Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2024: Pink clouds

"Hero Tiss, we meet again."

Looking at the crippled succubus in front of him, Rod slowly said.

The succubus lifted her head and looked at the distance motionless. She looked at the giant she was very familiar with, then looked at the man in the wide cloak in front of her, and slowly said, "Should I call you Elott or Rhode? "

"The one behind." Rhode raised the arrow of the Titan, and the electric light leaped at the tip of the sword, pointing directly at the succubus in front of him, "Become my death knight, hero Tiss."

"Don't even think about it." Tess took a step back and gritted her teeth. "I warn you, if you intend to kill me, the passing of my pain will make you feel the pain, your will, yours. The soul will sink in pain forever."

Listening to Tiss’s recount, Lord’s face changed slightly. From Tiss’s eyes, he could see that although the succubus was flustered, he did not tell a lie. Once someone tried to kill her, the pain would be passed on. It left a lesson that will never be remembered.

After discovering this, Rod's face sank faintly. It seems that during this period of time in hell, Tess did not survive by good luck, and her ability has also been newly improved.

However, this does not mean that Rhodes has no solution.

"Your pain transmission is limited in scope, right? Just like my death domain, as long as it exceeds a certain range, it will not work for other creatures."

Seeing that the panic on Tiss's face was even worse, Rod knew that he seemed to be right.

"Maybe I can't kill you with my own hands, but what does that matter? I will leave with space spells and let other fallen ones kill you."

Rod shrugged and said, Tiss's heroic specialties are very powerful, and he has to keep them in his hands no matter what. The number of heroes has always been scarce, and it is hard to meet a hero, and Rod will not give it up.

"No..." Seeing that the biggest flaw was said by Rod, Tiss seemed to be aware of her fate. She stared at the black-robed man, and she seemed to have some regrets in her heart, "Why did you do this? We passed the **** trial together, why do you have to kill me?"

"Your abilities are very powerful. Compared to staying in hell, becoming my death knight is your best destination." Rod Mian said without changing his face.

"Master Ai... Lord, we haven't seen each other for so long. I don't know what happened to you during this period. Why don't we talk about what happened to you during this period?"

"When you become my death knight, you will know everything."

Rod shook his head, and then looked at the fallen man aside.

The fallen man on the side suddenly understood Lord's meaning, raised his hand to release a cloud of death, and shot straight towards Tiss with howling, while Lord carefully waited for the moment when the cloud of death hit Tiss, preparing Use the flame to escape temporarily to avoid the pain passing on Tess's body.

However, at the moment when the flame enveloped Rod's figure and was ready to leave at any time, Tess suddenly burst into a strong breath, which seemed to be a layer of pink cloud.

The cloud of death blasted into the pink cloud and mist, as if a mud cow entered the sea, and it melted without a trace. Not far away, Rod also stunned, wondering why the cloud of death would fail.

"Who dares to hurt my believers?" Amidst the pink clouds, there was a burst of tenderness.

"That's it?" Rod seemed to have discovered something, and muttered in his mouth. The pink cloud in front of him gave him a familiar feeling. Although he had never seen this unique ability, he had felt a similar power. That is the power of the domain.

"Pink fascinated, that is the king of lust!" On the side, Sharma the fallen who had just shot the cloud of death, reminded Rod loudly, his face was full of panic.

Luo Luo was taken aback, but saw that in the clouds and mist, beside Tess, there seemed to be a woman's figure. She stretched out her hand to stroke Tess's scarred face, but Tess was trembling, not daring to move.

After doing all this, she looked at Rod: "Humans? How can humans appear in the trial of hell?"

Rod answered her with action. He inspired the blood of the great devil in his body and transformed it into the appearance of the great devil in the flames.

"It turned out to be the judge." She seemed quite satisfied with Lord's answer, with a smile on her face.

Listening to the woman's answer, Rod subconsciously looked at her with Scarlet Eyes, but he only felt that the blood in his body was agitated, and there was a faint tendency to be uncontrollable in his body. If he did not restrain himself, he might rush into it directly. In the clouds and mist, he lost his will.

"The king shouldn't intervene in the battle in the trial. It's the devil's own business."

After discovering the abnormal change on his body, Lot hurriedly turned his head to the side, staring only at the pink cloud that envelops Tiss, and intuitively told him that it was not a good idea to enter it.

The coercion that belonged to the apex of the legend instantly caused the fallen nearby to stop the battle in their hands, looking at the direction where Tiss was facing the enemy, and the surviving succubus looked happy and began to stop holding hands. The fallen are fighting back.

"I understand what you mean, but she is the first believer to pass through the door of pain, and is also the believer I value most. You'd better let her go."

The answer of that stunning woman seemed to echo in Lord's mind. At this moment, Lord's own thoughts also began to shake, and the Titan Arrow in his hand couldn't be grasped.

After discovering the abnormality on his body, Lord's face changed slightly, and he asked, "Otherwise?"

She shrugged and did not answer.

Rod raised his head and took a deep look at Tiss among the clouds. He didn't want to give up this opportunity anyway. When he recovered his body, even if the king of **** came to him, he would never want to use a few words. , Let him give up his goal.

Rhode has heard such threats countless times, and he will not be easily frightened.

"I can feel the troubles you are facing. You are being haunted by a fiery love. You want to get rid of it, but there is no way to start."

Just as Rhode raised the Titan Arrow in his hand again, ready to try whether he could use the continuous Titan Arrow to break through the protection of the pink clouds, he suddenly heard the stunning woman say this.

"What?" Luo Luo was taken aback for a moment, but he stopped his movements and glanced at the woman in the clouds. He noticed that the blood was boiling and the body was likely to lose control, so he moved his eyes away and stopped. Look at the woman.

After saying this, she stopped saying more, but looked at Rod with a smile on her face, ready to ask him to ask.

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