Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2062: Succubus Correction

"Listen well, you trash demons who have come back to life, no matter what your status is, what status you have, from now on, you are a member of the undead army, the correction of the forgotten troops, now is the battle period, wait until the battle After the end, I will elaborate with you the details, but for now, the only thing you have to do is to follow my instructions."

With the arrival of Rod and his party, the demons who had previously died in the hands of ancient heroes awakened one after another at this moment under the envelope of the realm of death.

After waking up, the first thing they felt was the vacancy that was difficult to adapt. The memory of death echoed in their minds. They were clearly dead in the previous battle, and their consciousness was sinking into the deep darkness, everything they saw after waking up. , It seems to be just a dream. They only felt that there was something more in their minds, it seemed that there was an existence named Lord, which awakened them again.

At this moment, there was a stern female voice in the ears of these dazed demons. Following the reputation, they saw a slender succubus with a long whip in his right hand, a chain in his left hand, and boots under his feet. .

"How come there is a succubus here? The succubus is not qualified to come here."

A great demon who had just awakened shook his head and got up from the ground. Even though the succubus in front of him has a legendary rank, in front of him, it is not much different from an ordinary Kerrigan. They That weak body makes it difficult for them to get the awe of other demons.

"Also, who do you say is trash? You'd better make these words clear, otherwise, the great Ovi must give you a bitter lesson!"

While talking, he pointed the giant scythe at the succubus, and a strong aura broke out all over his body, which meant that the succubus would kill him when he refused to agree.

The demons who had just awakened nearby also showed good looks at the scene, looking at the great demon that happened in the field, belonging to the blood of the devil, so that they naturally like to see this happening.

"This is terrible. Among the blood sickle troops, Ovi is the worst demon to talk about. That succubus dare to talk to him like this. It seems that the end will not be much better." An abyss lord who had just awakened, Said mockingly.

"I know her. She is a more famous succubus under the King of Lust, Fenri Persie, I didn't expect her to be in front of the Vulcan statue. It's a pity for her body, but who made her dare to question the majesty of the great demon? It's the end she deserves." Another big devil shook his head and said coldly.

"Wait... Look, what she is holding in her hand is..."

When a group of dissatisfied demons were expressing their opinions, a bull-headed demon found something wrong, with a look of surprise in his eyes, and shouted loudly.

Following the devil’s words, other demons also found something wrong. They saw that on the iron chain held by Fenli’s left hand, there was a demon lying prone on the ground, and the iron chain was connected to his neck. Collar.

Looking at Ovi, who was dissatisfied, Fenry untied the chain that was holding the collar, and at the same time slammed the whip on the back of the demon, and said sharply: "Go and teach him a lesson!"

"Yes." Under Fenry's whipping, the demon climbed up from the ground, locked Ovi with his unwavering eyes, and replied slowly.

"Carl...It's impossible..." At this moment, Ovi saw the true face of the demon who had risen from the ground. It was Carl who was also the great demon.

Prior to this, Ovi had repeatedly heard of Karl's name from other demons, and Karl was also one of the few demons who dared to fight Selron right in this trial. Although Ovi never thought that Carl would be General Sellen’s opponent, he also had to admit that Carl’s strength was higher than that of the general great devil, and only General Sellen could slightly suppress him.

At this moment, seeing Karl humblely climbed up from the feet of the succubus like a slave, and obeyed the succubus's commands, how could he not be surprised by this?

If it is said that before this, Ovi would still doubt that all these changes in the resurrection before him are whether Karl is secretly playing a ghost, but at this moment, his mind has completely ruled out this idea, no big devil will crawl on the charm. At the feet of the devil, he will not be held by the chain by the succubus, which is simply a kind of insult to the blood in the big devil.

"Carl, are you charmed by those succubus?"

Ovi lowered the giant sickle in his hand slightly, and was about to say a few words to Kaldor, but there was a scorching flame behind him.

"The blood is blocked."

Hearing Carl's deep words, Ovi's complexion changed drastically. He wanted to distance himself, but found that the flame escape was no longer usable. Carl, holding a giant sickle, had already violently attacked him.

Normally, even if the overall strength is weaker than Karl, Ovi is confident to hold him for a long time by relying on the flame to hide, but after the blood is blocked, facing Karl who is constantly flashing and attacking from the flames, Ovie didn't support it for long, and both arms were cut off.

The giant sickle belonging to Ovi fell to the ground aside. At this moment, the demons who had awakened could not bear it. They remembered the message left by Rod that came out of their minds after recovering from death, and slowly accepted it. The facts at hand.

"Do not…"

Ovi's screams echoed in the ears of nearby demons. Upon seeing this, Fenri stopped Carl's movements and came to the **** Ovi.

Despite the shining of the Vulcan statue, Ovi still failed to make much resistance. Under Carl's surprise attack, Ovi was no longer a man, with only a bald torso and head.

Fenli glanced at Ovi with disgust, then lifted the boots under her feet and stepped heavily on his face: "I said you are the trash. You were already dead, and no one cares if the body smells. , It was the generous master Rod, who gave you the chance to recover from death, and this is how you rewarded the master?"

She talked more and more angry, and stepped heavily on Ovi, twisting her toes from time to time. After a while, Ovi's face became **** and bloody, and her eye sockets burst, and even her voice was almost lost.

"Fenri the Corrector, I'm Warlord Agland... You have a demon dying here. According to the order of the legion, I will execute him..."

Looking at Ovi at Fenri's feet, and after realizing that a demon was dying, Agram, who emerged from the flames, swallowed silently.

In adjusting and teaching other demons, the succubus in the Legion has a talent far superior to other demons. For this reason, Farese has also set up a correctional force for forgetting. Fenli in front of him is the number one corrector, enough to make any demon. Become submissive.

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