Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2040: Return at all

The maintenance of the entire Undead Legion relies on the death domain controlled by Rhodes. Rhode’s departure has brought a catastrophic blow to the morale of the Undead Legion.

"I have known for a long time that I can't believe that Rod! Why did I believe his words in the first place..."

At this moment, the succubus who remained on the battlefield were more or less remorseful in their hearts, but when the situation was uncertain, few succubus showed it, but it was one of the leaders of the succubus. Yi's short-haired succubus finally couldn't help it at this moment, and began to complain loudly.

"I should have listened to Dorana's persuasion long ago and exit Fire Seal City with the remaining succubus, or else I won't end up like this. You are all to blame, Hela, and Ezeke! If it weren't for you I am willing to be transformed, and I will never make such a choice."

The short-haired succubus complained unwillingly, and angrily accused the two succubuses who had joined the Undead Legion earlier than her. There was a bit of resentment in her eyes. If it weren’t for a strong enemy nearby, she might be right now. Will fight hard with those two succubus.

"The battle is not over yet, don't you believe in the master's ability?"

Thinking of the confident expression on Rod's face before he left, Fenli guessed that Rod must have some sort of back hand that could change the entire battle, and immediately refuted the words of the short-haired succubus.

For a long time, for Rod, Fenli only felt that there were many secrets hidden in him. Whether in front of the door of pain or after becoming his subordinate, Fenli's thoughts in her heart did not change. Instead, she felt that Rod was more Mysteriously, the strength she thought Rhode was the strongest might be just the tip of the iceberg of his strength.

"In addition to deceiving us with the immortal body, what ability does he have?" The short-haired succubus was also unwilling to show weakness, gave Fenli a fierce look, and exclaimed.

Her words undoubtedly made the hearts of other succubus vividly shaken. For a time, many succubuses joined the ranks of accusing Rhode.

"I believe that after the master returns, you will definitely be punished for your remarks."

Amidst the doubts and dissatisfaction of many succubuses, Ezek did not speak, and Hela fell silent. Only Fenli insisted on her previous ideas. She believed that when Rhodes returned, the enemy in front of her would not be feared.

On the side, Carl could not help laughing as he listened to the group of succubus arguing, and mocked: "Look at the group of stupid succubus, do you think that person will come back? He has long been succumbed to the power of the king. In addition, the big devil under my command was scared away, so just die here... No, I have a better idea. I want to catch you all. When the big devil under my command returns, don’t even think about any of you. run!"

Carl’s words also drew echoes from other members of the Chaos Troops: "Master Carl is right. I've long wanted to taste those succubuses. Seeing their delicate skin and tender meat, they must be very tasty when grilled. delicious."

"Idiot, do you just want to eat their meat?" Carl glared at the demon who was so loud, and then laughed, "If you want me to say, they still have the most delicious innards!"

Listening to Carl’s wild laughter, the nearby succubus looked pale. Even though they didn’t want to admit what Carl said, at this moment, they couldn’t say anything to refute. Maybe they would really end up like that in the end. Maybe.

Just as Karl was holding the winning ticket, a burst of flame suddenly appeared on the nearby battlefield.


Carl glanced at the direction of the flame with a little doubt, and walking out of the flame was a great demon under his command, and then asked:

"Why did you come back so soon? It stands to reason that it will take at least half an hour to wait for the cooling of the flame escape to end, or is it that you didn't exile the undead too far, just solved it nearby? Wait... "

Carl noticed that just as he was speaking, several or even dozens of flames emerged on the battlefield. The great demons of the Chaos Army had all returned in the flames at this moment.

"Why are you all back? What did you do?"

Seeing his subordinates returning collectively at the same time, instead of showing joy on his face, Carl was shocked in his heart. He looked around in a panic, but there was a little more fear in his heart. From these men, what Carl felt was no longer fiery heat, but a gloomy and cold breath.

Carl had felt this kind of breath many times in the members of the Undead Legion, which made him more flustered. Slowly, an extremely ominous premonition emerged from the bottom of his heart.

"I brought them back."

At this moment, a voice he didn't want to hear came from Karl's ear. He looked up and saw the man in the black robe surrounded by the great demons, looking at him indifferently.

On the side, the ordinary demons belonging to the Chaos Troops, who still didn't understand what happened, were following Carl's orders to attack those succubuses who seemed to have lost their fighting spirit.

A flame elf rushed to Fu Lisi's side, condensing flames with both hands, and burned the succubus to ashes.

Just as Friss screamed, the fire flashed, Aglan rushed to her side, violently waved the giant scythe, and slashed away the body of the fiery elf, also exposing the elemental core in it.

Before Agrand continued to take action, another great demon's giant scythe completely shattered the elemental core.

"I didn't want you to help me!" Seeing the big devil who shot, it was Nunes he hated, Aglan couldn't help but yelled.

"Thank you for exposing his elemental core, so that I can solve him so easily. The credit for killing the fire elves for the master is now mine!" Agrand's reprimand was only exchanged for Nunes's. sneer.

"It's you..." Fu Lisi looked at Nunes's face in her eyes, with a look of surprise on her face.

Friss remembered that before that, this great demon who had followed the seal to break the seal planned to kill all the succubuses. He did not expect that now, judging from his tone of voice, he also became a member of the undead legion.

As if she had realized something, Fliss turned her gaze to the black robe man surrounded by the big demon, her master Rod.

Rhode, who had just left not long ago, has returned at this moment. Not only that, he also brought back those legion members who had been exiled, as well as the great demon who once belonged to the Chaos Army and now joined the Undead Legion.

Friss didn't understand what happened after Rod left, but all this in front of him was obviously due to Rod.

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