Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1578: Hero Yves II

In the sky of Sao City, waves of lightning continued to explode. The red and dark silhouettes collided quickly and bounced at a faster speed. The silver-white sword light and the cyan wind blade had only one purpose, and that was Kill each other.

Gradually, the dark figure fell into a disadvantage, he was in a passive defensive posture, while the red figure was getting faster and faster, and the afterimage he brought out almost filled the sky.

Another violent assault came, and the crimson figure that was still on the horizon appeared in front of Rhode the next moment.

Rhode responded calmly, greeted him with the bolt of Titan with lightning attached, and the strong current that exploded bounced the enemy away, but also gave Rhode a chance to breathe.

At this time, Lord's face completely sank. At the beginning of the battle, facing Yves’s attack, he could still use the flame to make a counterattack. Unexpectedly, Yves’ movements were getting faster and faster. Rhodes could not keep up at all. In the end, Rhodes could only act like Now like this, use the lightning on the Titan Bolt to bounce him away.

Despite the many basic attributes brought about by the racing achievements, Rhode does not have those special skills related to melee combat, and when he fought against legendary creatures like Yves, he fell into a disadvantage in an instant.

Of course, at this time Rod is still a lot stronger than before. Previously, Rod was unable to fight him head-on when encountering Yves's attack on the trap of the Dragon Kingdom. Even the ghost dragon died at his. Hands.

Rod deeply understood that the advantage that belonged to him was that it existed in him, and it was still full of mana at this time.


Rod raised his hand, and bursts of white light flashed on Yves.

Looking at his lossless eyes, Rod secretly breathed a sigh of relief, according to the feedback from the system? At this time, Yves had already been affected by this spell and temporarily lost his vision.

The former Yves had dragon scale treasures that resisted magic? A spell similar to blindness? It could not affect him at all. What Rhode did not expect was that Yves, whose blood was contaminated, was lost instead. Those treasures? This also gives Rhodes more opportunities.

Without any hesitation, a variety of negative magic instantly fell on Yves? His body was like a few heavy shackles.

At the same time? Rod quickly waved the Titan's arrow in his hand? Countless silver-white lightning? He hurried towards Yves. At the same time? Rhode is also preparing for another spell? He stared at Yves in the distance.

"Rhodes, do you think this can stop me?"

In the distant sky, Yves let out a roar, and a raging flame ignited on his body. That was due to anger? A flame that would never go out.

Was his sight obscured by magic? There was only pitch black in front of him? Iversus closed his eyes? He could feel the airflow that never stopped, passing around, and the deep evil in the airflow center.

Blending his figure into the wind? Yves appeared in front of Rhode instantly, but this time, he was not bounced off by lightning.

Rhode took the initiative to dissipate the lightning on the blade, facing Yves whose attributes were completely weakened by spells, Rhode, who had many spells, was able to contend with it.

The blades intersect, and the sound of gold and iron ringing resounds all around. Taking advantage of the gap between swinging the sword, the pitch-black cloud was released from Luo Luo's body, and the next moment Yves would be wrapped in layers, and any flesh and blood creatures that came into contact with it would be deeply eroded.

Feeling the ever-spreading cloud of death, Yves waved the blade in his hand and rolled up fierce waves of air, blowing the ominous clouds apart.

At this moment, Yves, who was about to swing his sword at Rod, suddenly seemed to feel something. He tried to pull away, but his movements were a step slower.

The thunderous explosion spread from where Yves was, and the dull roar spread throughout the city of Sao, and the ground trembled, as if a **** vented his anger.

After the roar ended, Yves' figure appeared in the distant sky. His condition didn't look good. Blood dripped from the side of his body, dyeing half of his body red.

At the original position, Rod slowly put down the large cloak blocking the front of his body, and he didn't seem to suffer any damage.

Looking at the enemy who had been hit hard not far away, Rod showed a satisfied look. Although it consumes a lot of mana, as long as it can leave damage to the enemy, in the next battle, Rhode can eat it a little bit and finally win.

There was still darkness in front of him, and the shackles on his body became heavier and heavier. At this moment, Yves’ beliefs began to shake. He was not sure whether he could defeat the terrible Necromancer. For a hero, , The shaking of faith is undoubtedly extremely fatal.

Rod saw the opportunity, taking advantage of the moment Yves was distracted, he appeared behind him in a flame escape, and waved the arrow of the Titan to cut away the hot air around him.

The blade was blocked by Yves, but Rod did not panic. He already felt that Yves' movements were too slow compared to when the battle started.

It is the will in the hero's heart that gives heroes strength, awakens their talents, supports them all the way and defeats powerful enemies. Under the blessing of this will, no matter how powerful the enemy is, they cannot compete with the hero. .

When heroes lose their will, the power they can exert will also be greatly reduced.

Although Rod did not know why Yves was distracted in this degree of battle, it was obviously related to the existence of heroic will.

Swinging the blade again, Rod did not forget to slam and strike: "Do you feel my power? Even the tree of wisdom died in my hands. What can you do? Your final fate is Death is the way."

Yves did not answer. At this moment, his hands began to tremble faintly. Even the chief of the guardian of the jungle died in the hands of this necromancer, and Yves realized that he might not be able to get him out of his own power alone.

Maybe we should make more preparations, maybe we should collect more information, and then avenge the necromancer, instead of getting hard-won freedom from the devil and coming here for the first time, at this moment , Yves seemed a little regretful, and deep down in his heart, there was an emotion called fear.

Fear made his movements sluggish, and his sword blades became weak, and Rod would not let this opportunity pass.

The silver-white lightning flashed through the blockade of the sword blade, and bombarded Yves' chest, causing irreversible damage to him and establishing the victory of the battle.

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