Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1609: Dia's Envoy

"Where is Lord Lord? I saw some terrible pictures, I want to see him quickly..."

In the City of Shadows, belonging to the palace of the King of Diya, a thin figure of gods rushed in and said in a panic.

His weird and suspicious behavior quickly attracted the attention of surrounding creatures. Soon, a group of vampires gathered around and stopped him firmly.

"Who is making noise here? This is the royal city of Diya!"

Soon, Kaseri, the King of Diya, walked out of the palace, his gaze swept around with majesty, and finally stopped on the skinny figure.

Although Lord used the Dark Word to control all the necromancers in the Shadow City, he did not deprive him of the king of Caesaredia on the bright side, but used Caesare to control everything in Diya. .

"I want to see Lord Rod, I have some urgent information, I want him to know. Where is he now?"

The golden light was released from the skinny figure's body, and all the creatures shrouded in this light seemed to have changed.

Those vampires were surprised to find that their bodies had returned to their human form, and the fangs in their mouths seemed to have retracted. Even the highest-status Kathrie did the same, becoming a calm human appearance.

"It turned out to be you, Erich the Lich." Catherine recognized the identity of the person who came.

"I told you, I'm not Erich, I'm Noth under Lord Lord, I just got the memory of that Lich." The man who had recovered his body quickly said, under the golden light. , He seemed to have changed his person, his whole body exuded a sacred breath, infecting all the nearby creatures.

"Whatever you call it, but what I want to say is that Rod is not in Diya right now." Catherine shrugged and replied, "We don't know where he is, but we will report your information to him. Yes. What makes you so anxious?"

"Please let him return to Diya as soon as possible." North murmured, "I carefully checked Erich's memory and found some terrible things and many hidden secrets, the witch The identity of the demon is far from simple...I must pass this information to Lord Lord Lord."

With that, perhaps because of the fear in his heart, his hands trembled uncontrollably.

Hearing what he said? Catherine's expression also changed? From the initial contempt? He gradually became cautious. At the end, he took a deep breath? Alleviated the uneasy mood.

When it comes to the memory of a lich? Especially the information useful to Rhodes, Caytheri did not dare to neglect, and immediately said:

"Please wait in the palace? I will let my men? Go to Sao City to find Lord Rhodes? Report your news to him. As for whether he will return? It is not my decision."

"You better hurry up..." North urged, a little uneasy.

Under the arrangement of Catherine? North stayed in the palace of the Shadow City.

"Let me go? I just want to report to Lord Rhodes on the completion of the mission."

Just as Caesare chose a candidate to go to Sao City, a death knight took the initiative to say.

This person is Tamek. Under Rhodes's orders, she led the vampires and captured several other death knights? Only waiting for Rhode to return? Can she cast a spiritual mark on them.

"No. This visit to Sao City? Represents Diya's honor? The people going there must be formal."

Catherine shook his head, and then refused Tamick’s request: "I will make a thousand skeleton soldiers line up, and then lead fifty giant undead creatures? It is full of treasures, as an envoy to Sao City. Envoy of the United States. If you are allowed to go, it is better to let North go by himself."

Facing Catherine who was constantly commanding his hands, Tamick gave him a blank look, went to a corner of the room, and tore a special scroll. Soon, a dark green portal appeared in front of her.

Passing through the portal, Tamick came to the city of Sao.

This is her first time in Sao City. Before that, she had heard many rumors about this city, and when she took a closer look, it was no different from other undead cities. It was also a dark sky, and the towering towers were also more powerful in terms of death energy. Not on the royal city of Diya.

Tamick knew that the reason why Sao City was so special was because of the existence of that powerful necromancer, and he was exactly what Tamick was looking for during this trip.

"Midwives, are there any midwives alive in the city? The boundless wealth and the glory of the Necromancer is taking you!"

In the distance, a yelling sound reached Tamick's ears, and many panting necromancers were walking through the city.

"Damn it, how could there be a midwife in this city?" A necromancer grumbled while panting, "If it is normal, those people are not qualified to survive, and I don't know what the city lord thinks. , There is only Necromancer."

"Save it, don't want to be transformed into an undead creature, you'd better complete your mission honestly, and have the ability to complain to the city lord." Another necromancer mocked.

"What are you talking about?" On the side, Tamick took the initiative to stop the two Necromancers.

The two necromancers glanced at each other, and one of them immediately said: "You must be a midwife, right, great, come with us soon, after the task is completed, the city lord will give you a generous reward."

"Wait, I'm not a midwife." Tamick said, spreading his hands.

Under the dark night, she opened her mouth, and her sharp fangs appeared in her mouth, with a little dark red in between.

Feeling the mighty aura radiating from her, the two necromancers immediately stayed on the spot, not daring to breathe, and whispered: "Powerful vampire, please forgive our offense, we don't know your identity..."

Tamik calmed his breath, after thinking for a while, he asked: "I'm here to find Lord Rhodes, do you know where he is?"

Hearing what she said, the Necromancer showed a surprised look. In addition, from their eyes, Tamick also saw trembling and restlessness, and a kind of awe from the heart.

"It turns out that you came to Lord Lord to get it. Lord Lord lives on the top of the highest tower in the city, and his whereabouts are not known to us." A necromancer hurriedly replied.

Another necromancer also added: "Not long ago, many people with identities went to the tower, even the lord of the city, maybe Lord Rhodes is there. Are you a friend of Lord Rhodes? We can Take you there."

Tamick nodded, and then under the leadership of the Necromancer, he walked towards the tallest tower in the city.

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