Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2038: Domain limitation

The violent air current whizzed in Rod's ears. Even with the body of Goliath, the undead creatures beside Rod were still declining.

The members of the Undead Legion, whose strength was difficult to display, were swept away by the fierce wind. Even the great demons with pure blood had nowhere to escape in the cyclone caused by the gluttony king, and they could not even display the flames. Naturally, other demons cannot do this.

Feeling that the members of the Undead Legion, guided by the cyclone, would fall into the belly of the Glutton King faster than the sanctuary, Lord's complexion was hard to look like.

Beside Rod, Fenli listened to the screams from the sucked demons, and subconsciously put his eyes on Rod, and asked: "Master...they will be fine, right? Your ability allows them to To gain eternal life in death, even if the gluttonous king swallows them, they will not die..."

With that said, Fenli noticed that Rod's complexion seemed not as good as she had expected, but rather ugly.

"I have lost my perception of them." Facing Fen Li's gaze, Rod slowly replied, and Fen Li's eyes, full of expectation from the beginning, became a little overwhelmed, "They fell into gluttony. Behind the king’s belly, it’s like going to another space. I can’t feel the breath on them. The Death Realm has no effect on them. If they die outside the Death Realm, they won’t be able to be reborn."

Speaking of this, Rod seemed to think of something and couldn't help gritting his teeth.

The second useful way to deal with the undead legion is to use space spells to free the legion members from the envelope of the death domain, or to exile them directly to the alien plane.

In this way, without the blessings of the death field, the members of the legion are no different from ordinary undead creatures under Luo's command. They can be killed by various methods and cannot be reborn again.

Compared with physical methods, limiting the power of legion members and directly exiling them is undoubtedly a more efficient method. The behavior of gluttonous kings is also the same in a sense.

"I originally expected that maybe soon after the battle began, Karl would realize that the members of the legion were able to regenerate continuously because they were by my side. Because of this, Karl would let the great demons use flames to hide the legions. The members were sent to the distant space, but the appearance of the gluttony king disrupted everything... It's a pity that he might not be able to taste the arrangements I made specially for Karl."

Looking at the gluttony king who appeared and completely disrupted the battle, Rod couldn't help but sigh. The undead army at this stage can't confront the king head-on.

"In other words, we will still die, right? Why did you not tell us this before? If I knew all this earlier, whatever you say, I would not choose to join."

Listening to Rod's account, the short-haired succubus, one of the leaders of the succubus, couldn't help but open his mouth to complain. There seemed to be a full sense of regret in his words, and there was a bit of complaint in the eyes of Rod.

Following her words, the eyes of many succubuses looking at Rod changed. The existence of the death field made them unable to resist Rod's orders, but it could shake their hearts and could not use all their power to fight. .

Seeing Fenli who was on the side also pale, her body trembling uncontrollably, and a complicated expression appeared on her face, Rod slowly asked:

"Aware that the power of the death field also has its own limitations. It cannot make legion members truly immortal. Do you regret joining the undead legion?"

Upon hearing this, Fenli looked at the hysterical short-haired succubus, and then at Rod, who was always calm and composed, and then suppressed the emotions in her heart and smiled at Rod:

"I never regret what I have done. Since the master has discovered the flaws that still exist in the legion, then we can work out a way to overcome the flaws. I believe in the master's ability and the help of all of us. It is only a matter of time to solve this defect."

Rod glanced at her approvingly. Compared to other subordinates, the legendary succubus in front of him undoubtedly made him more worry-free. Perhaps it was a specialty in the succubus's blood, and her answer made Rod particularly satisfied.

"You are right. Now that the defects of the Undead Legion have been discovered, you only need to find a way to make up for them. As my rank improves, the effectiveness of the death field will be further enhanced, which is of course the most direct. Improved methods, but there are many simpler methods, but that requires a lot of wisdom to imagine."

Just as Rhodes was reflecting on the problems of the Undead Legion, the gust of wind that attracted everything was gradually calming down at this moment. As the Glutton King sucked the shelter into its abdomen, it stopped its previous actions, ignored the people below, and left in the direction where it came from.

With every step it falls, it can easily cross 10,000 meters away. The huge body disappears in the eyes of many demons in a blink of an eye, leaving only a messy battlefield. Compared with the gluttonous king, Goliath's body is like a baby who has just learned to walk, while the ordinary demons are more like tiny ants.

Looking around the battlefield, the existence of the legendary wisdom technique greatly enhances Rod's analysis and observation capabilities. Without the need for reports from his subordinates, he can quickly count the losses of the Undead Legion in his mind.

As Rhode’s warning was obtained in advance, members of the Undead Legion had taken certain protective measures before the violent wind arrived. In addition to the two great demons including Marlin, some members of the Undead Legion had not been swept away by the violent wind. The succubus who had had time to hide under the protection of Goliath's body, the original nearly a hundred succubus, now there are only 30 left, and the fallen have also suffered a lot of losses.

However, the total number of members of the Undead Legion has increased instead of the demons transformed from the Chaos Troops under Karl in the previous battle, which is something that Rhode did not expect.

The existence of spiritism provided sufficient protection for the support of the Undead Legion. Except for the undead creatures, if you switch to a legion composed of any other creature, no matter how strong the strength is, once a loss occurs, it will not be able to recover in a short while. The stronger the strength of the legion member, the longer it will take to proceed. Self-cultivation, but Rod has no such concerns at all.

Under the envelope of the death field, coupled with the cooperation of spiritism and the cloak of the ghost king, all creatures can become a member of the undead legion. The first to suffer is the demons in hell.

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