Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 30: The fruit of reincarnation is ripe, a new talent identity

Chapter 30 The fruit of reincarnation is ripe, a new talent identity

 The heavy rain continued in Lucheng, and pedestrians were in a hurry on the road.

In a five-star hotel three kilometers away from the Yingling Academy, a large number of men wearing white Chinese tunic suits are gathering at the moment.

 They all maintained absolute silence and silence, waiting quietly by the corridor.

In private room No. 301, there were more than a dozen Heroic Spirits standing there, staring at the Heroic Spirit Academy three kilometers away through the windows washed by the heavy rain.

 “Master...is that you?”

The master of the Langya Ghost Sect stopped for a long time, with a look of deep reminiscence and deep nostalgia on his face.

 Memory revives, scenes from the past emerge, and a certain sealing power is released, becoming more powerful.

Three thousand years later, he finally had the opportunity to meet his master again.

The news of the chaos in Lucheng that was reported some time ago, the appearance of demon masters, and the subsequent fighting between each other naturally reached their ears.

Through some special means, the master of Langya Sect smelled the familiar aura fluctuations from back then, so he rushed to Lucheng without stopping.

At this moment, I can truly feel the free fluctuations between heaven and earth that have not completely dissipated, and my heart is even more certain.

“The founder’s death was so sudden. We didn’t even see him for the last time before he passed away in Langya Sect…”

Behind the master of the Langya Sect, there were two young women dressed in blue with gloomy eyes.

One of them, named Dieyi Sage, was the owner of Dieyi Villa in the Xuanhuang Realm three thousand years ago.

 The other one, named Lotus Yaksha, was also the head of the Lotus Sect at that time.

Not only that, all the heroic spirits in Room 301 are high-ranking and powerful sect leaders, heroes of the past.

"The Patriarch is now in Lucheng. I don't know who contracted him out. We need to confirm it as soon as possible. Maybe the Patriarch's memory has not recovered yet."

Another voice also fell, with a bit of vicissitudes of life.

 Dong dong dong!

 Suddenly there was a knock on the door.


The leader of the Langya Sect looked back and saw an old man in Chinese tunic suit walking in from the door.

“Seniors, the situation has been roughly clarified. Currently, only Shen Miaoke from Lucheng Yingling Academy meets some conditions.”

The old man in Chinese tunic suit spoke and handed over a piece of information from the investigation.

 All the heroic spirits immediately rushed up and looked at it one after another.

“I wonder, seniors, who is the ancient heroic spirit you are looking for?”

The old man in Mao suit finally couldn't hold it in anymore and asked out his inner confusion.

You must know that the power of the Red Mansion is extremely powerful. Any disturbance will attract the close attention of a large number of eyes.

Today, almost all the high-level information of the Red Building came out and gathered in this small Lucheng, which really shocked all the forces in Shuzhou.

 They have already secretly set out to find out why Honglou is so aggressive.

 This problem is also confused by the old man in Mao suit.

 From the mouths of the ancient heroic spirits, words such as "master", "ancestor", "benefactor", etc. were frequently revealed, which made him even more shocked and curious.

"You will know what you should know eventually, no need to ask any more questions." The master of Langya shook his head gently, looking at the intelligence information in his hand, he was basically convinced.

The saint in butterfly clothes beside him immediately turned around, stared at the old man in tunic suit and said:

"Also, from today on, this little girl named Shen Miaoke, I will not allow any outside force to cause any harm to her. Can I do that?"

After hearing this, the old man in Chinese tunic suit felt his heart tremble.

It seems that the person the heroic spirits are looking for is almost the designated person for the intelligence.

He immediately looked serious and responded firmly: "There is absolutely no problem. The will of Senior Saint Hand is the will of Hong Lou. Anyone who is an enemy of Shen Miao is an enemy of Hong Lou!"


 After leaving the private room, the old man in Chinese tunic was breathing rapidly, his chest continued to rise and fall, and his heart was roaring for a long time and could not be calmed down. If I guessed correctly, the many powerful ancient heroic spirits in the Red Mansion, the ‘ancestors’ and ‘benefactors’ they wanted to find have already been contracted by Shen Miaoke!

What makes him a little unbelievable is, what kind of status did a person called the Patriarch have three thousand years ago?

It is conceivable that it must be a more powerful existence, and it also has very terrifying influence and appeal, which can be seen from the attitude of many ancient heroic spirits in the Red Mansion.

 “Have you found out the information about the Bai people?”

The old man in Chinese tunic said in a deep voice and looked at the two members of the Red Mansion outside the corridor.

“Returning to the vice-president, according to valid information, since the Six-fingered Demon Lord invaded Lucheng Yingling Academy that night, the leader of the Bai tribe has led the entire tribe to move.”

After the words fell, the vice-president of the Red Mansion immediately fell into deep thought.

 What has been done must be done again, and what has been done must be done again. He has lived for most of his life and still understands this truth.

Since the Bai clan had taken action against Shen Miaoke before, they must not keep him any longer to avoid causing other troubles.

Even though it is only a small ethnic group, except for the six-fingered demon king, there is not much threat.

 But he promised the Holy Hand in Dieyi that he would carry it out to the end.

 “I have to dig three feet into the ground and find it for me!”


 At this moment, in the Academy of Heroes.

 Shen Changqing's heroic body returned to the world tree.

 He looked at a new reincarnation fruit that was gradually maturing, his eyes showing anticipation.

 Not long after, words appeared again.

  【Starting reincarnation. 】

  【Selecting time anchor point. 】

  【Anchor point confirmation, the Xuanhuang Realm was in chaos with demons and demons 10,000 years ago. 】


  【Reincarnation Fruit Talent: Comprehension is heaven-defying. 】

  【Reincarnation Fruit Talent: True Demon Soul. 】

 The newly emerged talent of reincarnation fruit attracted Shen Changqing's attention.

After understanding this new talent, his heart couldn't help but tremble suddenly, and his face showed unprecedented anticipation and joy.

“This true demon soul can actually allow me to reappear as the leader of the Black Lotus thousands of years ago?”

 In other words, this reincarnation will give Shen Changqing two identities.

The powerful heroic body of the Black Lotus Cult Master will become the true demon soul in his body!

This also means that Shen Changqing can not only create a new identity, but also secretly continue to practice the realm of the Black Lotus Master.

 After feeling overwhelmed, Shen Changqing quickly calmed down.

“I don’t know yet what I can come into contact with in this reincarnation. The environment determines the factors for growth. It is naturally better to have a good identity, but as long as I can continue to cultivate the Black Lotus Cult Master with the soul of the real demon, everything is enough.”

“If the environment where you were born is more dangerous, you can use the strength of the leader to directly resolve it. If the environment is very good, the strength of the leader will be even more prosperous.”

“No matter how you look at it, this reincarnation is the beginning of Tianhu, but where will it come to the Xuanhuang Realm this time?”

 Shen Changqing is unable to see the fruit of reincarnation and the description of the realm.

 However, judging from the pattern of previous reincarnations, each time he reincarnated, the time span was very large and the geographical area was also relatively remote.

 It seems that in order to avoid something called the paradox of time and space, the World Tree has closed on its own.

 (End of this chapter)

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