Although from the statue of the arrogant king, he found a way to obtain the blood of the great demon, but because the required experience value exceeded Rhode's imagination, Rhode finally gave up this idea.

Rather than accumulating 1000w experience points in exchange for the blood of the great devil, Rod prefers to fight the risk of death and pick the real devil with the body of a small monster.

"Did you see it? After turning your back on the **** king, your current charm is beyond your control even a little monster."

Just as Rhode confirmed to the demon statue that sacrifices could be exchanged for rewards, Friss still did not forget to satirize Hela.

As he was talking, seeing Rod standing up with disappointment, the succubus glanced at Rod contemptuously: "Stupid little monster, do you think the arrogant king will accept the sacrifice of any creature? Weak and weak like you Creatures, never want to make a contract with the arrogant king."

Rod did not say anything, ignoring the chattering succubus, and instead knelt down in front of the statue of Mexiga.

After understanding the usage of these demon statues, Rhodes intends to try it against the statue of Mesika. Maybe this prophet left himself with any enlightenment.

It is a pity that no response came, as if the statue in front of him was not a statue of the demon king, but a cold stone.

Rod glanced at the statue in front of him with disappointment. Even the system log did not show any hints. He knew that he could not get help from the statue of Mexijia.

"The greedy king disappeared a long time ago. No devil can make a contract with her. You should choose another king."

When Rod was puzzled, Hela took the initiative to explain to him.

"I understand." Rod nodded.

Having said that, Rod's eyes kept staring at the statue in front of him, trying to see the difference from it.

"No matter which demon king, they are extremely picky, except for the **** king. Make a contract with the **** king, she will not reject any demon, even a small monster, she will gladly accept it." Hela sighed With a cry, he offered to offer.

"Wait..." Rod seemed to have discovered something. He stood up? He got closer to the statue belonging to Mexiga.

"I'm waiting for you in hell."

Recalling Mexijia's handwriting deliberately left before disappearing, what did Lord seem to realize? His complexion changed slightly.

Looking at the statue in front of him? What did Rhode undoubtedly realize? Mesica probably wanted to convey some kind of message to himself in this way.

Rod noticed that the statue of Mexiga in front of him? Her left hand is holding a huge book? Her right hand is spreading out her five fingers as if she is casting a spell, and her four fingers are pressed down, only the index finger is faintly raised? It seems to be pointing to something direction.

Looking in this direction? There is an unremarkable statue? On the statue is a bloated and fat demon.

If this is the enlightenment left by Mexijia? Then Rhode has undoubtedly received it? He did not hesitate? He quickly came to the demon statue that Mexijia was referring to.

"Huh?" Noting that Rhode did not stop in front of the statue of the king, but came to an inconspicuous statue, Friss showed a sneer, and then looked at Hela.

"The trial of Vulcan is about to begin. The kings will decide the next big plan based on the results of the trial? The king of **** values ​​this trial very much? If you want to continue to waste time with the little monster? Then please, I But for the king of lust, many flame elves have been found!"

Finished? Without waiting for Hela to reply, she flapped the tiny bat wings behind her and flew towards the distance.

Hela sighed slightly, looking at Fliss's figure away, showing a complicated look, and finally came to the statue where Rhode was.

"Who is this demon? Do you know?"

Looking at the statue in front of him, Rod asked hesitantly.

Unlike the statues of kings, the demon statue in front of me is much smaller, but still much larger than the little monster's body.

The statue gave Rhodes a bloated feeling. It was like a fly magnified many times. The front had a structure similar to compound eyes. The surface of the fat body was mostly ulcerated, and the exposed inside had intestines and stomachs similar to normal creatures.

Rhode had never seen such a demon, but for some reason, the moment he looked at the demon in front of him, the signs of doom in Rhode's system began to tremble.

"You mean him? He is a gluttonous king, commanding hungry ghosts and flies. His real size is much larger than the statue in front of you. If it is exactly the same, I am afraid that the entire Temple of Revelation will not fit, and his body will continue to fester and regenerate. It can be said to be a symbol of immortality...Unfortunately, he has fallen for hundreds of years, and the power he can give you is extremely limited."

"Will the king fall?" It seemed that he had discovered something, and Lord turned sideways, looking at Hela and asked, "If he is really as powerful as you said, who else can defeat him?"

"Hero of Light..." Hela seemed to have thought of something, and murmured a word in her mouth, "It is an extremely terrifying creature. I don't know how many demons died in his hands. If it weren't for the king of eroticism, he would be subdued in the end. No demon will survive..."

Rod seemed to think of something and looked at Hela deeply.

Rod had heard about the rumors of Heroes of Light in the mouths of many powerful creatures, but they were only one-sided, until he personally came to hell, and from the mouths of those demons, Rod then knew what deeds Heroes of Light had done. .

"What happened later? Had the heroes of the light been wiped out by the kings?" Rod asked after thinking about it.

"That's the secret information between the kings, and we are not qualified to know it." Hela shook her head, thought for a while, and added, "But I think the king will not let that kind of guy live. He exists. It is a threat to us."

Rod nodded, as if thinking of something, and then asked: "You said it was the king of eroticism, and finally subdued the hero of light? Could it be that you remembered it wrong?"

"Are you underestimating the king of lust? You are disrespectful to the king!" Hela glared at Rod, and she stretched her hand to her back, taking out a bunch of long whips from nowhere.

As soon as Rod was about to say something, the long whip was drawn to his back.

"Huh?" When the whip fell, Hela looked at the long whip in her hand with some doubts, and then at Rod's back. There were no scars there, and it looked intact.

"Strange...Have you finished praying?" Hela asked with some confusion.

"Almost." Luo Luo turned around, looked at the big fly statue in front of him again, and then knelt down.

Soon, a variety of new options appeared in the system log.

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