Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2096: Karma Points

"This is..."

Being watched by the eyeballs in his hand, Rod could only feel a trance in his heart.

In front of this power, Rod seemed unable to conceal the thoughts in his heart. Not only that, he only felt a tremor in his consciousness, and it seemed that even the soul was about to leave the body.

With the previous experience of souls being exiled, Rhode did not dare to be big, and quickly retracted the sacred angel's eyeballs into the space ring.

On the side, Alama was also stunned by the sight in front of him. His mouth murmured: "It's impossible...I checked those eyes. They should have lost their power. Why does this happen? "

From the side, Rod glanced at him: "Just like you said, the incarnation of the gods... He has returned to Elasia, and his return has also caused various unknown changes in the world. I don't understand what it is. A bad thing, or a good thing. But for me, knowing the current position, everything is still acceptable..."

From the reaction of the sacred angel's eyeballs, Lord undoubtedly realized something, and his expression faintly changed.

Maybe in hell, he should stop the king from awakening the soul of the stigmata like Mexiga suggested, but in the end he did not follow Mexiga's suggestion, but competed with the kings for the soul of that person. Although this has brought great benefits to Rhode, it is also invisible, making him an ancient enemy.

The resurrection of the stigmata made the eyes of the sacred judge, which had already expired, opened again at this moment, and the changes on Inota's body, although Rod faintly suspected, he was not sure that this was the same as the stigmata who had fallen. , Whether there are any associations.

Thinking of this, Rod could not help but turn on the system and looked at a column independent of the character template. According to Mexijia, it should be called the source of sin.


Name: Rod

The source of sin karma: 7

Karma points: 13105030

Exchangeable things: 4570

Point store: to be expanded

Get records: to be expanded


The sin karma source template outside the property panel is the result of Lord’s recovery, and he found additional changes in the system, but it was not turned on at the beginning. Almost all the options are grayed out, only the sin karma points column. The number of hundreds is shown.

According to the law discovered by Rhodes, the number of sin karma points will increase randomly every day, sometimes several hundred, and sometimes it can reach thousands of levels. Rhodes didn’t know exactly what kind of law it contained at that time. Unable to view acquisition records.

It wasn't until the **** party not long ago that after absorbing the soul fragments of the stigmata, did Rhode fully activate this new template. You can view the store of sin karma points and the record of obtaining sin karma points.

Thinking of this, Rod focused his consciousness on obtaining records, and soon, a lot of new information appeared before his eyes.


"The source of your sin karma: arrogance, today I got 243 karma points."

"The source of your sin karma: anger, today I got 196 karma points."


"You have absorbed the soul fragments full of sin karma, and you have gained 12,901,320 sin karma points in total."

"Criminal karma points exceed the stage amount, and the point shop opens."


Checking the acquisition record of the source of sin karma, Rod took a deep breath.

According to the acquisition record, after possessing the source of sin karma, he does not need to do anything else. He will obtain a lot of sin karma points on his own every day. However, because of this, the number of points obtained is extremely limited. Source, the number of points obtained is less than 200 on average.

In the legend of the Erasian people, as long as people confess to the ancient stigmata, he can forgive people’s sin karma, and in turn make themselves bear the sin karma, and he transfers the sin karma used. , Is the source of sin karma on the body.

When he fell behind, the source of sin karma also created the later king of **** and became an important authority in the hands of the king, enabling other demons who followed the king to enjoy additional promotion.

The most important item in the crime template is naturally the content in the point store. The point shop contains almost everything, from basic treasures, precious ritual materials, to attribute points, skill points, and even the experience points that Rhodes most needs. They can be exchanged in the point shop. Of course, the price is also It's not cheap.

Among them, what Rhode cared most was his ability to use the point store in exchange for those kings.

According to the system's prompts, he must have the corresponding source of sin karma in order to exchange the power of the **** king who has held the source of sin karma in the past dynasties. However, the source of the sin karma on Rhode's body is a complete set left by the god-growth, that is to say, he has the authority to redeem all the items in the point shop, the only thing lacking is the sin karma point.

"The source of sin karma can not only be exchanged for the abilities that belong to the king, but can even be directly exchanged for their domains. If they are used well, it will be enough to greatly increase my strength."

Rod seemed to have thought of something. After opening the points store, various options appeared before his eyes.

"Experience is 10, and the required karma point is 1."

"Free attribute point 1, required crime karma points: 1w. Each exchange increases by 1w."

"Skill point 1, required crime karma points: 2w. Each exchange increases by 2w"


"Special skills to advance to legendary level, required crime points: 100w."

"In the field of the dead, the required crime karma points: 200w."

"In the field of love, the number of karma points required: 500w."

"In the field of epidemic diseases, the number of crime karma points required: 500w."

"In the field of incineration, the number of karma points required: 700w."

"In the field of trial, the number of crime karma points required: 1000w."

"In the field of destiny, the number of karma points required: 3000w."

Since there are so many redeemable options in the points store, the various options are quite complicated. After reading the first few items, Rod directly looked at the items at the bottom that require the most points, which is about Options for domain capabilities.

Looking at the numerous domain options, Rod took a deep breath for a while, as long as he had enough sin karma points, he could exchange all of these unique abilities.

Judging from the number of sin karma points obtained every day, this is a kind of ability that takes a long time to develop. Although the ability that can be exchanged in the point store is very powerful, the sin karma points that need to be paid are not a sum of money. Small number. But fortunately, the acquisition of points is very stable. For those Hell Kings, even if their own strength is poor, after years of accumulation, they can raise their own strength to an extremely impressive level.

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