Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 47: Qingyunzhai, I have awakened for the second time?

Chapter 47 Qingyunzhai Laozi awakened for the second time?

 At the same time, in the capital of Daxia, Qintian Prison.

As a vital institution in Daxia, Qin Tianjian is responsible for digging into the ancient history of the Xuanhuang Realm and analyzing the reasons for the changes in time.

 Including but not limited to Shuzhou, other ancient ruins, etc.

In addition, Qin Tianjian is also in charge of many practices in Daxia. They have a very mysterious department called Tianshu Division.

This Tianshu Division is composed of algorithms and can make accurate judgments on various cultivation methods, including some inherited secrets and magical skills, and can give reasonable rankings.

In addition, Tianshu Si is also in charge of the entire Daxia and records the information of heroic spirits.

 They also divided the Heroic Spirits, comprehensively analyzed their abilities, combat power, influence, etc., and ranked them at each level.

 For example, the top 100 heroic spirits, the top 100 heroic heroic spirits.

 Each level has its own ranking.

 However, the information on heroic spirits held by Tianshu Si does not actually include all the information.

 This is because there are many independent forces in Daxia.

 Most of them did not choose to enter the Academy of Valor or join the Hall of Valor.

 In this case, naturally there are no heroic spirits recorded, and Tianshu Si cannot obtain their information.

 Such as this, there are also ‘grey organizations’ lurking in Daxia, such as the ghost slave sect that has been destroyed.

  Another example is the alien races and countries in other parts of the Xuanhuang Realm.

If the heroic spirits contracted by these people are not included in Tianshusi's information, they will naturally not be included in the ranking.

 At this moment, we are in a main hall of Qintian Prison.

The prisoner was sorting through the many ancient secret books that had been unearthed, when the large screen hanging high on the beam suddenly flashed.

“Tianshu Commandery has an order, please listen to it.”

The cold mechanical sound sounded, causing Jian Zheng's body to tremble, and he quickly put down what he was busy with.

“It has been detected that student Shen Miaoke from Lucheng Academy of Heroes has shown signs of a second awakening in the contracted heroic spirit. Please send someone to Lucheng immediately for secondary recording.”

As soon as the words fell, the supervisor immediately fell into deep thought.

 The so-called second awakening of heroic spirits is not uncommon, and there are indeed many examples of this in Daxia.

 After all, the Xuanhuang Realm has a very long history. In those ancient years, there were mysterious beings such as fairies, ghosts, gods, and Buddhas. Even within Daxia, there were these heroic spirits.

 With such a vast history, it is inevitable that there will be some reincarnations.

He was even more impressed by this classmate named Shen Miaoke.

 A few months ago, he had just dug out Qingyunzhai Laozi's high-level medium from the Great Wasteland ruins, and was told that Qingyunzhai Laozi had been contracted.

 From the information passed down below, it can be seen that Shen Miaoke's father is Shen Changqing, and his previous life turned out to be Mr. Qingyunzhai a thousand years ago!

Logically speaking, Shen Changqing has already awakened for the second time when he transformed from an ordinary heroic spirit to a legendary one.

 Why are you being told that you are awakening again now?

 If it is true, then this is probably not the second time, but the third time!

"Can I ask where this sign of awakening comes from?" Jian Zheng was quite suspicious.

 Soon, a real-time list appeared on the big screen.

  This is the ranking of all legendary heroic spirits currently recorded in the book.

 Reasonable ranking based on combat power, ability, and influence.

 Qingyunzhai, I was previously ranked 154th, but now I look at it and it has become 104th, directly suppressing fifty legendary heroes!

"This, this, this...there is such a thing?" The supervisor was looking at the legendary list, and he was really shocked and dumbfounded.

Those suppressed heroic spirits are without exception all important figures from thousands of years ago. They are not only famous and distinguished, but also powerful and influential.

 Among them, some are local in Shuzhou, and some are contracted from other ancient ruins.

 This time they were all surpassed by Qingyunzhai Laozi...

It was precisely because Tianshu Si noticed the change in rankings that he believed that Mr. Qingyunzhai was undergoing a second awakening.

 “Are you still going up?”

The supervisor was staring closely at the legendary list, his pupils quickly condensing slightly.

 I saw that the 100th-ranked Taoist Celestial Master, the heroic spirit contracted by Chen Xiangyang, fell to the 101st rank on the spot.

 The one who reached the 100th place became Laozi Qingyunzhai!

 But this is not the limit, the ranking is still changing. As Qingyunzhai Laozi's awakening state becomes more and more full, he soon reached the top eighty.

 According to this trend, I am afraid that the top fifty legendary rankings, which have not been changed for decades, will also be loosened!

"How could this happen? First he was an ordinary heroic spirit in the modern era, and then he awakened the Qingyunzhai Laozi in his previous life. What is the situation now? What is the origin of this person named Shen Changqing?"

Jian Zheng stared at the big screen with trembling eyes, feeling frightened.

 He ​​knows that Qingyunzhai Laozi who is currently on the legendary list is not actually ‘Qingyunzhai Laozi’, but already another identity of Shen Changqing.

 Because there is currently no record, the name remains unchanged.

 What makes Jian Zheng a little unimaginable is, who is this person?

“We’ve really reached fifty, and I’m afraid there’s going to be a explosion outside!”

Jian Zheng was breathing heavily, and watched helplessly as Qingyunzhai Laozi's name pushed out the fiftieth "Master of Xuanmen".

 “Please send someone to Lucheng quickly for secondary recording.”

The cold mechanical sound sounded again, which came from the instructions of Tianshu Division. Jian Zheng did not dare to neglect at all, and hurriedly walked out of the hall to prepare things.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I went out, I saw many Qintian Prison staff waiting outside.

They looked ugly and asked tentatively: "Jian Zheng, do you know that the legendary list has changed now?"

Jian Zheng knew very well the purpose of their coming and scolded them seriously: "You are employees of Qin Tian Jian, not the **** of those aristocratic families outside!"

Some staff members quickly apologized and said with a smile: "Jianzheng, please calm down. We just want to know if there is a malfunction in Tianshu Division, and my ranking in Qingyunzhai has been rising."

“It’s almost the end of the month. If it’s a malfunction, will there be any problems with the resource settlement in this ranking?”

After finishing speaking, the supervisor looked at the waiting staff and couldn't help but let out a deep sigh.

 He knew that these people had received a lot of benefits from aristocratic families in private.

“There will never be any glitches in Tianshu, everything you see is real.”

After Jian Zheng finished speaking, everyone's expressions instantly became stiff. The remaining illusions in their hearts were shattered on the spot, and they were even more confused.

They know the origin of Qingyunzhai Laozi. He is a sage who lived in the ruins of the wilderness a thousand years ago. He created and preached the law and left behind a famous longevity technique that can extend the life of ordinary people for more than ten years.

If it comes to influence, Qingyunzhai Laozi deserves it.

 When it comes to saving the common people, Qingyunzhai Laozi is also the best.

 But after all, isn’t that just a teacher?

 Being able to rank one hundred and fifty-fourth on the legend list without any fighting ability is already unprecedented.

Now he has actually suppressed more than a hundred legendary heroes?

 And look at this trend, it’s still rising!

 (End of this chapter)

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