Heroic Spirit: All My Past Lives Were Summoned By My Daughter

Chapter 106: At the end of the Dharma Tribulation, this immortal will no longer be able to cultivat

Chapter 106: The Dharma Ending Catastrophe, this Immortal Can’t Cultivation?

 What is the God of War?

 For Shen Changqing, it is realm.

 At this moment, the imperial city is full and in the eyes of countless people.

 It is a symbol of supreme strength.

With the rain of blood all over the sky, the crisis was resolved, and Shen Changqing's figure was reflected in the sky.

Thousands of people wept with joy, and the whole city erupted in deafening cheers.

Xiaoyao Jianzun also had tears in his eyes. One hundred and fifty years have passed.

 He had witnessed Shen Changqing's growth and opened up a whole new world of martial arts practice.

 I just didn’t expect that Shen Changqing would reach this point.

 “Your Highness, please accept my respects from this old minister!”

The Imperial Master spoke with a trembling voice and knelt down on one knee towards Shen Changqing.

Out of love, Shen Changqing saved the entire Yanxian Dynasty and turned the tide on the edge of crisis.

 He should kneel.

  Yu Li, Shen Changqing was still the eldest prince of the Yanxian Dynasty and a direct member of the royal family.

 He has to kneel even more.

 “Your Highness!”

 Looking at the imperial city, there are 100,000 forbidden troops.

At this moment, my heart was filled with excitement, and they all bowed their heads and kowtowed.

 “Get up.”

 Shen Changqing flicked his sleeves.

 Everyone’s knees are not controlled and are lifted up.

 “This imperial city has a nice scenery.”

Shen Changqing stood with his hands behind his back and glanced at the scenery of the entire imperial city.

Then he returned to Yan Nanfeng's side, and with Situ Wan'er's hand, he walked towards the imperial garden of the apse.

The hall was full of civil and military officials and ministers and they hurriedly bent down until a few figures disappeared.

“What kind of cultivation level does the eldest prince have? Didn’t it mean that he couldn’t cultivate immortality back then?”

“It’s martial arts training! Your Highness seems to have found a brand new path to martial arts!”

“It’s unbelievable, what kind of martial arts method can kill the virtual giant…”

Outside the main hall, many civil and military ministers were trembling with trembling eyes.

 Agitation arose, and words flowed one after another.


 At the same time, in the Imperial Garden.

 “The child has seen his mother.”

 In the hundred years since the Yanxian Dynasty war, Shen Changqing has only met Situ Wan'er twice.

It has been thirty years since we last parted.

 “Sir, you have suffered a lot these years.”

Situ Wan'er took Shen Changqing to reminisce about the past.

After a moment, Yan Nanfeng asked: "Brother, is your current martial arts practice similar to that of a land god?"

Looking at the entire Da Zezhou, land gods are in a very ethereal realm.

 Beyond the Void Refining Stage, the Integration Stage and the Tribulation Stage are missing.

 The incompleteness of the system of cultivating immortals in the current era is caused by the last great catastrophe of the end of the Dharma.

 The system of cultivating immortals that was left over was sorted out and developed by later generations, and the terrestrial fairyland was derived.

However, Yan Nanfeng has never seen the land of fairyland.

 It has never appeared in the entire history of Yanxian Dynasty.

 It seems that in the late stage of Lianxu, he was already the strongest person in Da Zezhou.

If you can reach the perfection of refining the void, you will basically be truly invincible.

 One person can overturn an immortal dynasty.

 But it happened that even the late stages of Lianxu and Dzogchen had not been born for many years.

 So far, looking at the outside world.

 The only person who was killed by Shen Changqing just now was the Supreme Emperor of Taihao Immortal Dynasty.

His strength has reached the peak of the middle stage of refining the void, and is about to enter the late stage of refining the void.

That is the well-deserved Da Zezhou, the most powerful virtual refining giant.

The Yanxian Dynasty and the Qianyang Immortal Palace fought for one hundred and thirty-five years.

