Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2085: Explore the royal tombs

After learning about the situation from the caveman's mouth, Rod could not help taking a deep breath.

Unexpectedly, the most powerful sacrifice ritual in all the witchcraft rituals recorded in the tomb of the witchcraft king has been mastered by those cave people at this moment. This is really beyond Rhodes's expectation.

Although Rhodes is very interested in the sacrifice ceremony in the hands of the cavemen, the most important thing now is not to win the unique magic ceremony, but to find a way to rescue Alama.

Judging from Margaret’s words, although Alama is in a dangerous situation, the witchcraft transformation on his body has also brought him strong vitality, and will not die in a short time, but if it takes a long time, Maybe something unexpected will happen.

Alama's accomplishments in the bloodline of the alien creatures are related to the currently changing Inota, and Rodriguez dare not take this matter to risk it. Even if the sacrifice ceremony is no longer precious, Rhodes must put it aside.

Soon, Rod made a decision in his heart, and turned to look at Valeze on the side: "The plan remains unchanged, enter the royal tomb and search for Alama's whereabouts!"

Farezer nodded, and then conveyed Rhode's order to the demon who came with him.

Soon, under the leadership of Fareze, a group of demons entered the entrance of the king's tomb.

This time, the members of the legion who followed Rhodes's operation were only the twenty great demons in the undead legion. The rest of the legion members, Rhodes left them at the station outside the city of Sao, let them conduct daily training and patrol the surrounding area. .

After the battle in the hell, the newly added legion members also need to go through a break-in process before they can exert their full strength in the legion. Rod believed that those succubuses in the legion were enough to give other demons a good admonishment.

Rod did not lead many demons here, and there is a more important reason.

In his previous life, Rod had learned that the Tomb of the Witchcraft King is different from the ordinary ruins. Even if the ordinary ruins are no longer dangerous, the things in it will not change. The Tomb of the Witchcraft King is not like this. The mausoleum is not a dead place, the entire king's tomb is alive.

When a few creatures enter it, nothing strange will happen. Once a large number of creatures try to thoroughly explore the ruins and scavenge the legacy left by the king of wizards, they will immediately activate the fortifications in the ruins.

The underground world kings of the past dynasties coveted the precious things in the tombs of the magic kings and tried their best to send elite magicians to explore, but the gains were extremely limited, and they couldn't compare to the losses of those magicians.

In the king's tomb, there are all kinds of weird traps. The traps here are the proud work of the king of wizards, of course, there are also talented wizards, from those traps, they have gained important insights on the magic.

Even if the traps in the royal tomb can be broken, it is not something that will be done once and for all. When the sorcerers leave, the traps in the royal tomb will be reset and changed positions. The next time they come here, they will face new ones. trap.

Unable to obtain precious benefits from the royal tombs steadily, over time, the Nigon royal family regarded the location of the royal tombs as a secret. The records were sealed up. Occasionally, underground creatures that strayed into the royal tombs would die immediately. .

Thinking of this, Luo Luo couldn’t help but glance at the cave vampires who followed in. Their leader was able to obtain the legendary sacrifice ritual from the king’s tomb. This achievement alone would make many enchanters ashamed. Perhaps the cavemen could The rise in the third expansion is not an accident.

Due to the low status of the cavemen, they walked in the forefront of the team, and they were the first to step on any trap. Rhodes and Farrezer are in a relatively safe position in the center of the team, so there is no need to worry about any accidents.

The footsteps of a cave vampire fell, and the ground sank slightly, as if stepping on something. Dark green liquid gushed from the ground under his feet, instantly melting the cave vampire to bones, and the big demon in front of the team was also affected. Involved, I just wanted to shuttle through the flames, but found that it was no longer possible to cast space spells here.

The great devil who failed to escape in time was also corroded by those liquids, and the corrosion spread quickly from the place where the liquid was contaminated to their whole body. Unless the part contaminated with the liquid was completely cut off, there was no way to stop the corrosion.

Seeing this situation, the great devil behind Luo's face suddenly changed. He didn't expect to encounter such a danger as soon as he arrived in the royal tomb.

Different from the battle of swords and guns in hell, the traps of the tomb of the magic king are very hidden. Even if it is a big devil, if you don't pay attention, it will be wiped out by those hidden traps, and there is no way to display its powerful strength.

Switching to an ordinary team, the corrosive liquid alone was enough to damage the five great demons, and the entire team's members fell by a quarter, and this was only the first trap that was just encountered, not to mention the difficulties that followed.

Those orthodox legendary magicians may have a way to dissolve the corrosive liquid, but Rhode did not master that method, but Rhode did not need to master that method.

Under the influence of the death field, even the members of the legion whose bones had been corroded stood up again, as did the cave vampires.

"Go ahead." Rod said slowly.

The existence of the realm of death also gave Rhode the confidence to rescue Alama from the king’s tomb. If it weren’t the case, the members of the legion lost during the exploration of the king’s tomb would make Rhode unacceptable. He deeply understood that in the tomb of the magic king. , What a dangerous situation exists.

After passing through the trap of corrosive liquid, the members of the legion in the team were obviously alert and able to grow into the great demon all the way in hell. They also have extraordinary talents, and they will not make the same mistake twice, but those caves. Vampires have always stayed in the wonder of being reborn, even ignoring the dangers they may face.

Under Rhodes’s order, the members of the legion bypassed the corrosive liquid on the ground and continued to move forward. Soon, the passage in front was changed from a way for a group of people to travel at the same time to only two or three people walking side by side. Space has also become tight.

Seeing the change of the passage in his eyes, at this moment, there was also a fork in the road in front of Rod.

"This... Master, should we go over there?" Farese couldn't help asking beside Rod. Looking at the two forks that looked exactly the same, he really didn't know where to move on. Satisfy Lord's request and rescue Alama who was trapped in the royal tomb.

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