Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2033: Imposing like a rainbow

Leading the undead legion, attacked and killed Karl and his party. After ending the life of the archangel, Rhode did not rush to take action, but was looking at the undead legion that arrived after him.

With the blessing of god-level spiritism, the death domain has been substantially improved. Coupled with the cloak of the ghost king, the undead creatures transformed from the death domain are completely different from ordinary creatures. There is no way to use ordinary methods. Kill them.

Rod can predict that the undead army from now on will become a terrifying force in his hand. After he integrates the ocean undead from the water elemental plane, the strength of this force will even exceed the power of the artifact, becoming He is a great weapon for conquering the world.

For this reason, Rod attaches great importance to the cultivation and improvement of the Undead Army.

The power of the corpse witch king is the ability that every member of the undead legion has, and this is also their core strength. Regardless of their own strength, the power of the corpse witch king is a guarantee. It's just that because this power is too close, even the fish in the ocean can become the corpse witch king, and the various special abilities of the legion members themselves are more valued by Rhodes.

Due to the acceptance of many succubuses, the succubus occupies a considerable proportion in the undead legion, and Rod divided it into four succubus teams, led by the succubus designated by him.

At this time, those succubuses are fighting at the forefront of the battlefield, working together to release a more violent cloud of death, destroying the demons of the Chaos troops, and increasing the number of undead legions. Even if they encounter difficult opponents, they are in many charms. Under the temptation of the demon, it can also temporarily lose consciousness, and eventually be swallowed by the cloud of death.

The demon who newly joined the legion were quickly allocated by many succubuses under the arrangement of several succubus leaders. Together with the fallen ones who are members of the legion, they can only watch at this moment.

Due to the small number of the fallen, Sharma is responsible for delivering Rhodes’s orders. Although the clouds of death released by them are not as strong as the succubuses, the methods they use in the battle are all real magic. There are several of them that even Rod has never seen before.

The value of the fallen is not in battle. After Rhodes intends to rescue Mexijia, he will send them back to the island to be responsible for the study of the magic in the territory.

On the island, whether it is Alama’s research on alien creatures or the personnel of the potion guild, the refining of potions requires the assistance of enchanters. With the addition of these fallen people, many things have changed. Keep it simple.

Although the composition of the people on the island is mostly Necromancers, Rhodes has no rejection of black magic. On the contrary, those powerful black magic secrets are still a kind of attraction to him.

Not only these fallen ones, but their numbers are far from being able to meet Rhodes’s needs. If given the opportunity, Rhodes also intends to go to the underground world of Nigon to add a group of knowledgeable wizards to the legion. With these monsters After mastering the skill, Lord can more effectively develop the ocean with abundant resources.

It’s just that the underground world is Moriel’s chassis after all. If you break into it, it will inevitably attract the hostility of the big red dragon. Anyway, Rod has already offended him. Inota even snatched the artifact that belonged to her, Rod. Don't mind to offend him harder.

In addition to them, there are still a group of top forces left in the Undead Legion, which is also the part that Rhode values ​​most.

The great demon led by Agrand is fighting against the great demon of the Chaos Unit. Although there are many great demons in the Chaos Unit, the great demon of the Undead Legion can't stand the fear of death, every move and every style. Fight with your life without fear of getting hurt. Even if your throat is cut by a giant scythe, you will have to teach the enemy a bitter lesson. For a time, there are more big demons, but because they are afraid of hands and feet, they can’t show what they deserve. Strength. On the other hand, Aglan and his party, although there are only five great demons, the aura displayed is like dozens of great demons fighting.

When the big demon fought desperately, Goliath's body was not idle. He wandered through the battlefield recklessly, relying on the huge power in his body, wherever he passed, no matter what defense line the enemy laid, he would easily destroy it.

On the battlefield, the body of Goliath is like a banner for the members of the legion, making the already high morale more enthusiastic and inflicting deep fear on the enemy. The earth trembled because of his forward movement, and the magma was eclipsed by him. , The Chaos troops lacking the caster can't compete with it.

For a time, the entire Chaos troops fell into a deep disadvantage. Seeing the victory leaning towards his side, Rod was also satisfied with this. He didn't even need to take the initiative to take the initiative, and there was no suspense in this battle.

Rod's gaze crossed the demons and looked at Carl who was commanding the Chaos Troops to fight. At this moment, Carl was already busy with frequent commands, and this barely stopped the spread of defeat. He didn't expect it. The strange-looking demons under Luode were able to continuously recover from death.

"They have a special power in them, they will not be killed by your weapons, give priority to cutting off their bodies, so that they will lose the ability to fight!"

Carl reprimanded him loudly. The battle in front of him was stranger than any battle he fought in Hell Trial. The enemy demonstrated the ability that shouldn't exist in Hell. He had never seen it before. It can only be commanded by experience for a time.

Under the combined force of many great demons, a great demon of the Undead Legion was cut off his legs, but he did not shrink back because of this. Instead, he continued to use flames to escape, fighting against the surrounding great demons, and using his bloodline expertise to kill The damage he has received is returned to the enemy in front of him.

In the Chaos Troops, a great demon with broken horns saw the right time and appeared behind the great half-length demon, waiting to cut off his head with the giant scythe in his hand, but the weapon was firmly grasped by Karl: "Idiot, forget. Did I just say something? You can't kill them!"

Carl snatched the giant scythe of the Great Devil with Broken Horns. The giant scythe with the long handle was in his hands and turned into a windmill with silver light, and it passed by the body of the half-length demon. When Karl's movements stopped, the half-length was big The two arms of the devil flew aside, unable to hold the weapon anymore.

"Do you see it? Only in this way can they limit their abilities."

Hearing Karl's words in his ears, the Horned Devil nodded, but immediately, he showed a surprised look again.

The fire flashed, and the sickle of the giant sickle hooked the neck of the big demon that turned into a stick. It was not someone else who was holding the giant sickle, it was Aglan of the Undead Legion.

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