Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2013: Choose to leave

"Are you going to leave here? Did a necromancer provoke you, or is there a misunderstanding?"

Seeing that Alama had the intention to leave, Rowling was taken aback for a moment. The feeling of just getting those precious materials was instantly dissipated. But the value of this enchanter.

After learning that Alama wanted to leave, Rowling wanted to stay in the first place. Losing this enchanter and the many alien creatures under his command, Sao City's strength would at least drop by one level.

In the previous battle, the scarlet angels of Alama and the ghost whale of Shang Kegel formed a brilliant scarlet fountain. The unsuspecting angels were recruited, which showed his strength.

"It has nothing to do with this. I want to leave. It's just my personal will." Facing Rowling's retention, Alama just shook her head. "If you are worried about those angels, you can rest assured that I won't treat them all. Take it away, the Scarlet Lair has been built. As long as Lord Rhodes grabs the angels and throws them in, new scarlet angels can be created."

Hearing what Alama said, Rowling felt helpless, but still said: "Well, I believe this is your own will. If you miss everything here, or if you have nowhere to stay in the end, no matter how time has passed. How long, or what happened, Sao City welcomes your return."

Hearing what she said, Alama breathed a sigh of relief. Although he left, Margaret still stayed here and continued to work for the lord here. It should be the best result to gather and disperse like this. Said:

"Maybe this question is a bit offensive, but I want to know, Lord Rowling, what kind of ritual did you collect those precious materials for? According to my skills in magic, I really can’t identify which kind of ritual it was. It needs such mixed ceremonial materials."

Speaking of this, Alama shrugged: "Of course, if this is a secret ritual, you can also remain silent, just as if I never asked."

When collecting these precious materials, Alama naturally thought about the usage of these materials. Unfortunately, there was no ritual he knew of that could match these materials. This also made Alama a little curious and took the initiative to ask Rowling for advice. .

Rowling seemed to hesitate, but thinking of the value of Alama, she still said: "This is a ritual handed down by the **** of the mage, called the ascension ceremony."

Alama frowned, thinking constantly in her mind, but never found the answer, so she shook her head and sighed: "Unfortunately, I really can't remember the information about this ritual. This is a ritual that even I have no memory of. , I cannot bring more help, I can only feel the lack of knowledge."

Upon seeing this, Rowling hurriedly waved her hand and said: "You can bring these precious materials, which is the best help for me to study the ceremony of ascension to the gods, and I will keep your help in my heart."

Alama took a deep look at her: "These ritual materials are difficult to preserve for a long time. If some of the materials are left for a long time, even the space ring cannot slow down the passage of its efficacy. If you intend to guide the ritual, the most Good as soon as possible."

Rowling nodded. She also understood the unique nature of these materials. Once they were placed for a long time, the power in these materials would be lost, and what was left would only be a piece of debris.

After saying all this, Alama left alone, leaving Rowling alone at the top of the tower, looking at these materials in deep thought.

"God ascension ceremony..."

She meditated on the unique ritual taught to her by the mage **** in the treasure house, and her thoughts were very messy. That was not a ritual for high-level creatures, but a ritual for the existence of the apex of the legend.

As the name of the ceremony foreshadows, the ascension ceremony allows creatures at the apex of the legend to have the opportunity to break through the limitations of the legend and rise to the level of gods.

Creatures below the legend, after completing the ascension ritual, although they cannot see the corner of the gods, they can directly increase their rank. In theory, the lower the rank, the greater the degree of improvement, and the ritual requires more materials. ordinary.

When she was in the Treasure House in the Clouds, Rowling relied on the power of the ascension ceremony to suppress the source of sin that occupied Rhode's body and awaken it with reincarnation.

After returning to the island, Rod briefly told her about the changes in her body after the ascension ceremony, and then left again and went to the depths of hell.

To Rowling’s surprise, according to Rod’s words, the effect of the ascension ceremony was far less powerful than she thought. Although Rod’s rank level has been improved, he did not enjoy the increase in strength brought about by the level increase. It just looked stronger, which was what puzzled Rowling.

Rowling tried to ask the **** of the mage, but she was shocked by the results. The ascension ceremony was a ritual that failed to study. It was abandoned by the **** of the mage a long time ago, and even more later. It has been continuously improved, and the effect has long been different from the original.

Using the initial ascension ceremony to try to be promoted to a **** will only have a realm similar to the gods in the end, without the power that the gods should have.

After learning the ancient ascension ceremony, Rowling was very interested in the ceremony developed by the mage god, and began to study.

It's a pity that the **** of the mage summoned from the prophecy card can only use the most basic **** ascension ritual, and there seem to be few spells, and more directly use the magic elements in the space.

If you want to summon a more powerful mage god, you must sacrifice a huge number of legendary creatures. The current city of Sao is simply not enough to support such a summoning. Rowling can only do that when facing a major crisis.

Unable to get more help from the **** of mage, Rowling chose to study the ascension ceremony on her own. At the moment of learning this ancient ritual, Rowling was attracted by the secrets contained in the ascension ceremony. She wanted to master this ritual thoroughly. The existence of the ascension ceremony aroused her desire to explore as a mage and inspired her even more. Innate talent.

Rowling’s heroic expertise has given her a deeper understanding of the ascension ceremony, coupled with her own unique insights, by now, she is no longer satisfied with theoretical research and is preparing to conduct a complete ascension ceremony. Instead of the simplified version before.

Rowling had already decided on the target of the ascension ceremony. The creature she summoned with the prophecy card was undoubtedly the best candidate for experimentation.

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