Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1625: Provocative devil

There is no smell.

The scorching land is constantly roasting all the demons on it, and the little monster skin that Rod puts in his mouth is like a dried animal skin, not only tasteless, but also difficult to bite.

Rhode, who possesses high basic attributes, will naturally not be unable to bite. The average attribute of more than 30 points allows Rhode to even crush rocks.

Shaking his head, Rod gave up the idea of ​​devouring these animal hide camps, and instead stood up, preparing to take a look inside the camp.

As soon as he arrived outside the camp, Rod keenly discovered that many demons nearby had their sights on him, as if there was something on his body that was attracting their attention.

Perhaps because the little monster’s body is too conspicuous, it’s out of place among the powerful demons, or for other reasons, Rod has become the focus of the nearby demons for some reason. For the current Rod, it seems Not good news.

"The newcomer, yes, it's you."

When Rod was puzzled, a provocative voice came from his ear.

Following the reputation, a tall, crimson abyssal evil demon appeared in Rod's eyes. He was tilting his head and looking toward this side with unkind eyes.

"The humble little monster, who allowed you to talk to Master Hela?" The abyss demon whipped his whip while approaching Rhode.

Rod glanced at the abyss demon.

From the words of the abyssal demons, Rod seemed to understand why there were so many demons staring at him, and his unexpected conversation with Hela would attract the hostility of these demons.

Among the nearby demons, this Abyss Demon is not the strongest, there are also Abyss Lords who are stronger than him, and very few flame elves exist.

After thinking about it for a while, Rod also understands the meaning of these demonic actions around him? Those powerful demons will not take action, and will only let this abyss demon test his own strength.

Seems to have found something, Lord's gaze swept across the nearby demon? Finally stopped on the abyss demon.

"It looks like you are very dissatisfied." Rod said in a deep voice.

"Of course I am dissatisfied! Only the most powerful demon? Is eligible to be favored by Master Hela? As for you, a little monster with nothing, does not deserve this qualification at all!" The Abyss Demon said fiercely? The whip was also raised.

"It looks like it's time? I'll teach you a lesson. Little monsters are not qualified to stay here. We are the only powerful demons who can be trusted subordinates of Master Hela."

The long whip lashed towards Rhode? But it hit the air? It only hit the afterimage of Rhode left in place.

"What... this is not the strength that a little monster should have..." The abyss demon seemed to have discovered what? There was a surprised look in his eyes? Before he could say anything more, Rod's figure came to him.

The dark yellow body of the little monster? He rushed in front of him in an instant. The violent crisp sound spread, the demon only felt a pain in his neck and breathing became difficult.

A burst of warm current dripped from him, and his last remaining sight was the indifferent eyes of the little monster? And the blood-filled face.

No effort? Relying on the suppression of basic attributes? Coupled with the underestimation of the abyss demons? Rhode solved the enemy in front of him in an instant.

Seeing that Rohde killed an abyssal demon under the gaze of a crowd of demons, the look in the eyes of the nearby demons? It also gradually changed. From the beginning of dissatisfaction with contempt, it became recognition and solemnity. Rohde has used His strength has shown, and he is qualified to stay here.

At this time, Rod didn't care about the demon around him at all, and his attention was completely placed on the dead abyss demon.

In the process of biting the demon of the abyss, the hunger sensation in Rhode's body was even worse, and the smell of blood further aroused this feeling.

Lifting the corpse of the abyss demon that was one head higher than his body, Luo Luo just planned to return to the previous camp, but was stopped by another demon.

The demon who stopped Rod is an abyss lord with a more bright red body, and is also higher than the ordinary abyss demon, reaching the level of fifth.

The Abyss Lord in front of her, her body was larger than the ordinary Abyss Demon, and Rhode could only reach half of her body. Her face is painted with colored ornaments mixed with blood and black and gray, which makes her look different.

Looking at the demon in front of him, Rod’s expression changed. He had to deal with the fifth-order abyss lord. With Rod’s current basic attributes, he could not have the absolute advantage as before. He must cooperate with special skills or a powerful one. Only weapons can be defeated.

"I have no intentions, little monster."

As if he had noticed something, the demon in front of him took the initiative and said: "You killed Clarol and you have proven your strength. You are qualified to be a member of Lord Hela and participate in the trial with us."

Listening to the Lord of the Abyss, Rhodes seemed to have thought of something and actively asked: "Do you know the specific content of the trial? No demon told me this information before."

"Of course I know." The Abyss Lord nodded, and then said, "It seems that you don't know much. You were born not long ago? You can use such power as soon as you are born. Are you awakening?者'? Or, is there something special in your soul? This is really rare. In any case, there is a special ability in your body."

"What is the Awakener?" Rod asked after thinking about it.

"Awakened is a name for a special existence. They have a strong will, and because of this will, they have acquired unique and powerful special abilities." The Abyss Lord explained.

"Hero..." Rod seems to have realized something. The awakened person in the mouth of the Abyss Lord is undoubtedly the hero in his mind, just a different name.

"I am not the awakened." Rod replied.

"In that case, your soul should be a little special." She continued, "In the next trial, you, who has a special soul, are likely to help all the demons on our side. Do you want to join hands with me? "

"You haven't told me about the specific situation of the trial." Rod spread his hands and said.

"Really?" she said nonchalantly, "go to me and talk more."

"Do you want me to take this corpse and follow you all the way?" Rod asked.

"Oh, I forgot." She stroked her forehead. Soon, two abyssal demons came over and took the corpse carried by Rhode. "They will send everything about Clarol to you. In the camp, you killed him, and everything about him is yours."

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