Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1647: Sin Karma illusion

I don’t know how long it took, the darkness retreated from Rod’s body, and the light shrouded him again. The scorching ground under his feet became soft at some unknown time. There was no unique scent of sulfur in the nearby air, but on the contrary. Bursts of fragrance.

At this moment, Luo Luo seemed to have returned to the surface world he once was, but it was a pity that this weak little monster body always reminded Luo of his current situation.

With a slight sigh, Rod opened the system log. He noticed that just as the nearby space was changing, there were many new tips in the system log.

What Rhode cares most about is that in the system log, a dark yellow panel symbolizing a special task.


[Trial Task: Sin Karma]

[Mission Introduction: In order to prove your ability to the king, you need to inspire the sinfulness in human hearts. You heard that there is a group of humans praying to the devil in Moth City, so they came to the forest outside Moth City, looking for a suitable opportunity...]

[Task goal: get the soul of the sinner in three months (0/1)]

[Failure condition: exceed the specified time]

[Failure penalty: all attributes-7]


If there is no prompt from Mexijia, just looking at the task panel in the system, Lord really doesn't know how to act.

What Rhode cares about is that according to Mexijia's words, she seems to be the creator of this illusion, even if the body is still imprisoned near the door of treachery, the soul can rely on the existence of the illusion to find itself.

For this special existence, if Rhodes can gain enough power, he doesn't mind going to the gate of treachery to rescue him, but at this time, relying on Rhode’s current strength to go to the gate of treachery where many great demons exist, Undoubtedly, it will only ruin his own life.

He shook his head. At this time, Lord, even the magic ship was not found, it was undoubtedly too early to think about these things.

From Mesika’s words, Rod realized that the magic ships made in the docks have different qualities, and they all need special materials obtained in trials, that is, the existence of sinner souls.

If you want to create a better magic ship and gain a little advantage on the lake of fire later, you need to find a way to complete the trial mission in the illusion with a higher degree of completion.

Shaking his head, Rod put his attention to the current trial. Only after completing the trial in the illusion can he be qualified to think about what will happen next.

Without much effort, Rod climbed onto a thick tree and looked into the distance.

He noticed that there was an outline of a town right on the position of the tree. If Rod didn’t guess wrong, it would be the moth city mentioned in the mission introduction. The key to completing this trial was obviously. In this town.

For the group of humans praying to the devil in the mission brief, Rod seemed very curious, and they were obviously the key to completing this mission.

Rod believes that there must be a deep sinful nature in the humans who pray to the devil, and their souls are enough to be used as props to complete the task. If he could see these human beings praying to the devil, he didn't even need to do anything from Roddore, this trial could be easily completed. For this, Rod also had a goal in his heart.

Looking at the outline of the town in the distance, with the help of nearby trees, Rhode was able to see the caravans going from outside the town, as well as the soldiers who looked vigilant and kept patrolling nearby.

Judging from the expressions of these soldiers and the many armed guards outside the caravan, the level of security here is more stringent than Rhodes imagined. This also changed Rhodes's expression slightly.

According to Mexijia’s previous words, only humans can provide sin karma, and the moth city in the illusion is obviously a human town.

In Rhodes's memory, Elasia, as the main human gathering place, has never relaxed its guard against demons in history, let alone allow the existence of demons. The Eracian's defense against demons even surpassed their defense against Necromancers.

In ancient Elasia, only pagans would believe in the words of the devil, and such people would often be executed directly by the lord without any trial.

Rod was convinced that the people who prayed to the demons mentioned in the mission brief were true infidels. The existence of these heretics pointed out the direction for Rhodes, and at the same time increased the level of guard in various areas of the city.

Fortunately, it is shown in the task panel that this time the trial task gave Rohde three months' time. Even if he ran out of this time, the outside world would only pass by one day, which also gave Rohde enough time to come. prepare for.

With enough time as a buffer, Rhode didn't need to rush into the city as soon as possible, but was able to observe various situations nearby in the forest and look for suitable opportunities.

What Rhodes cares most about is the size of the town and the defensive strength in it.

According to Rhodes’s prediction, due to the body of a small monster to join the trial, with the blessing of racing achievements, Rhode can barely compete with a single Tier 5 creature. If a Tier VI enemy appears, or a human form The army, Rod still can't solve it.

It is not clear what the strength of the illusion corresponds, and Rod did not choose to act hastily.

The space ring is still worn in Lord's hands, but according to Mexijia's prompt, Lord can't bring out anything from the illusion. On the contrary, what he left in the illusion will disappear forever.

Shaking his head, Rod continued to observe every move outside the city, trying to estimate the size of the town based on the number of caravans going and how well equipped the guards are.

As for everything that exists in the illusion territory, Rhode did not know. Mexijia only told him the most basic rules, but did not tell him what exactly the illusion was formed by.

Once, Rhode had entered the illusion formed by the memory of the Titan Giant. The basis for the formation of that illusion was obviously the memory of the Titan Giant, but the illusion in front of him did not know what it was formed by.

Judging from the guards outside the city and the dressing of a few civilians, this seems to be an earlier period than the era where Rhodes was.

According to Rod’s understanding, to complete the illusion mission, he only needs to get any sinner’s soul, but the ordinary sinner’s soul obviously can’t get any good evaluation, and the magic ship he gets is not much better.

To obtain a higher-quality magic ship, Rhode needs to find the guilty person in the illusion and obtain the soul of the guilty person, or personally inspire the sinful nature of a human being and make him a guilty person. With enough task time, Lord is confident to do one of them.

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