Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2046: Third trump card

Staring carefully at the two prediction cards drawn out earlier, Rod could not help but frown.

The existence of the legendary wisdom technique certainly makes him think more agile than ordinary people, but it also does not allow him to speculate about what happened a long time ago or get some enlightenment from it based on two cards of unknown meaning.

Regarding the interpretation of divination, not only wisdom is needed. In this respect, Rhodes is even inferior to the wizards of the underground world. Even Rowling surpasses him by a lot, but it is a pity that Rowling still cannot interpret Kamen.

Shaking his head, Rod put the two cards together and turned to look aside Rowling again.

She stretched out her hand at the right time: "Draw another one."

Rod followed the feeling in his heart and didn't make a special selection, so he drew one from the center of the card pile.

The card was spread out, and the front of the card was drawn with a cave full of sulfur. Near the hot magma, the abyssal evil spirit was whipping the long whip, driving the wounded humans to jump into it.

"You got the prophecy card that symbolizes hell. For ordinary people, the interpretation of this card is extremely bad, but for you, I think the situation should be different." Rowling nodded thoughtfully. " This card means...you will return to **** soon, and experience something in hell, but what exactly you have to experience, I think that only you know."

Rod patted his forehead: "I understand that what you said is right, and I can see that the picture drawn on that card is a scene from hell. Even I know that I am going back to **** soon, but other than this. , Can you interpret anything else? Can you give me some more useful information? I don’t even know what you said can help me."

Hearing Rod's complaint, Rowling stuck out his tongue and looked aside, as if there was something attracting her.

Upon seeing this, Rod fell into deep helplessness: "Please, please stop your Inota behavior."

In the card palace on the island, the purple-haired girl suddenly sneezed.

"Strange, is it because I helped Ms. Yusia suppress bloodline control every day, and was eroded by the ice blood of the holy dragon, have I caught a cold during this time?"

But soon, she shook her head again: "No, I am not a human being. How can I catch a cold so easily? It seems that I have maintained this body for too long, and even I have forgotten it. Hmph! I blame Rod, When he comes back, he must make a bunch of magic eyes for me to eat!"

She was a little strange in her heart, but she quickly left these behind. Nothing could occupy her attention for too long, except for a special creature.

"Brother, I told you from the beginning. In terms of fortune-telling, I didn't study in depth. My time is spent studying how to wake up the powerful creatures in the prophecy card. Now, I can wake up three at the same time. Go to the legendary creatures in the five cards and let them fight for me."

Rowling also said helplessly at the top of the Evocation Tower.

The training of divination ability is even more complicated than the training of spells. Rather than spending time on this, Rowling hopes to be able to wake up the powerful presence in multiple cards at the same time, so as to improve his own ability.

The hero cards in the prophecy card and the trump cards left a very deep impression on Rowling. She believes that when her summoning ability is improved to the extreme, even the powerful presence of those trump cards can be ignored by her. Summoned at any price.

Of course, for the current Rowling, this ability is still extremely far away, but she has seen the direction of her improvement and has a clear goal in her heart. Naturally, she will not spend time on divination that can only be used as an auxiliary ability.

For Rowling's choice, Rod did not interfere too much, and if it was not needed, he would not specifically come to seek fortune-telling.

Perhaps seeing Lord’s difficulties, Rowling asked on the initiative: "Brother, did you encounter any difficulties in hell? Although I can't give you any enlightenment in divination, I can help you in other ways. One hand."

"Are you going to go to **** with me? This is not a good choice." Hearing Rowling's words, Rod suddenly shook his head, "Did you see the big devil returning with me? Like this big devil, My subordinates have gathered a group. In my realm, they will not die, but you can't. I don't want to see you become an undead creature."

Seeing Rod expressing her own attitude, at this moment, Rowling laughed instead: "I understand my brother's worry about me, but who said I want to go with you?"

"What do you mean?" Rod was somewhat puzzled.

With that said, Rowling stretched out her hand and twitched in the pile of cards. At this moment, even with Rod’s speed attribute, she could not clearly see the movement of her fingers. When Rod came back to his senses, a prophecy with gold rim and red background. Card, has appeared between Rowling's two fingers.

She spread out the card, and the pattern drawn on it immediately attracted Rod's attention.

It was an angel, different from the previous angel with open golden wings and tears in the corners of her eyes. She looked extremely holy, but the angel in front of her was not like that. Her armor was broken, and all the wings on her back were broken, leaving nothing but the angel. The pale skeleton underneath, with a bit of poignancy in the tragedy.

What attracted Rhode's most attention, besides the angel's long white hair like snow, was the meaning of the card itself.

This is not an ordinary card, or one of the hero cards. According to Rhode’s memories, it should be one of the six ace cards that Rowling took out.

"Who is this angel, I have never seen her..."

Rhodes tried to find the name of the angel from the front of the card, just like those hero cards, but he couldn't find anything. On the front of this trump card, there was only this pattern.

Rowling saw the doubt in Rod’s eyes and proactively explained: “Brother, during this period of time, although I have not been able to establish contact with every prophecy card, I have a clear understanding of the heroes drawn on the cards and the stories behind them. But those aces are not in this list. I spent a lot of time to understand each of them."

Following Rowling's narration, Rod also looked at her.

"The trump card in your hand is drawn on the original archangel. Her identity is extraordinary and she will definitely help you in your journey to hell." She continued.

"Archangel? In my impression, there is only one female archangel, that is, Gabriel who chased you in the Treasure House in the Clouds before. She doesn't look like this."

Rod looked at the trump card in his hand and said with some doubts.

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