Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2026: Undead Legion

Perhaps for some reason, when other demons changed their minds, Hela still insisted on calling Rhode Elott. It seems that this name has a greater meaning to her. Although Rhode doesn’t Solution, but did not correct Hela's name in time and let her call it that way.

"I promised the king of **** and will not harm the remaining succubus, but if it is your own will, the situation will be different." Rhode held the arrow of the Titan in front of him and said slowly, "Hela, I I can give you this opportunity. Join my undead legion, you will get powerful strength, as well as the status you desire. My undead will eventually sweep the whole world, and by then, you will have no choice. "

Looking at Hela in front of him, Rod gave his invitation. When the undead legion is formed, Rhodes needs a large number of lords to manage. It is foreseeable that with the increasing number of creatures in the Undead Legion, Rhode will have more and more precious lords. A large group of creatures that will not die and have their own ideas are not so easy to manage. , Similar to Hela, a **** lord with sufficient experience, Rhode needs it anyway.

Hela did not answer at the first time. She raised her head and looked at the remaining succubus with fear, and then at the man in the large cloak in front of her, with a smile on her mouth: "Then it depends. Do you have this capability? If you can break the seal in the lake of blood, I will agree to your request."

"Oh?" Listening to Hela's words, Rod also put his own sight on the blood lake not far away. Before in the human eye ring, he saw the succubuses have been using the blood lake. No one dared to enter the creatures that came to sacrifice, as if there was a curse in the blood there.

Passing a group of demons, Rod came to the shore of the blood lake. He stared at the extremely dark blood lake, and his eyes showed a little inexplicable color. The blood in the blood lake was distinct from the fallen blood in the blood-colored angel. The points are similar.

Rod is not a magician like Alama, and he can't see anything from the blood, but he understands that even with his current body, it is best not to touch the blood.

"In this case, then don't touch the blood." Rod shook his head, and a scepter was held in his hand.

In the eyes of a crowd of succubus or suspicion, or worship, he raised the scepter high above his head, and soon, the surface of the blood lake appeared abnormal. The blood lake was originally extremely dense and could not be passed by other demons. At this moment Under the action of an inexplicable force, it separated towards the two sides, exposing the road to the bottom of the lake of fire.

"What kind of power is this?" Looking at the separated blood lake, the succubus who had been helpless before, showed unexpected colors in their eyes. The appearance of this scene was beyond their imagination.

Among them, Dorana, who is more knowledgeable, has obviously different eyes. She carefully looked at the wooden staff without any decoration in Rod's hand, and murmured: "That is the sacred artifact of Elasia? How could it appear in In his hands..."

No matter what these succubus thoughts, he couldn't think that Rod would actually use this method to break through the obstacles that should be difficult. When the blood lake was completely separated, the bottom thing also appeared in front of Rhode's eyes.

"Is that the seal of the Vulcan statue?" Looking at the things exposed at the bottom of the lake, Luo Luo was slightly puzzled. He saw the so-called seal, a golden bowl that didn't look very big, and there was still some filth in it. The blood is just not separated like the blood lake itself.

Rod did not hesitate much, then waved the Titan's arrow in his hand, the fiery lightning, and instantly blasted the entire golden bowl with cracks.

In an instant, the entire blood lake boiled, and countless blood water poured into the golden bowl at once. Such a sudden change also caused all the succubus nearby to exclaim, for fear that they would be stained with those symbols because they were too close. Cursed blood.

Only Rod did not retreat, his eyes always staring into the depths of the blood lake, the cracked golden bowl, once again condensed a stronger Titan Arrow.

This time, the Titan's Arrow completely shattered the golden bowl without any barriers. As the blood lake disappeared slightly below, Rod also felt that he seemed to have changed.

The surroundings trembled as the seal shattered. Fortunately, the fallen nearby cast a spell in time to maintain the balance at their feet. A deep crack suddenly appeared on the ground, and it spread rapidly towards the distance.

"What's that location?" Rod asked the succubus under his hand, looking at the direction where the crack was spreading.

"There is the location of the Vulcan Statue..." The one who answered Lord's question was Fleis on the side. Her words were deeply anxious. Even Lord couldn't help but look sideways at her, "Master, Don’t worry about that guy Hela. Let’s run. Unlock the seal. Although it pointed out the location of the Vulcan statue for us, it also pointed out where we are for other demons. It won’t be long before those are not revealed. Seal, and the big demon who is angry and angry will find us, now is not the time to stay here!"

"Really?" Rhode didn't feel anxious after hearing Fliss's words. "I really hope that those big demons can find me, so I don't have to find out where they are."

The rich death energy was released from Rod's body, and immediately infected the nearby demons. Aglan took the initiative to stretch out his hand and patted Friss on the shoulder: "What are you afraid of? The master has given us immortal life, even in the face of General Sellen, I am not afraid now!"

His words were full of anger, and Rod couldn't help but cast his approving eyes at him. The undead legion that was not afraid of death had to be paired with a brave and fierce demon like Agland to achieve the greatest effect.

However, these words of Aglan were exchanged for Friss's contemptuous eyes: "I think you are just talking big words. When the king of eroticism appeared just now, you didn't even dare to look at her again. Say you are not afraid?"

Aglan was a little anxious, and hurriedly retorted: "That is the king of lust, how can it be compared with other demons? I can't just look at her face, which fallen one dares to look directly at her face? Even the master..."

Rod interrupted his words: "Well, Aglan, no one will blame you for your fear of the king."

With a wave of his hand, Rod regained his gaze and looked at Hela on the side.

"Unexpectedly, you did it... it's not a simple thing."

Hela saw everything that Rod had done before, and a different look appeared on his face.

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