Without Emperor Taihao's push behind the scenes and joining forces with other Void Refining giants in Dashezhou, the war would have ended long ago.

At this moment, Shen Changqing heard Yan Nanfeng's words and shook his head slightly.

“My strength has not reached that of a land immortal who is a cultivator of immortals.”

Hearing this, Situ Wan'er and Yan Nanfeng looked at each other, both very surprised.

Shen Changqing is already so strong. Under the God of Martial, all those who practice the void are just ants.

 With such strength, he is still unable to be on an equal footing with the land gods?

“However, becoming a Martial God is not the end of martial arts practice, it can also be taken to the next level.”

“If you can surpass the Martial God and aspire to be the Martial Emperor, then you can be invincible to the land gods.”

Shen Changqing created a method and forcibly established a way to practice martial arts, creating the Martial God Realm and the Martial Emperor Realm.

 Compare the Dzogchen of Lianxu and the Dzogchen of Land Gods.

As long as you step into this place, you will be invincible.

  There is no more detailed division into the early stage of the Martial God or the early stage of the Martial Emperor.

Of course, if there are people in future generations who practice it.

 There is still a slight difference between strength and weakness, and it depends on the individual's own nature.

 “Is there still a Martial Emperor realm?”

Yan Nanfeng took a breath of cold air.

 Brother is nothing more than a freak!

Even if you are born unable to cultivate immortality, the road ahead is dark.

 He can also tear apart nothingness and pave the way with his own hands.

“In addition, I need information about my father’s condition.”

Shen Changqing spoke again and mentioned the young emperor who died from a curse a hundred and fifty years ago.

 After so many years, he has a clearer understanding of the surrounding continent.

 Combining things experienced in several lifetimes, as well as information gained.

 He had a rough guess in his mind.

The origin of evil spirits should come from the strange continent in the west of Da Zezhou, the land that spreads curses to the outside world.

Not long after, Yan Nanfeng came over with a jade slip for recording.

“Here is the information about my father’s condition. In order to find out the strange disease that broke out on the border of Da Zezhou, he once entered the strange continent in the west alone.”

 “After coming back, he recorded a lot of things.”

“It is reported that there is a group of people named ‘Sacrifice’ living in the strange continent in the west.”

Shen Changqing took the jade slip and his spiritual thoughts penetrated into it.

 Sacrifice clan.

  A group that is called a weird ethnic group in today’s era.

 In the real Yuling Era, the sacrificial tribe is called the alien tribe of the Xuanhuang Realm.

 Obviously, this is not an ordinary alien race from the Xuanhuang Realm.

 Many eras, many lands and continents.

 Almost all have traces left by the sacrificial tribe.

 They spread curses and wander to the edge of darkness.

 The curse was so powerful that it even made Yanxian Dynasty a hundred and fifty years ago.

 The young emperor died as a result.

 Shen Changqing can learn a lot from this jade slip.

  Back when his father entered the strange continent, he did not find any signs of life.

 The entire continent is a forbidden area for life.

Everywhere is desolate and dilapidated, with altars and palaces built everywhere.

 He wanted to find the sacrificial clan, but the sacrificial clan disappeared.

 After staying in the strange continent for several months, he suddenly felt unwell and returned to the DPRK.

 Unexpectedly, he was also infected with a strange disease.

“Now that the Yanxian Dynasty crisis has been resolved, how do you plan to develop next?”

 Shen Changqing collected the jade slips of records.

Yan Nanfeng immediately replied: "Based on the experience of the last great catastrophe, if you want to survive it smoothly."

“You can only cast many spiritual stones to store spiritual energy.”

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth began to gradually weaken thousands of years ago.

 To this day, half of the cave heavens and blessed lands in Dazezhou have been exhausted.

 Looking at other places in the Xuanhuang Realm, this is the case.

 This is the law, the law of the ebb and flow of spiritual energy, which cannot be changed.

All living things can only adapt to the living environment under the general trend.


 Shen Changqing nodded.

 He also couldn't predict what would happen next.

 Every time there is a great catastrophe, many things will be buried. Almost all the memories of the heroic spirits of later generations have a certain degree of confusion about the Dharma Ending Period.

