Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1585: Death knight

For Rhode, who possesses the Titan's Arrow and the Cloak of the Ghost King, the Windchaser's Blade is of little value, and the equipment slot it occupies completely conflicts with the first two combination artifacts.

Unable to use the power of the Wind Chaser, and none of Rod's other men were worthy of this artifact. In desperation, Rod handed it back to the death knight Yves.

"Take your weapon and wait for me in White Rock City in Elasia after your arm recovers. Remember not to be discovered by those Elasiaians."

After thinking about it a little, Rhodes told death knight Yves like this.

Rhode valued his fighting ability more than letting him transform undead creatures like other death knights, and in the next action, Rhode was ready to take him.

The existence of the leader of the thieves is a trouble that Rhodes cannot escape. After feeling her strength, Rhodes can't imagine what will happen in White Rock City. For this reason, Rhodes is preparing to bring the strongest death knight.

In the previous battle, Yves had no way to compete with the thief leader because he didn't know what was happening in the dark. Rhode took him with him, also out of helpless choice.

Holding the Wind Chasing Blade in his hand, Yves wanted to swing the sword at the necromancer in front of him, but he couldn't do it. Not only that, even he wanted to swing the sword at other necromancers, but he couldn't do it.

After several attempts to no avail, Yves gritted his teeth. Even if he became a death knight, he still didn't give up in his heart. As long as he killed the necromancer in front of him, he would also be able to regain his freedom and fulfill his previous wishes.

"I know what you are thinking."

Looking at Yves who was unwilling but fell silent, Rhode slowly said as if he had seen through his thoughts, "The death knight can't hide from his master? Fight with this will, you The stronger your heroic will is, the more you can prove your worth to me."

The transformation of the death knight? Incorporating spiritism into Yves' body? He could not get rid of it anyway? Rhodes, who possessed the Dark Word, did not worry about Yves having a way to escape.

Just like what Rod said, no matter what kind of heroic will Yves burst out in order to resist? How strong he has become, Rod is the ultimate beneficiary. Rod can't help but want to see? Stronger How well did the death knight in battle behave.

Rhode’s memories? In the system log? In the attributes of the Wind Chaser? Is there no hint about strengthening the wind blade? Yves can swing those huge wind blades? Even cut off Rhode’s arm, relying on the hero The existence of will.

On the top of the tower, Yves remained silent, his body was cold, but his eyes were as hot as flames? He was staring at Rhode? If there was a flaw in the spiritual mark? He would immediately attack the person in front of him.

Not long after? The enchanter Alama also came to the top of the tower.

Yves tried to swing the blade at the enchanter, but was stopped by an inexplicable force in his heart. He can't hurt any of Lord's subordinates, which is why Lord feels relieved to stay here.

"Lord Rhodes? Are you used to new hands?"

After arriving at the top of the tower, Alama took the initiative to ask Rod.

"Of course." Rod raised his right hand, clenched and released his fist in front of him, moving his fingers.

"Just get used to it. I use your blood to nourish this arm. After a while, it will be exactly the same as your original arm and eliminate the characteristics of other creatures."

Hearing what Alama said, Rod nodded. I have to say that Alama's blood attainments are much higher than Margaret's. When he reconnected his arm, Rod did not feel any pain.

At this moment, Alama seemed to have thought of something, looking at Rod’s arm, a bit of pity appeared in his eyes: "I'm sorry that you rejected my proposal. Isn't a body that can be freely dismantled more perfect than an ordinary body?"

"Such a body, each part is independent, unable to use the power of blood." Rod shook his head and said.

When connecting the arm, Alama suggested to Rhode whether he needed to attach the arm to the body as a detachable part.

Not only that, after the previous battle, Alama's attitude towards Rhode has changed, and he also showed his body to Rhode.

As an expert in the study of alien creatures, Alama's body has also been modified by himself. Whether it is fingers, arms, or other parts of the eyeball, it can be disassembled from the body and reassembled.

In Rod’s memory, Alama had previously cut off his arm and plunged it into the blood of the ultimate hydra, triggering an abnormal change on the arm, but when Rod saw him next time, he His arm returned to its original shape.

In Alama's view, as long as every part of the body is replaced with a stronger part than before, the whole person will undoubtedly become more perfect.

It is a pity that Rod is not interested in such a body. He is more concerned about the strength of his own comprehensive attributes. As long as the comprehensive attributes are strong, a body similar to Alama is of little significance.

At this moment, looking at Alama in front of him, Rhode simply waved his hand and said:

"If you think such a body is perfect, why not reflect it on the alien creature? I remember the monster you showed in the alien creature contest. It is like a giant dragon, with a huge and strong body. , Not a detachable body."

"You mean the bloodstained monster." Alama understood what Rhodes was talking about. "Its body can also be disassembled, especially its head. I searched the main plane for a long time before I found a suitable one. Biological material."

As if thinking of something, Alama let out a cold snort: "Those ignorant witchcraft judges do not understand its power and beauty. If I can have angels, I can create more perfect creatures, Lord Lord, I hope you can successfully bring the angel back."

"I will." Recalling his promise with Alama, Rhode nodded and said, he looked at the silent death knight Yves on the side, "Take him down and put him on a new arm. "

Alama nodded, looking at the death knight Yves who had lost his arm, a certain light seemed to flash in his eyes, and then he stopped speaking and returned to the quiet room in the conspiracy tower with him.

At the top of the tower, Rod sighed deeply. After dealing with the death knight, he was going to meet the powerful creature still in the city of Sao, the mysterious thief leader shrouded in darkness.

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