Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1645: Suffering and the Beast

Sitting by the fire and looking at the woman directly opposite, Rod seemed to have discovered something.

In Rod's memory, he seemed to have seen that woman, but he couldn't remember where he had met her, but there were some impressions in his heart.

After waiting for a while, seeing that the woman did not respond, Rod proactively asked, "Who are you?"

The woman did not answer Rod's words, but gave Rod a light look.

From the darkness behind her, she took a handful of dry branches and put them into the fire in front of her. For a time, the flames in the fire burned more vigorously.

After finishing all this, she smiled with satisfaction, then looked at Rod and said, "Tell me what you think of suffering."

Her voice is low, not like the effect of deliberately lowering her voice, but the voice itself.

"Misery? What do you mean?" Rod gave her a puzzled look, not understanding the meaning of her question.

In such an unfamiliar environment, Rod did not know how his answer would affect the follow-up. The best choice was to ask the woman in front of him first, and then answer by himself based on her answer.

"People are suffering, and they feel painful." She slowly explained, "Maybe it's physical suffering, death, disease, disability, or spiritual, madness, pain, love."

"Love?" Rod seemed to have discovered something, frowned slightly, looked at her and asked, "Is love also a kind of suffering?"

"Of course." She nodded, "When all creatures were just born, their hearts were peaceful and happy, without fear, desire, and incomparable innocence. Have you ever observed the eyes of any newborn creature? There is nothing in it. Impurities."

Rod was silent, listening to the woman's account calmly.

"However, with the contact with the outside world, the original happiness and peace of newborn babies are destroyed, fear and desire arise, distracting thoughts appear in the innocent heart, and people lose eternal happiness. This is the existence of suffering. After we are born, everything we experience, even the love that can make people happy for a short time, is suffering."

As she said, she paused and stared at Rod carefully: "This is my understanding of suffering. I want to hear from you."

Rod thought for a moment and replied: "I think suffering can make people gain strength and make them heroes."

"Hero? Is this your understanding of suffering?" She seemed a little disappointed, and glanced at Rod with dissatisfaction.

Rhodes nodded, "If there is any meaning in suffering, it is to make people transcend suffering. People cannot do this with their own strength, only by becoming a hero."

She smiled slightly: "Although I disagree with what you said, I agree with one of your words. The meaning of suffering is to make people transcend suffering and obtain eternal happiness."

Rhodes seemed to realize something: "Eternal happiness...that can't be achieved simply. Even a lich who seems to have acquired eternity will die when he meets a stronger enemy. What kind of happiness, Can it last forever?"

"There is only one kind of existence with such happiness. In the ancient legends of Elasia, that kind of existence is called a'god'." She raised her voice, stood up from the fire, and the large robe suddenly changed Her body shrouded, "We meet again, Rod."

Hearing what she said, Lord's expression suddenly changed, and he subconsciously entered a state of vigilance.

In Rod’s impression, after he came to hell, he never exposed his real name. He always claimed to be Elotter. However, the woman in front of him called out his real name and listened to her words. She didn't seem to have seen herself for the first time.

After thinking of this, Rod seemed to realize something. He glanced at the woman unexpectedly, knowing that his soul would come to the existence of hell, it seemed that there was only one person.

"Mexijia, is it you?" Rod asked with some doubts. Besides Mexijia, he couldn't think of who else was in front of him.

Faced with Rod's question, she did not answer directly, but a smile was drawn at the corner of her mouth, which was regarded as tacit understanding of Rod's words.

At this time, Rod also recalled where he had seen this woman's face. In the Temple of Revelation not long ago, the statue belonging to the greedy king was clearly made in the shape of the woman in front of him.

Once, under the influence of the domain of the dead, Mexiga took on the appearance of an old woman, but in the trial in the depths of hell, Rhode saw her true form, or what she once was. .

The difference between these two appearances is huge, and Rod is really not used to it for a while.

"I found the guide you left." After a moment of indifference, Rod slowly said, "When you just disappeared, I used treasures to probe your situation and found that you were hung on a lava lake. Now it seems, Your condition should be better than I thought. You can find me in the trial. It seems that you are safe and sound."

However, Mesika shook her head: "What you see now is just a small trick. My body is still on the lava lake, and I am punished... The lava lake you see is the trial. Fire Lake, and where I am, should be a place called the Gate of Treachery."

Hearing Mexiga's words, Lord's face changed. Before that, from Hela's narration, Luo Luo had already known that among the ten gates leading to Fire Seal City, the first one was the Gate of Treachery, and it was unexpected that Mexijia was locked there.

"Why are you locked up? What did you do?" Rod asked with some doubts. He didn't understand what Mexijia did. As one of the kings, she would be punished like this. .

"That was a long time ago." Messija did not answer Rhode's question directly, but shook her head. "The arrogant king imprisoned me in the door of perfidy as one of the sacrifices of the birth of the'beast'. If you can save me, I may be able to give you a lot of help."

"Beast? What's that?" Rod seemed to have found something and asked.

"Ultimate creature." Mesika said slowly, "All creatures that fail in the trial will become part of the beast."

Rod frowned. In his memory, there was no such ultimate creature in the game of the previous life. Perhaps it was because the players at the time disrupted the process of the game, or for other reasons. Nothing in hell, Rod can get any help from memory.

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