Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2111: Resurrected person

"Master Rod, I am willing to join the Undead Army, but at least please allow me to say goodbye to my companions."

After agreeing to join the Legion, Vera pleaded with Rhodes.

Rod nodded, but did not refuse his request: "You only have a little time."

Taking advantage of Rowling's time to find the Dragon Whisperer Prophecy Card, Rhode planned to return to the Doomsday Volcano to see, after which he would send the Legion members to the depths of the ground and meet the Commander Farese there.

During this period of time, it was also the time Rod gave Vera to say goodbye. After Rod returned, he would recall Vera with his spiritual imprint, and sent many legion members to the outskirts of the Tomb of the Witchcraft King.

Knowing the meaning of Rhodes' words and knowing that he was short of time, Vera could not stop staying in the legion's garrison, and soon returned to the residence.

Outside the house, Vera saw the girl who was watering the newly reclaimed flower garden.

The sky on the island is gloomy, and the dark sky covers all directions, providing an excellent habitat for the undead of the sea. The rich death energy is all over the surroundings, and even the soil has been deeply eroded, turning gray and decayed.

Everything here is like the undead city in Vera’s memory, but unlike the undead city in Vera’s memory, everything on the island is more prosperous, that is the splendor blooming above death, each necromancer’s face The above are full of expectation, and at the same time there is a bit of enthusiasm.

The necromancer named Rhodes brought death and disaster to this uncontested island, and even the entire ocean is being eaten up by necromancers a little bit. Those necromancers will follow Rhode to the world. More places.

Those flower seeds will not bloom, or even sprout. The only thing that can accompany the necromancer is the cursed earth. Vera knew all this, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he planted the flower seeds with Jane, listening to her telling her joy and expectations.

"Did you know? There used to be such a circle of flower gardens outside my yard. Every year when whales jump out of the sea, the flowers will bloom. Even if the window is closed, the house will be full of fragrance. I miss those days very much. ."

The girl's whisper seemed to sound again in her ears, and Vera had already come to Jane's side without realizing it.

"You're back? I saw you look anxious when you left. Nothing happened, right?"

Soon, the girl's concerned voice interrupted Vera's thoughts. He sighed, but didn't know how to speak. After a while, he said, "I...may be leaving Gwen Island."

Jane's watering motion stopped, and there was a moment of loss in her eyes. She looked at Vera and said sadly: "Are you leaving me? Didn't you say that you want me to plant those bright flowers with me?"

Vera couldn't bear to look at Jane at the moment, his heart was sad, but he explained: "I received an order from the master, and he asked me to join the Undead Legion, and fight with other members of the Legion... I'm sorry, I can't Continue to stay on the island to accompany you and see those flowers bloom one day."

What Vera didn't expect was that after hearing him say this, Jane showed a relieved expression: "It turned out to be the master's order... Vera, I don't blame you. If this is the case, you should rest assured to perform the master's task."

Vera looked startled, he looked at Jane at the moment, as if feeling a bit strange.

This strange feeling was not felt by Vera suddenly. Since Jane woke up, he had faintly noticed something wrong with Jane.

After fighting in the Treasure House in the Clouds, Vera realized that Jane’s method of rebirth was not the perfect resurrection of other creatures, but a unique ability of Rhode. If Vera remembers correctly, then It should be called the "death field".

Jane, who was reborn in the realm of death, looked no different from the original, but deep in her soul, something seemed to have changed. The most intuitive point was her attitude towards Rhode.

In Vera’s impression, at one time, Jane’s attitude towards Rod could be said to be different from Daitian. Many of the companions on the island became the undead creatures under Rod’s command, and even the legendary mage who guarded the island was the same. It is impossible to let go of this hatred.

However, with Jane's resurrection, she seemed to have completely let go of the hatred. When she mentioned Rhodes, there was not the slightest bit of resentment, but the words were full of admiration and reverence, just like...

Just like the members of the undead army.

Suddenly, Vera seemed to realize something. He stepped back subconsciously, looking at the girl in front of him, and he couldn't help but change.

Jane didn't seem to see the thoughts in Vera's mind, and re-watered the flower seeds buried in the flower bed, humming softly in her mouth.

Vera felt a chill. At this moment, his teeth trembled slightly. Before that, he was still feeling grateful for Jane to let go of his hatred and willing to accept himself. He didn't expect that everything was not what he thought. In the realm of death, she 'S consciousness has been severely distorted. Although the girl in front of her looked the same as her previous Jane appearance and had all the memories of her past, her consciousness changed eventually.

Finally, Vera plucked up the courage and said to Jane: "Let's... let's find a way to leave Gwen Island..."

Jane showed a puzzled look: "Why do you say that?"

"This is not the real you. Maybe if you leave here, you can recover..." Vera said incoherently, "I can't beat him. In front of him, I can't even maintain my will... We Only by fleeing to a far place can you get a short period of peace..."

"You are very strange today." Jane put down the water container and looked at Vera strangely. "You don't want to leave the master, do you? Or do you dare not accept the master's order?"

Vera showed an expression of pain. He has a lot to say to the girl in front of him, but he is very scared, afraid that the girl in front of him is just a manipulated puppet.

In front of that necromancer, all creatures mastering spiritism were puppets under his hand, and even Vera himself could not escape the fate of becoming a puppet.

In the end, Vera converged the expression on her face and turned to the girl in front of her, showing the same as before, but with a bitter smile: "Keep on watering... Maybe it won’t be long before those seeds will be there. A day of budding."

The girl nodded happily, and then resumed her original action. What she didn't see was that Vera's eyes were filled with firm light, which belonged to the hero's will.

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