Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2099: Magic mirror

Under Rhode’s order, all the big demon that rushed up along the gap left by the laser sweep towards the Eye of Almighty, before getting close to where it was, was completely petrified by the Eye of Almighty and became motionless. Stone sculpture.

If only this is the case, then Rhode would not be too worried. He only needs to wave the Titan's arrow in his hand and smash the stone statue with lightning, and he can regain his body.

However, Luo Luo was surprised that none of the stone statues smashed by the Titan's arrow had a tendency to resurrect.

"How could this happen? The death domain has failed..." Luo was surprised, and carefully looked at the gaps in the distant passages. "Could it be the petrification ability that changed the life structure of those great demons so that they are no longer a kind of creatures." , It can only be regarded as a cold stone, even if it is in the field of death, can't make the broken stones reconsolidate? Or does it mean that there are other powers?"

Rhode was puzzled as to how the Eye of Almighty invalidated the field of death, but when he sensed the power of the Eye of Almighty, Rhode immediately stopped his legion members.

The power belonging to the Almighty Eye has already been somewhat beyond Lord’s expectations. If the power of petrochemicals can completely eliminate the members of the Legion, many of Lord’s methods of warfare will have to be changed because of this. If the members of the Legion lose too much, he He couldn't even leave safely from the tomb of the king.

The laser penetrating everything, once again swept toward the legion. All obstacles in the way were turned into dust under the scouring of the laser. Even the members of the legion who blocked the path of the laser seemed to be unable to escape this way. The end.

At this moment, Lord's complexion changed slightly, and he seemed to begin to understand why Alama, the sorcerer with various methods, could only become a stone statue in front of the Almighty Eye.

Rohde took a deep breath. He fully used the power of God-level Spiritualism, and soon noticed an aura that was completely different from the members of the legion from the surrounding space.

After discovering the unique breath, Rod's expression calmed down slightly, and soon he had an idea in his heart.

The next moment, when the laser swept across the legion members, Rhode greeted him with the arrow of the Titan. At the same time, a unique magical aura condensed on him.

A large amount of mana was poured on the sword of Titan's Arrow by Rhode, and for a while, bright and blazing white light was released from the Titan's Arrow in Rhode's hand.

The laser of the omnipotent eye bombarded the Titan's arrow that Rod was in front of him. Even the Titan's arrow, which is an artifact, could not withstand such an offensive. The lightning condensed on it was slowly pierced by the laser. Even the Titan's arrow radiated red light at the location burned by the laser.

The wailing sound belonging to the divine instrument sounded in Lord's ears. If he sustains the burning of the laser for a long time, it may change what will happen to the sword of Titan.

In Rod’s impression, the artifact is indestructible, and no matter how powerful the legendary creature is, it cannot cause damage to the artifact. At most, only powerful artifacts can be divided into several powerful parts that contain the power of artifacts.

The only artifact that was destroyed was the Forbidden Magic Ball in the hands of the hero Tanan. In order to better exert the power of the Forbidden Magic Ball, the hero Tanan relied on his own strong heroic will to divide the Forbidden Magic Ball into a large number of fragments and handed them over to the barbarians for scattered use.

Rod was once fortunate to win one of them, and relying on the ability to ban magic ball fragments, he obtained the cloak of the ghost king from the protagonist of the second expansion in one fell swoop, thus creating everything in the future.

At this moment, the laser released by the eye of omnipotence might damage the arrow of Titan, which undoubtedly surprised Rhode.

What is stored in the tomb of the witchcraft king is not the legendary Almighty, but just a pair of eyes that belong to him, and the ability that these eyes have just learned may damage the artifact. If it were not from the mouth of Mexijia, Knowing about the deeds of the Almighty, that is, the Gods, Lord couldn't believe all this.

"This is not a simple copying ability, this is after copying, it also enhances those powers."

Such thoughts flashed in Lord's heart, and he seemed to have a clearer understanding of the power of the gods.

Although Titan's Arrow could not withstand the burning of the laser for a long time, the short moment of blocking the laser was the time that Rhodes was waiting for.

"Magic mirror!"

Rod muttered the name of this spell in silence. The next moment, the body of the Titan Arrow's sword flashed light. The original azure blue irregular body of the sword became crystal clear at this moment. He stared at it carefully, and he could still see from the body of the sword. Above, I saw the mirror world reflected in it.

On the side of Rod's figure, the Titan's arrow that changed, immediately deflected the laser burning on it, and bombarded the passage on the left side of the legion at a specific angle.

Not only that, Rhode did not forget to constantly adjust the angle. The existence of the legendary wisdom technique allowed Rhode to control the angle extremely accurately. Quickly, the originally extremely solid wall was controlled by the laser by Rhode, and bombarded a passage for legion members to pass through.

After doing all this, Lord's face sank and he turned the Titan Arrow back horizontally. The laser beam deflected all the way and pulled out a deep nick on the wall, and finally faced the spot where it was shot.

A violent explosion came from there, the laser disappeared in an instant, and the passage where Rod was located began to collapse at this moment. A large amount of rubble fell from the top of the passage, and the legion members in it were about to be buried alive.

Even the big demons in the legion, buried deep in the collapsed underground, don’t want to get out easily. The nearby gravel will squeeze them and immobilize them, and the use of space spells is forbidden here. Waiting for their result is , Only slowly dying in the gravel.

"Go to the passage over there!"

Farese saw Rhode's intention and immediately ordered the nearby legion members. All the demons understood the danger at this moment, and could not take care of the others, and suddenly swarmed towards the channel opened by Rod with the deflection laser.

Fareze asked the number of members of the legion to light up, and followed behind the team. Before entering the passage, he seemed to think of something, and glanced at Rhode in the distance.

Rod didn't mean to enter the passage with them. Holding the arrow of the Titan, he was walking step by step in the direction where the laser came from.

Seeing Rod's back in his eyes, Valeze silently paid tribute to him, and then followed the other legion members into the opened passage.

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