Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1616: Disguise and choice

"The newborn little monster, you have completed the initial promotion, but this is far from enough..."

As Rhode checked his own attributes, the battle was completely over.

The evil dogs and demons retreated contentedly, and the remaining little monsters also completed their first promotion, as if they were stained with a layer of blood, becoming a little demon with dark red skin.

In terms of blood lineage, the little devil is better than the little monster, but it is still the most inferior existence in the whole hell.

Among these little monsters, there is also a part with stronger talents and better luck. They were not promoted to little demon, but promoted to more powerful demon, such as the previous abyss demon, but such little monsters are in the minority after all.

At the forefront of the battlefield, under the protection of the abyss demons, Hela, in human form, looked at this scene in the field with satisfaction.

"If you want to become a stronger existence, you must pray to the Demon King. Different Demon Kings will give you different powers. As the servant of the King of Lust... Wait, why didn't you get promoted?"

In the field, the only one who still maintained a dark yellow body was the little monster Rod. Among the small red demons, Rod is undoubtedly extremely conspicuous, which also attracted Hela's attention.

Being watched by Hela and many abyssal demons, Lord's expression changed.

The little monsters nearby all have the characteristic of "experience learning" in their blood. After the battle, the experience points that Luode evenly divided were enough to complete the rank promotion, as did other little monsters.

Ordinary little monsters, without the help of the system, could not accumulate experience points, but directly promoted to rank, which made Rhode, who was preparing to kill stronger demons in order to return to the surface world, looked very special.

"Engia? What happened to you?"

Following the sight of those demons looking over here, just at this moment, what did an abyssal demons find? He quickly rushed behind Rod.

Luo Luo was slightly sideways? He saw an abyssal evil demon? He was lying next to the female evil demon who had died in his hands not long ago, and tremblingly picked her up, exclaiming in bursts of exclamation.

"Who? Who did this?" A flame of hatred burst into his eyes? His eyes swept around coldly? Finally stayed on Rod.

Among the restless little demons, only Rod can remain calm.

Rod's gaze was calm, even if he faced the angry abyss demon? He didn't show any fear.

"Oh?" Rod's unusual behavior? It also caught Hela's attention? She gave a chuckle? Ordered? "Laven? I allow you to torture this little monster who cannot be advanced."

With Hela's order, this angry abyss demon immediately danced with a barbed whip in his hand and lashed towards Rhode.

Facing the attack of the abyss demon, Lord rarely showed hesitation.

The current Rhode? still has enough skill points? As long as it is assigned to special skills? With high basic attributes? There is no fear of the surrounding abyss evil spirits.

It is a pity that the existence of Hela made Rod a strong jealousy.

Through the strong aura that occasionally radiated from her? Rod knew that she was at least a Tier 6 epic creature, and she didn't know what kind of abilities she had.

In Rod’s impression, except for a few special types of demons, the blood in his body is extremely noble. Now Rod is not sure to defeat them.

Seeing that the whip was about to reach his eyes, Rod leaped forward, avoiding the sweep of the whip, and rushed towards Lawen.

Now that the anomaly on his body has been discovered, Rod simply no longer pretends, but is ready to show his abilities.

Although it is not clear what this group of abyss demons intend to let the little monsters do, Rhodes understands that strength is always the most useful. In hell, powerful demons always have more say.

Unable to slowly ascend through disguise, and eventually return to the surface world, Rod simply changed his approach.

Facing Rhode who came straight, the angry Raven had already lost his rationality.

Compared with the abyssal demons with stronger bloodlines, the little monsters were shorter than their heads and thinner.

Looking down at the short body of the little monster, Lavin simply gave up his weapon, threw the whip aside, and stood up to meet him. He wanted to tear the little monster to pieces by himself.

Clamping the little monster's hands firmly, Pull Wen leaned forward, and bit the little monster's neck with his fangs.

However, the touch from his mouth surprised Lawen. The little monster's skin was tougher than he expected. His canine teeth could penetrate into it, but he immediately felt a blockage, making it impossible to tear the nearby flesh. Come down.

Lavin seemed to realize something, and just about to bite hard, he felt a severe pain in his shoulder. That little monster used the same method to attack, even biting more violently.

The intense pain caused Lavin to let go of his mouth. He realized that something was wrong in his heart. He wanted to get rid of the little monster, but in turn was firmly restricted by the little monster, and his body could not move a little bit.

Lavin showed a look of fear, the blood gushing from his shoulders became thinner and thinner, and it even made his breathing more and more difficult. He had lost all the strength to fight back.

Soon, feeling the body in front of him no more breath, after confirming the new experience value, Luo Luo released his hand, and the abyss demon suddenly fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

Although Rod was victorious, he looked more embarrassed. Not only did he have wounds on his shoulders, but his entire face was covered with blood. Coupled with the appearance of his panting, there were a few more sluggish appearances from the little monster. Divide ferocious.

This is also the effect that Rod wants to achieve, he can't show too much power. If he relied on his powerful basic attributes and exquisite combat skills to easily solve this abyssal evil spirit, he would be suspected by other evil spirits and even be besieged by the remaining abyss evil spirits.

After solving the abyss demon, there was a round of applause in Rod's ear.

Following the reputation, it was Hela who gave this applause.

"Your performance is very good. I can't think of the inferior little monsters that can be born like you."

Hela expressed satisfaction and said loudly.

"The Monster Forge has erased your memory, but it hasn't erased your instincts. You must have been a strong warrior, and I like a strong warrior."

With that, she opened a dark green portal in front of her.

Looking at the portal in front of him, Rhode's spirit was lifted. This spell was exactly the gate of time and space he was familiar with.

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