Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2028: Ultimate Lightning


Looking at Rod, and the great demon returning to its original shape next to him, Nuance's face was faintly unnatural.

The warning from instinct made Nuance want to escape from this man as soon as possible, and don’t stay here for a moment, but the arrogance of the great devil prevented him from leaving just like that, but to go forward and fight him. Even if you just step forward and die, it's better than fleeing the battlefield.

Nunes looked around. Every big demon nearby had a look of fear on his face more or less. The terrifying ultimate lightning before had been deeply imprinted in their hearts. If they hadn't reacted in time, And leave in time with the flame to escape, now it will be them who die.

"Get out of here..." Although he was reluctant in his heart, Nunes still ordered to the demon nearby.

"Master Nunes, how can we just leave like this?" Seeing the death of their companions, the great demon was unwilling to accept such a result, and questioned Nunes, forgetting the difference in identity.

"Are you planning to stay and die?"

Taking a deep breath, Nunes quickly calmed down and was able to become the leader of the squad in the **** with many big demons. He was not only good at fighting.

"He is not something we can deal with. Don't you feel that the way he came to us is also the flame escape? At least three Chaos squads, no...maybe the entire Chaos squad, to compete with him. If it is, If he unlocked the seal, it would make sense."

Nuance looked at Rod in the distance, quickly made a judgment in his heart, and said to the other great demons.

"Are you planning to escape? When will the big devil flee with his tail clipped?" On the side, aware of the intentions of the big devil, Lord Leng said, there was an undisguised mockery in his words.

The flames that Rhode has mastered, these great demons will also, once they want to evacuate, Rhode has no other better choice than to perceive spatial fluctuations and immediately use spatial spells to keep up.

The four great demons can be wiped out in an instant, in addition to the lack of defense in their hearts, the more important thing is the terrible damage of the ultimate lightning.

Since Aggran’s test was done on him, Rod knew that to destroy a great demon, it would take about 300 mana to form the ultimate lightning. This is still the case where the sword blade penetrates the body of the great demon, if only lightning is the only thing. The aftermath, being able to touch the body of the great demon, will require higher mana.

The tough body, coupled with the ability to resist magic that can be exercised through training, makes it difficult for the big devil to be killed. Their flexible flame escape makes Rhode unable to touch their body at all, let alone Said to use the sword to penetrate their bodies.

Under the blessing of the bloodline specialties transformed by the sacred curse, Rhode's speed and power attributes have surpassed the average big demon, but it is not easy to kill the most powerful demon in hell.

Once besieged by such a large number of great demons, under repeated fire escape raids, even Rhodes can hardly escape smoothly, and can only use the cloud of death to drive them back. In this way, Luo cannot be reached. The purpose of virtue itself.

In order to ensure that one hit would be hit, and to stun the remaining great demon, Rhode threw all the remaining mana into the arrow of the Titan.

The ultimate lightning formed by consuming thousands of mana points did not disappoint Rhode. It was just the aftermath of damage and eliminated the big demon who had not had time to escape at the edge of the explosion. At the center of the explosion, even the space collapsed. , Revealing a deep void.

And Rod himself, under the protection of the electric **** pendant, was safe and sound. Without this treasure snatched from the archangel, even if Rohdesch displayed the ultimate lightning, he would be the first to die under the explosion.

The result was as Rhodes expected. After feeling the terrifying power of the ultimate lightning, the demons regarded it as a king-level terrifying killer, and instantly gave up the plan to fight.

"You must be Sellen's men. Tell him that the final winner of this trial must be Lord Carl!"

Rhode’s provocative words exacerbated the guess in Nunes’s heart. He yelled at Rhode and stared at the weapon in Rhode’s hand, and then he was in the flames, and the others. The demon quickly left.

Rod felt the direction they left. Although he could keep up with the flame escape, but he lost all his mana. Now he is no longer suitable to continue fighting. He rushed to catch up. If the demons start to counterattack, they can no longer use the ultimate lightning. Rod, it will be revealed in an instant.

In the space, rich magical elements continue to emerge toward Rod’s body. In order to get the four great demons behind him, he exhausted all his mana, but it only takes an hour to fully recover under the blessing of the source of magic power. , And the four great demons have always become members of the death field.

The former Rhodes, even though he possessed the arrow of the Titan, did not dare to pour too much mana into it, let alone display a killer move like Ultimate Lightning.

For the mage, mana is undoubtedly very precious. Every point must be used carefully. Whether it is teleportation or harmful spells, it needs mana support. Once the mana is exhausted, it takes a long time to meditate. Recovery, even the legendary mage, can only shorten the time of meditation as much as possible.

However, now that he has the source of magic power, Rhode can squander mana at will. No matter how he uses it, the mana will be fully filled after an hour, which allows the ultimate move to take shape.

"That... Whether you are Rod or Elott, can you really give us strength, honor and status?"

Just as Rohde checked his own mana consumption and returned to the ground, ready to learn about the information they knew from the newly acquired great demon, a high-level succubus showed a pitiful appearance and gently pulled his cloak. , Asked him.

Rod was a little surprised. He looked at this high-level succubus, his gaze swept around again, and found that many succubus eyes showed the same look as hers, looking at him with some hope.

From the succubus, Rod felt their unique charm. Although their abilities are not as intuitive as the **** king in the pink cloud, they can make other demons sink into it at a glance, and can never get rid of her control, but It also surpassed ordinary mind magic, and ordinary creatures might be seized by the succubus in an instant.

At this moment, judging from the reaction of the nearby succubus, their attitude towards Rhode seemed to have undergone a certain change.

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