After asking Will to lead the way and find the scepter, Rod noticed that in the system log, his attributes had suddenly improved.

Recalling the bloodline characteristics he had just obtained [Sin Karma Controlling], Lord probably understood where his new attributes came from, and Lord's actions at this time undoubtedly fit the crime of greed.

Compared with the other two new features, the mastery of sin can only be effective when Rod’s behavior meets certain conditions. If this feature is maximized, Rhode can increase all attributes by 70%, and the damage caused by an additional 70%, far exceeding any increase in efficacy.

This discovery also made Rod secretly wary.

Due to the interference of the Titan's bloodline, the bloodline of the great devil in his body is actually incomplete. Many of the characteristics of the real great devil require him to awaken by other means. As for those great demons who have lived for an unknown period of time, the power in their bloodlines will only be stronger than the current Rhodes.

After thinking about it, Rhode lifted the form of the great demon, restored his human form, followed Will, and walked in one direction.

On the way, Will looked at Rod in awe and asked: "Are you an underground demon? Why did you come here?"

Rod glanced at him: "Don't ask, you just need to lead the way."

Wil suddenly stopped speaking, and the change in form made him realize the extraordinaryness of the person in front of him.

Under Will’s leadership, Rod traveled for a long time. During the period, he also used the treasure hunting stick to detect many precious treasures, but he did not take them. Instead, he let these treasures be buried deep under the gold coins and never see the sun.

For some reason, Rod felt a faint anxiety in his heart. Perhaps because it has been so long, no abnormality has appeared in the Treasure House in the Clouds, and the angels did not chase in, which made Rhode feel uneasy.

Although Lord didn't know what was happening outside the treasure house, the faint urgency in his heart made Lord no time to find other treasures? He just wanted to get the Moses scepter quickly.

Soon, a deep anomaly appeared in front of Rod's eyes.

On the road ahead, a deep gully appeared among the clouds covered with feet? And among the piles of gold coins? The gully is not bottomed? At the end of the golden light, there is only pitch black.

The gully lay in front of Rhode, cutting off his path? Rhode's sight crossed the gully? Noticed that there was still a mountain of gold coins on the opposite side of the gully.

These gold coins seemed to be blocked by mysterious power, and the edge of the ravine? The ground where the gold coins were piled up? There was no tendency to collapse in the slightest. Looking at this scene in front of you? What did Rod seem to realize? His expression became serious.

"Moses' Scepter..." Reading the name of the treasure? Rod realized? The abnormal scene in front of him was obviously due to the effect of that treasure.

"We're here." On the side, Will turned into a vampire sighed, "Perhaps a long time has passed, but I still remember? How it felt when I held that scepter."

Hearing this? Rod turned his gaze to him? Scarlet eyes showed interest.

"How does it feel?" Rod asked.

"Supernatural power, I think I can do anything." Will said with a pious and fanatical expression? "Prophet Moses, he is one of the apostles chosen by the Stigma. According to legend, he was chased by pagans. When killing to the sea, he performed a miracle. He raised the scepter and separated the rushing sea, so that a passage appeared in the sea for the team of the prophets to pass, and the heathens who came after were all submerged by the In the restored ocean."

Hearing Will's words, Rod nodded. He had heard of this in ancient books. So when Rhodes faced a powerful enemy in the ocean, he immediately thought of the treasure in Moses' hands.

From Will’s words, Rod seemed to have discovered something and asked him: "Tell me, what do you think is a miracle?"

"A miracle?" Will glanced at Rod with some surprise. "Isn't this obvious? The miracle shown by God is a miracle."

"But I have heard other people say that everything I see is a miracle." Rod continued.

"You may have met heretics who have turned against God's guidance and have sinister minds. You have been deceived by their words. If you don't want to fall into hell, you should forget those words and return to God's embrace." Will persuades.

The corner of Rod's mouth twitched, without saying much.

The existence of the Dark Words let Rod know that Will was telling the truth, and he did think so in his heart.

This also made Rhode a little confused. There seems to be something special about the items recorded in the Book of Silence in the Thieves Guild. According to Will's judgment, the concepts in it already belong to the category of pagans.

Shaking his head, Rod didn't say anything yet, but saw Will make new moves.

He slowly leaned down and came to the edge of the gully. Looking at the bottomless bottom, he let out a sigh of emotion.

"At that time, I picked up the scepter and felt the boundless divine power. I just lifted the scepter gently, and the gold coins under my feet were separated by me, revealing such a gully, and I was also cursed. , I can’t do without here anymore...Even after so long, here is still not restored to its original state."

Rod looked at him with some surprise. He didn't think that the gully in front of him was caused when Will raised the scepter hundreds of years ago. Even after so long, there is no tendency to recover.

"Where is the scepter now?" Rhode asked quickly as if thinking of something.

However, facing Rod’s question, Will shook his head: "When I woke up from the curse, I lost my body and became what you saw before. I don’t know where the scepter is, but I Thinking, it should be inside this gully. It's pitch black below. I tried to find the scepter in the gully, but couldn't see anything, and finally gave up."

Rod nodded. Hearing Will say that, he seemed to realize something and put his gaze into the gully.

The darkness below the gully was nothing to Rod. Even if it was so dark around Sally, Rod could see through with scarlet eyes, and ordinary darkness was not that difficult.

Although Will didn't know where the scepter was in the gully, Rhode was not worried. He still had a cane that could detect treasures in his hand.

Point the treasure hunting cane on the ground, and the gems inlaid on the top of the cane glow for a while.

Soon, Rod showed a satisfied look, he had found the location of the treasure in the ravine.

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