Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2093: Clear channel

"Master, the previous one has collapsed. There may have been a fierce battle here, and even ordinary legendary creatures can't intervene in it. You must always be careful."

As Rhodes was browsing the contents of the book, Farese's reminding sound also reached his ears.

Farezer's words also interrupted Rhode's thoughts. He closed the ancient book in his hand that had recorded the heroic deeds of the light, and his eyes also showed a bit of firmness.

In the hell, Rod has seen the once hero of the light. From the mouth of Mexijia, Rod has also confirmed his identity. The Butch, who destroys everything by the sword's light, is exactly what this book is constantly praising. Bright hero.

It may be the passage of time, or the depression of the will. Although the strength of the hero of the light is above the great demons, Rod did not feel the overwhelming horror power of the **** king from him, but went forward and succeeded by the great demons of the Undead Legion. Under his efforts, he was forcibly exiled by Flame Escape, which undoubtedly showed to Rod how correct his combat plan was.

Although the power of the hero of the light is powerful, ordinary demons will die or be injured if they rub his sword light, but the undead legion is not afraid of all this. Even the highly respected hero in the classics, by now, Rhode has the power to fight and even completely eliminate him.

"Don't worry, Fareze." After putting away the classics, Rod slowly said. The eyeball in his hand, always staring at the passage ahead, looking at the nearby big demon, cleaning up with weapons he is not good at, gradually showing a bit of anxiety.

While Rod was waiting by the side, he suddenly noticed a scene that interested him, and then looked at the cave vampire who was clearing the passage with the members of the legion.

After being transformed into a vampire by Crimson Eyes, the basic attributes of those cavemen have also been greatly enhanced. For other creatures, it may not be so obvious, but when placed on the cavemen, this improvement is particularly obvious. The reason is Without him, the basic attributes of those cavemen are too low, even so low that they can't be seen at all. Even adult cavemen can hardly exceed the power of human teenagers.

However, just relying on the incomparably low basic attributes, the cavemen can establish their own kingdom in the underground passage, and the number of creatures in them far exceeds that of the enchantress, which is also related to the unique talents contained in them.

The talent of cavemen makes them good at digging underground passages. No matter it is a complex underground passage, as long as there are a group of cavemen, they can complete the excavation in a very short time.

Rod recalled that in the third expansion, the underground passage dug by the underground world was enough to connect to any town in Elasia. When the local underworld wizards planned to take action on the Holy Kingdom, they used the underground passage to initiate The sudden attack caused the entire East Erathia to fall. The knights stationed in the camp, even before they had time to be transferred back to the town of Elasia, learned the news of the town's fall. The defense facilities that had made the enemy fearful in the past have already turned their guns and aimed them at their own people.

At this moment, among the members of the legion who cleaned the underground passage, those cave vampires also belonged to them. The cleaning was the quickest and, at the same time, the most labor-saving.

For those big demons, it is not a simple matter to clean up the passage. Under the traces of the fierce battle, the entire passage collapsed. The general big demon simply cannot break the falling pieces from above by brute force alone. The stones are cleaned up, and often just after one piece is removed, new collapses are caused, and more rubble falls. If things go on like this, the space in the entire passage will become smaller and smaller.

And beside the big devil, cave vampires are not bothered by this problem at all. This kind of thing seems to be a trivial matter to them who are good at digging passages. In a short period of time, the cave vampires will clean up. There was a passage leading straight ahead.

A few members of the legion saw this scene and planned to step forward to help those cave vampires clean up together. However, their move had a counterproductive effect. Under the cleaning of the great devil, the cavemen finally cleared the passage. It collapsed a lot in an instant, and a lot of falling rocks fell.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

Upon seeing this, the headed caveman just wanted to say something threatening to the great demon, but after feeling the terrible power of the great demon, he lowered his head and turned to other cavemen nearby, saying something. He continued to dig out words that other members of the legion could not understand.

Rod saw this scene in his eyes, and he knew more about the capabilities of the cavemen in his heart. With the blessing of the vampire template, the cavemen in the legion were able to dig passages far beyond Rod’s expectation. The special abilities that no other creatures can match with them are also the basis for the cavemen to survive in the deep underground world to this day.

Facing the cavemen who looked very timid and didn't dare to make trouble in front of the big devil, Rod thought for a while, and then his gaze turned to Farese who was waiting aside.

Farezer immediately understood Rod's meaning, he took the initiative to step forward, came to the side of the big demon, and shouted loudly: "Stop what you are holding and let the cavemen complete the cleaning of the passage."

With Farezer's orders, these great demons dare not disobey, and can no longer be scorched by the falling gravel. For those great demons, it is more like a good thing, not a compulsory one. Order, these big demons didn't complain, they accepted the decision gladly, leaving the cavemen to do the work of clearing the passage.

"Look at you, it's obviously a big devil, but even the things like clearing the passage are no better than those cavemen."

When the other great demons in the legion stopped, the entire task of clearing the passage fell on those cavemen. Upon seeing this, Fareze couldn't help but scolded them. He looked at the great demons next to him. , A bit of dissatisfaction appeared in his eyes.

"Commander, it's no wonder that we are! How can there be a big devil who would usually do things like clearing the passage? If we encounter a blocked passage, we will directly pass through with a flame escape, but we will not be stopped by such things. , And only those cave people need to clear the passage a little bit before they can pass slowly!"

Aside, Aglan couldn't help but defended, and at the same time gave a contemptuous look at the caveman who was clearing the passage.

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