 But judging from the rate at which the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is weakening, the late stage of the Dharma End is coming soon.

“In addition, this is a complete martial arts training path, which also includes the training methods of Martial God and Martial Emperor.”

“You can spread it among the people, so that all those who cannot cultivate immortality in the world can practice this way.”

 Shen Changqing took out another record jade slip from his arms and handed it to Yan Nanfeng.

 “I would like to thank my brother for everyone in the world!”

Yan Nanfeng stood up with a solemn expression.

Taken over the jade slip of record as if it were a treasure.

 With his status as Emperor Yan, this complete set of martial arts practice methods can be quickly spread among the people.

 “It’s time for me to retreat again and wait for the catastrophe.”

Shen Changqing’s eyes were filled with ripples, some secrets of history were about to be revealed.


 Time flies by.

The news about the birth of a eldest prince in the Yanxian Dynasty.

 In a short period of time, it spread throughout Da Zezhou.

 On that day, the seven virtual refining giants stayed in the Imperial City of Yanxian Dynasty forever.

 At the same time, legends about the Martial God Realm and the Martial Emperor Realm are also widely circulated.

 It caused a huge storm not only among the people, but also among the group world of immortal cultivators.

Even in the more distant Lingzhou, a craze for martial arts suddenly started.

 A force called the Heavenly Demon Sect has risen faster than imagined.

 The master of the sect, the Heavenly Demon Emperor, is terrifyingly powerful, and more and more demons are worshiping him.

On this side, Shen Changqing went into seclusion again, cultivating the Martial Emperor realm in the imperial city.

 Soon, two hundred years later.

 The remaining twenty-three cave heavens and blessed lands in the Yanxian Dynasty were once again half exhausted.

The spiritual energy of the world in Da Zezhou continues to be thin, and all forces are stepping up their efforts to cast spiritual stones.

 The way of martial arts practice has spread to a certain extent and has a very profound influence.

As Shen Changqing was in the imperial city of Yanxian Dynasty, the fact that he suppressed the seven virtual refining giants was revealed.

 People in the world no longer regard martial arts as inferior, but instead pursue them fanatically.

 It was not until another two hundred years passed that the great catastrophe of the end of the Dharma finally began to show its splendor.

 The Cave Heaven Blessed Land was completely depleted, and all directions of Da Zezhou gradually became desolate.

Some immortal sects and sects continue to burn, kill and loot in order to seek hope of survival.

 Chaos ensued and lasted for many years.

 Those with insufficient foundation began to gradually disappear, and they regretted withdrawing from the stage of history in the great catastrophe of the end of Dharma.

 Finally, eight hundred years.

 Suddenly someone heard that they were in a place where monsters lived.

For unknown reasons, a strange disease broke out, and a large number of monsters lost their minds for no apparent reason.

 The same kind of people fight and fight, and those with demonic nature take the dominant position.


 On this day, Yanxian came to court.

 Many key members gathered together with worried faces.

Yan Nanfeng was listening to the investigation information from Sword Master Xiaoyao.

“Recently, many immortal cultivators have become obsessed with evil spirits and contracted strange diseases.”

“The outbreak of the strange disease did not last more than three months, and they died one after another.”

“In addition, there are many immortal sects that have announced their disbandment because of insufficient storage of spiritual stones.”

“Today, there are less than forty Immortal Cultivation Sects left in Dazezhou.”

After Xiaoyao Sword Master finished speaking, Yan Nanfeng frowned tightly.

 The spiritual energy of heaven and earth became thin to a certain extent a long time ago, and all living things became languid.

Dazezhou presents a desolate and dilapidated scene in all directions.

 The frequency of immortal cultivators passing away is increasing, and many formerly prosperous places have become inhabited.

Even a behemoth like the Immortal Dynasty, which was at its peak, could not hold on.

 In this case, a strange disease suddenly broke out.

The place where monsters live is even more chaotic, and the monsters are going crazy.

