Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2078: Rhodes Design

"What? How could this be?"

On the side, the red-haired girl also noticed the change of the lazy king, showing a surprised look, wondering why it, who is also the king, suddenly rebelled, helping the members of the undead legion, and resisting the charge of the angry king.

Only Rod beside him knew what had happened. He would not specifically remind Flam, raising his hand to shoot an ultimate lightning containing 100 mana from the Excalibur.

Although the red-haired girl was slightly surprised, she was not distracted by it. In the previous battle, she was very aware of the difficulty of the human man in front of her. Before the ultimate lightning came, her figure shuttled in the flames. Avoided the ultimate lightning that struck.

The ultimate lightning shot down and hit the ground on the side, exploding a huge deep hole, attracting many creatures to look sideways, and Rod also showed a helpless look.

Since the ultimate lightning must use at least the arrow of the Titan to condense more than 100 mana points, in order to ensure that this powerful killer move will definitely hit the enemy, Rhode rarely releases it remotely, but relies on teleportation and flame escape. Two spatial magics appeared directly beside the enemy, and then detonated the lightning.

With the protective body of the electric **** pendant, Lord is not afraid of the ultimate lightning damage, even if the damage is close to 10,000 points, it will not be able to injure Lord, and the enemy can only choose the way to fall completely under the terrible damage of the ultimate lightning. , This is the real use of Ultimate Lightning's ultimate move.

However, the existence of the Orb of Destruction made Rhode not dare to do this anymore. Even if the ultimate lightning condenses, he can only bombard the enemy far away, unable to detonate after being close.

After losing the most powerful ultimate move, Rod also had nothing to do with the red-haired girl for a while.

"Why can you still walk through the flames?" After the red-haired girl appeared to the side, Rod quickly asked, "Will you not be burned to ashes by the flames like the big devil?"

"Haha..." Listening to Rod's question, she seemed to have heard some kind of funniest joke, "Sad human beings, even if you have a devil bloodline, how can you understand that it belongs to the power of the Orb of Destruction?"

Rod showed a helpless look. In his previous life, even if the disaster caused by the Elemental Sovereign was finally settled, no one was able to attack the Elemental Sovereign. At most, he had reached an agreement with them. As for the artifacts such as the Orb of Destruction, he has always been in control. In the hands of the monarch, in addition to removing magic resistance, what effect it has, has never been known to other players.

At this moment, seeing Rod stop and show a thoughtful look, the red-haired girl asked back: "It's you, what did you use to tell the lazy king so that it cooperates with you? I haven't seen it make a move for a long time. As far as I know, it will not help human beings like you casually."

"Well..." Rod showed a confident expression.

As Mexijia said, the true body of the Lazy King turned out to be an undead creature. Although its body is extremely large, it can't change this fact. In essence, it is very different from the **** demon.

After confirming this, Rhode immediately activated the second characteristic of the ghost king's cloak, planting his own spiritual mark on the lazy king, and then let it join the battle to face the angry king.

However, the fighting ability of the Lazy King is not as strong as Rhodes thought. It is not so much that it is fighting with the Angry King, it is better to say that it is being beaten by the Angry King. Bimon's claws kept slashing across its body, but it looked like a human being. It didn't even leave a scar on its body. Even if it was hit by the angry king, it could quickly get up and rejoin the battle. Continue to be violently beaten by the angry king.

Rhodes scratched his head. It seemed that the power of the lazy king should be the lowest among all the kings, but its defensive ability was stronger than Rhodes thought. Even the claws of the king could not cause him damage.

"Is this what you rely on? I said that you dare to fight for the soul of the saint. It turns out that you have the help of the king. Unfortunately, what you get is the help of the lazy king, and its power is not worthwhile in front of me. Mention, you chose the wrong king."

Looking at Rod in the distance, the red-haired girl sneered, but Rod was calm and glanced at her lightly: "Who told you that I only got help from a king? This is just your own wishful thinking. "

Perceiving the confidence in Rod's words, the red-haired girl was taken aback.

In the process of continuously chasing Rod, who used teleportation to spread the distance, she has been far away from the center of the battlefield. She hadn't noticed it in the previous battle, but now it seems that it was a flaw left by Rod deliberately. , The purpose is to draw her away.

This discovery suddenly changed her complexion. She turned around and saw that the position behind her was golden. The demons who were still fighting underneath stopped at this moment one after another, using either curiosity or desire. Eyes, staring at the place where the rays of light converge.

"Do not!"

Just in the process of the melee, the soul belonging to the saint was completely consolidated at this moment.

The red-haired girl who should have been pleased with this, gave out a roar at this moment. It should be where she was. At this moment, it was occupied by another woman. The woman had a cold appearance and the tip of her nose was bent like a hook. She was using a playful gaze. , Looking at the red-haired girl in the distance.

"Mexijia, I didn't think you were still alive... How dare you do this! That is my saint soul!" The red-haired girl let out a hysterical scream. At this moment, she has completely ignored the majesty of the king.

Facing Flam who was desperate to go mad, Mexijia sneered: "Jealous of the king, you are fooled."

As she said, she stretched out her hand and pierced the chest of the pure white soul with her entire palm, and then stretched out her hand again.

Following her movements, the entire stigmata soul began to show signs of fragmentation. The golden light was released, and all the demons below couldn't help reaching out and covering their eyes, not daring to look directly at what was happening above.

"It's now!"

At this moment, Rod ignoring the jealous king on the side, his figure flashed, and the next moment he used instant movement, appeared beside Mexijia, snatching the soul of the saint after the split.

"Stop it for me!"

Seeing this, the red-haired girl couldn't help letting out a roar, and her figure shuttled through the flames, coming to the soul of the saint.

At this time, she didn't attack the Lord or Mexiga on the side, but, like them, quickly searched for the precious souls that were scattered.

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