Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2102: Victorious

Facing Aglan’s greetings, Rod only nodded faintly, and his gaze swept across the audience.

"It looks like you have just experienced a battle."

Compared with the beginning, there were a large number of cavemen in the Undead Legion. At the moment when Rhodes got the Eye of Almighty, at least hundreds of cavemen died in the hands of legion members.

With Lord's arrival, except for the cave people who were transformed into the corpse witch, the rest of the cave people awakened in the posture of the corpse witch king. In addition, in the realm of death, they also retained their memories of the past.

"Master Mingjian. Those cavemen who don't have eyesight dare to come up and attack us. I just asked the members of the legion to teach them a little lesson." On the side, Valeze reported respectfully.

"Cave people..." Rod looked at the newly added legion members. The value of those cave people is not in battle, but in digging complex underground passages.

When he got the eyes of Almighty, what Rod felt through the god-level spiritism was the breath of those cave people. He then used the magic mirror to deflect the laser of the eye of omnipotence and blasted open the passage leading to the cave people. .

The members of the legion led by Farese completed Rhode’s mission well. With those cavemen as members of the legion, Rhode also had more ideas about the countless cavemen entrenched in the depths of the earth.

"Have you found a way to leave here?" Rod thought for a while, and then asked Farezer, "This time the mission has been completed, Alama has been rescued...I think it should be counted."

Speaking of this, Rhode not only saw the stone body of Alama that Farese was carrying, and the strange face that belonged to him, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Rod did not expect that the Arama that was finally rescued would become what it is now. Fortunately, there is no problem with the consciousness of this enchanter. Even if there are only a few facial organs, he can still proceed without any problems. Exchange.

"Master, I am worried about the trap in the tomb of the magic king, and I dare not let the legion members chase it deeply. Now that you return safely, I will immediately let the legion members go and explore the way to leave." After understanding Rhode's thoughts, Farley Ze said immediately.

Rod shook his head: "No. These cavemen will tell us everything."

The passages of the underground world are intricate and complicated, and even the sorcerer who has lived in Nigon for a long time, if there is no high-level wayfinding technique, there will be the possibility of getting lost.

For the underground passages, the people who know the most are the cavemen. Even if it is a deep underground passage, they don't want to let the cavemen get lost in the slightest. They never use their eyes to distinguish directions underground.

At this time, after many cavemen were added to the legion, Rhodes no longer had to spend time exploring the passage, and directly asked those cavemen to find a way to leave.

Soon, a red-skinned caveman took the initiative to lead the way. He looked stronger than the general turquoise caveman, and he was also a lot stronger, but after becoming an undead creature under Lord's, they used to 'S strength is no longer important, it belongs to the power of the corpse witch king, allowing him to easily destroy hundreds of himself.

Under the leadership of this caveman, Rod and his entourage continued to detour through complicated underground passages. In the nearby passage, huge tentacles were drilled from time to time, as well as the huge mouth that swallowed creatures before, but they were all repelled by the Titan's Arrow. The power belonging to Thunder is an ability that these underground creatures have never seen before, and it also has a miraculous effect when used to deal with them.

The big demon in the legion was already a little impatient, and began to fist at the nearby cavemen, asking them why they had to dig such a complicated passage and was stopped by Farese. Even Rod did not remember how many branches he passed. Suddenly, the front suddenly opened up.

On the ground of the passage, there were traces of many cavemen passing through, and there were even weapons dropped by them. It was obvious that the previous battle failed, which greatly reduced their morale.

At the same time, Rohde felt lighter. The ritual that had originally shrouded him and prohibited the use of space spells had completely disappeared.

This discovery made the members of the nearby legion happy.

"Finally came out of that weird place! Compared with that place, I began to feel that the world is all ocean, and it is not that annoying, Master, shall we go back to Gwen Island now?"

After breaking away from the tomb of the witchcraft king, Aglan took a deep breath. The unique atmosphere of the witchcraft ritual still remained in the surrounding air, but even so, it was much better than the tomb of the witchcraft king. Much.

For Gwen Island, and even the Elemental Plane of Water, Aglan, who is the great devil, has never liked it. He likes hot lava and spewing volcanoes, and likes to be immersed in lava instead of cold sea water.

Although he has been to the Elemental Plane of Water many times, Agland didn't want to go back there at all. If possible, he would like to go back to hell, but he would not defy Rhode's orders.

At this moment, compared with everything in the tomb of the witchcraft king, Agland's aversion to the elemental plane of water was nothing more. He just wanted to return to the island quickly and stay away from the weird underground world.

Although the underground world is adjacent to hell, the environment is completely different. As the great devil, Aglan has never been to the underground world. He just heard some fallen people mention it. After experiencing it personally this time, he I understand how weird it is here.

However, Rod turned his head and glanced at the passage when he came, and finally rejected Agran's proposal.

"Farezer, you lead the legion members to garrison here. Those cavemen have already learned the method of sacrificial rituals from the tomb of the witchcraft king. Those who have tasted the sweetness will definitely try to come back here again."

After receiving Rhode’s order, Valeze naturally wouldn’t refuse, and quickly said: "Master, I must complete your task. You want me to be stationed here. By the way, I will explore the tomb of the magic king, right? I will definitely do. For the master, bring out the treasures in the tomb of the witchcraft king."

Rod shook his head: "Those are only secondary. The tombs of the witchcraft kings belong to the treasures of witchcraft masters. Even if you give them to you, you may not know how to use them. What I need are those cavemen. The sacrifice ceremony in hand is the truly precious thing."

Listening to Rod's narration, Valeze showed a bit of comprehension.

"The remaining legion members on the island, I will also let them come here and obey your command. If you need more undead creatures, you can send the great demon to the island for help."

Rod took the remnant belonging to Alama, and his figure disappeared in the flames.

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