Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 25: Contracted with the Sword Master of the South China Sea, the leader of the Demon Cult i

Chapter 25 Contract with the Sword Master of the South China Sea, the leader of the Demon Cult in the Eastern Wasteland!

 On the other side, the Eastern Wasteland.

 After seven days, Dean Lucheng and Li Wen finally arrived at the place where the Nanhai Sword Master once lived.

This place has long been deserted and has become a relic of the Xuanhuang Realm.

With the efforts of Master Jiuyang, they finally found the address of the Nanhai Sword Master after going through all kinds of hardships.

 It’s just that someone got there first!

 Under night, in the cliff basin.

 As the bonfire burned, the laughter of an old gentleman kept coming.

The Yingling Dean from Dongcheng slapped Dean Lucheng on the shoulder: "Don't worry, with Xia Beini's talent and qualifications, she can definitely contract the Nanhai Sword Master!"

“In fact, if it weren’t for Qingyunzhai’s advanced medium being a step too late, Xia Beini’s second heroic spirit should be him.”

Dean Lu Cheng had a dark face and did not answer the call.

What he didn't expect was that Dongcheng learned about the Nanhai Sword Master from somewhere, and found the advanced medium belonging to the Nanhai Sword Master, an ancient bronze sword, one step ahead of time!

At this moment, the fifteen-year-old Xia Beni was sitting next to her, frowning, murmuring, and calling the Nanhai Sword Master through the ancient bronze sword.

If she succeeds, a heroic spirit will slip away from her eyes.

Even though I was very upset, I really had no choice but to wait for the result of Xia Beni.

“Let me correct you, Qingyunzhai and I can’t contract with anyone.”

Li Wen spoke calmly at this time and did not reveal the relationship between Shen Changqing and Shen Miaoke.

Dean Dongcheng chuckled and shook his head, looking completely unconcerned.

“That’s all, I don’t care anymore. As long as Xia Beini can contract with the Nanhai Sword Master, she’s no worse than Mr. Qingyunzhai, right?”

"Judging from the information I have received so far, this Nanhai Sword Master was a righteous hero three thousand years ago, and he was the most powerful man in the world!"

Dean Dongcheng spoke leisurely, with absolute confidence in the Nanhai Sword Master's status, including his strength, etc.

Last time, due to the Qingyunzhai Laozi incident, Lucheng became famous. Many young talents in other cities were quite envious.

 But this time, it’s Dongcheng’s turn too!


As soon as she finished speaking, Xia Beni's body suddenly burst out with a strong light.

Her delicate body trembled slightly, and then she suddenly opened her eyes and gasped for air.

 In the extremely nervous gaze of everyone, Youdao's figure gradually condensed until it was revealed in front of everyone.

Hair of white hair fluttering wildly, wearing ancient clothes, with a slightly dazed look on his face.

 It is the Sword Master of Nanhai!

“Am I dead? Where is this place?”

 He ​​looked around, obviously feeling incredible that he was back in the world again.

 “Old friend…”

Jiuyang Zhenren stood up tremblingly at this time, stretched out his arms and walked towards the Nanhai Sword Master.

For a moment, the memory of Nanhai Sword Master's death seemed to be slightly restored, and his body suddenly shook.

 When the two got together, Master Jiuyang explained to him the meaning of heroic spirits.

Dean Dongcheng was already laughing loudly, and in his excitement he quickly looked through the Nanhai Sword Master's heroic spirit levels.

 “It actually succeeded?”

Dean Lucheng's face became even more ugly. Nothing could be changed at this point, so he could only go over and check the Book of Heroes.

  【heroic spirit: Bai Shaoyun. ]    【Level: Hero level. 】

  【Era: Ancient Martial Arts Era. 】

  【Title: Nanhai Sword Master. 】

  【Life experience: Became the leader of the righteous path at the age of thirty, retired from the world to travel around the world at the age of thirty-five, became invincible in the world at the age of fifty, encountered a powerful enemy at the age of two hundred and twenty, and was killed by a giant of the demonic path. 】


As the information revealed in the Book of Heroes appeared in front of everyone, Dean Dongcheng's mood changed from excitement to a little shock.

Such a powerful Nanhai Sword Master did not die at the end of his life?

 Everyone's expressions also changed. Logically speaking, since the Nanhai Sword Master has become invincible in the world.

Then in the Eastern Wasteland three thousand years ago, who was the demonic person who could kill him?

A chill ran down everyone's spines, especially Dean Lucheng and Li Wen.

They know that the Nanhai Sword Master is stronger than Master Jiuyang, and this has been verified by Master Jiuyang.

However, Master Jiuyang could die a healthy life, but Nanhai Sword Master died an unexpected death?

"Everyone, the Book of Heroes is not omniscient and omnipotent. There are always some flaws and blind spots. There may be errors. The true life experience of the Sword Master of the South China Sea needs to be obtained from other aspects."

Dean Dongcheng smiled awkwardly and had no choice but to put away the Book of Heroic Spirits.

In the eyes of the public, he was finally able to shine. His student summoned the leader of the righteous path three thousand years ago. Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened.

 “You read that right, I did die an unexpected death.”

 Suddenly, a long and complicated sigh attracted everyone's attention.

They all turned around and saw that the Nanhai Sword Master's memory had recovered a lot. After reminiscing with Master Jiuyang, his mind became clearer.

"Have you ever... really encountered an invincible enemy?" Dean Dongcheng asked with a trembling voice.

The Sword Master of Nanhai nodded, his expression turned gloomy, and he could even clearly recall the endless fear and despair brought about by the moment he died instantly.

 After receiving the accurate reply, everyone looked at each other again, and their hearts continued to shake.

“Senior Sword Master, may I ask if that person is the Six-Fingered Demon Lord?”

 Among the people present, only Dean Lucheng and Li Wen felt great fear.

 Because not long ago, they just learned about the origin of a powerful demon named Six-Fingered Demon Lord.

This big demon from three thousand years ago enslaved the common people, killed all the righteous sects at that time, and had countless demons following him. It can be said to be the nightmare of an era!

If the Nanhai Sword Master was killed by the Six-Fingered Demon Lord, how terrifying is the Six-Fingered Demon Lord's strength?

“Are you talking about King Dugu? I did hear a little bit about this person when I traveled to the mainland. He is a powerful figure in the magic way, but he is not my opponent.”

“The person who killed me was actually a person from the Eastern Wilderness. Even if the Six-Fingered Demon King led thousands of demons to invade the Eastern Wilderness, he would still have slaughtered his entire family without a burial place.”

The Sword Master of Nanhai shook his head slightly and denied Dean Lucheng's speculation.

Jiuyang Zhenren pondered at this time and asked: "It's hard for me to understand. With your strength, you should be invincible in the Eastern Wilderness. Those demon sects were all suppressed by you. Did someone appear later?"

After the words fell, the Nanhai Sword Master's chest continued to rise and fall, his eyes evasive and gloomy.

 He seemed unwilling to talk about the despair and fear he felt when facing death.

"You are right. Although the Demon Sect in the Eastern Wasteland was in decline at that time, an incredible young man appeared. In just twenty years, he had the power of my two hundred years."

“I was wiped out by him with one finger, and I had no ability to resist. He is the lord of the demon sect…the leader of the Black Lotus!”

 (End of this chapter)

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