and a murderous intent flashed through his eyes.

This appearance immediately made Wang Yue feel a little silent.

He didn't know whether the decision to let his son contract Guixuluo was right or wrong.

 He may have underestimated the horror of Guixuluo, which has made Wang Qiong become more and more cold-blooded.

“Father, I believe you won’t be that stupid.”

After speaking calmly, the smile at the corner of Wang Qiong's mouth disappeared and turned into indifference.

“Have you sorted out the information about the spiritual masters?”

Wang Yue's eyes glanced behind him, a young man wearing wide-rimmed glasses.

In order to ensure safety, he needs to know himself and his enemies from the ancient heroes of other countries and forces.

“It’ll be ready soon. Many talents from Daxia are here this time. It’s really lively.”

The man with glasses stared straight at the big screen. Under his operation, information about many heroic spirits was constantly displayed.

This is basically not a secret, just organize it.

Soon, the man with glasses discovered that all the information about one of the heroic spirits was completely blank.

“I, Qingyunzhai, what is the origin of this heroic spirit?”

The man with glasses suddenly became interested. If there is information about heroic spirits that is hidden, it proves that it is not simple.

He has encountered this problem many times, but as a strategist of the Wang family, this problem does not trouble him at all.

 However, after some operations, he began to sweat profusely on his forehead and his expression became increasingly ugly.

Not long after, the entire system suddenly failed again, and a red letter suddenly appeared.

His complexion suddenly changed, and he suddenly stood up in fear.

The spectacled man's gaffe attracted everyone's attention. Wang Yue and Wang Qiong both frowned and looked over.

 “Why are you panicking?”

The man with glasses was trembling all over, feeling as if he was surviving a disaster, and his face was so frightened that his face turned pale.

He trembled and said: "I tried to check the information of a heroic spirit, but I received a death warning from the Grand Xia Archbishop!"

After saying this, everyone on the deck looked froze for a moment.

   Thanks to the life and death Qi Kuo and Zicheng Shuo for the 100 coin reward!

   Thanks to Gu Siyu Germany for the 500-coin reward!



 (End of this chapter)

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