Yan Nanfeng knew in his heart that the Dharma Ending Catastrophe was one of the reasons.

However, under the catastrophe, the cause of the outbreak of strange diseases must be related to the sacrificial tribe in the strange continent.

 The curse began to spread very early.

It spreads silently throughout Da Zezhou without anyone noticing.

 “Where is Lingzhou?”

Yan Nanfeng asked again immediately.

“The situation in Lingzhou is not optimistic either. Many magic gates have disappeared.”

“Only the Heavenly Demon Sect is still standing, and its leader, the Heavenly Demon Emperor, has unparalleled magical powers.”

“He seems to have unimaginable abilities. Looking at the entire Lingzhou, only the Heavenly Demon Sect still has spiritual energy!”

“Now, all the demons in Lingzhou are worshiping the Demon Emperor!”

Yan Nanfeng couldn't help but look moved, and felt quite incredible in his heart.

In fact, he knew many things that happened in Lingzhou many years ago.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor has a thunderous reputation and is the most powerful virtual refining giant in Lingzhou.

If it weren't for him, one person could intimidate the entire Lingzhou.

 As early as the beginning of the chaos, the demons from Lingzhou rushed into Dashezhou to **** resources.

 Unexpectedly, even in the current Dharma-ending period.

This Demon King also has other means to reach the sky, which can keep the spiritual energy from dissipating.

Although their positions are different, Yan Nanfeng does have respect for the Demon Emperor.

At this moment, the Imperial Master next to him suddenly trembled.

His body was unstable, black blood spurted out with a loud sound, and his face instantly became extremely pale.

"National Division?"

The expressions of several people changed drastically and they quickly supported him.

 Sword Master Xiaoyao checked his status, and soon his mind sank.

 “It’s a strange disease.”

 The Imperial Master showed a relieved smile and didn't feel anything.

Everyone in the world is infected with strange diseases, even the giants who refine the void are no exception.

“Actually, I noticed something was wrong decades ago.”

"This immortal...the more he practices, the weirder he gets, and the more he practices, the more uncomfortable he becomes."

 After the words fell, everyone couldn't help but fall silent.

 The situation of the Imperial Guard is not a special case, but can be found in many places in Dashezhou, including within the Yanxian Dynasty.

 A large number of soldiers of the Immortal Dynasty fell ill one after another.

 Spiritual stones cannot play any role at all, but will accelerate aging and death.

 It’s just that they didn’t expect that even the national preceptor would be like this now.

“Back then, my father went to the strange continent in the west because of a strange illness.”

“He did record a lot of things, but he didn’t even see a single figure of the so-called sacrificial clan.”

  “How on earth does this curse power…spread?”

Yan Nanfeng clenched his fists tightly, feeling deeply helpless in his heart.

They can’t see or find it.

“Could it be that the aura has been cursed and turned into something poisonous?”

 Xiaoyao Sword Master had a heavy expression on his face and spoke guessingly.

But the Imperial Master shook his head: "This kind of thing is impossible."

“Aura is a creation of heaven and earth, the original power of laws. Anything in the world can be cursed, but aura alone cannot be cursed.”

“We cultivators rely on spiritual energy to practice, but the more we practice, the more uncomfortable we become.”

“But no one has ever had this situation with the martial arts cultivation method passed down by the eldest prince. They also need spiritual energy.”

“This is enough to prove that it is not the aura that is cursed, but the cultivation method!”

 “This immortal…can’t cultivate anymore!”

 The Imperial Master let out a deep sigh.

 With despair and confusion.

These words also made several people's hearts feel like they were struck by lightning.

 They can no longer cultivate immortality?

 While Yan Nanfeng and others were discussing.

 In the border area of ​​Da Zezhou, suddenly the wind and clouds surged, and the sky flashed and thundered.

The overwhelming black mist spread, and along with the low roar of some ancient ferocious beast, strange figures emerged one after another.

Shen Changqing sat cross-legged in the back hall of the imperial city, and suddenly opened and closed his eyes at this moment.

 “Has it finally appeared?”

 (End of this chapter)

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