Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1563: Evil Reappears One

With Sodolfi's spell, the dazzling light blocked the approach of undead creatures.

A vampire was unwilling to endure the temptation of blood, and rushed straight into the light-shrouded area. What awaited him was a white flame burning all over his body.

The bone pain caused the vampire to roll on the ground, trying to extinguish the flame on his body, but he couldn't do it. It was eventually burned to ashes by the flame, and the body was purified.

Following the death of this undead creature, the faces of the nearby vampires showed fear. They did not dare to take a step forward. They all understood the fate of entering it.

Seeing that the offensive of the undead creatures was contained, the elves behind Sotofi let out a cheer.

An elf came to Sotofi's side and said happily: "Ms. Sotofi, you successfully pushed these undead creatures back, you saved us..."

Unlike the elves in front of her, Sotophie’s expression didn’t improve anymore. Her eyes solemnly said: “Forcing these undead creatures back is the limit I can do. My spells won’t last long. I just hope that it’s here. prior to……"

Before Sotofi's words were finished, a cry for help from a distance completely attracted her attention.

It was an elf in ragged clothes, and I don't know where he appeared. At this time, he was being attacked by a vampire.

Facing the attacking vampire, he was thrown directly on the ground. Seeing that the sharp fangs were about to pierce into the neck, he slammed his fist out and sent it straight into the vampire's mouth. Despite the blood dripping on his arm, he was able to save his life.

When he noticed the behavior of this elf, whether it was Sotophie or the elf who was trapped here with her, there was an exclamation at this time.

The smell of blood spread, as if some kind of unique signal stimulated the nerves of the vampire. At this moment, the attention of all nearby vampires was attracted by the elf, showing their fangs, and rushing towards his position.

"Ariane..." After noticing the face of the elf, Sotophie instantly recognized his identity. It was Ariane who had studied with her under the witch Jenny and later disappeared during the mission. .

Seeing more and more vampires surrounding Ariane, in an emergency, Sotophie couldn't ask anything more, and quickly cast spells and released multiple flashes of lightning to knock the vampires back, which also gave her mana. Further consumption.

Regardless of the passing of mana, Sotophie said loudly: "Hurry up and enter the range of the undead killer, so that you are safe!"

At Sodomy's signal, Ariane crawled into the shroud of light, looking embarrassed for a while. Perhaps the wound on his hand was affected, and his face showed pain.

"Are you okay?" Sotofi asked quickly.

"No, I almost died at the hands of those vampires." Ariane said with a lingering look, "How can reinforcements come here?"

Facing Arian’s question, Sotofi’s expression darkened: "We didn’t know that we would encounter such a thing. We thought it was a simple task. I’m afraid there will be no reinforcements here. Only Jane who got the news. The adults will come, she should be here soon."

Ariane's eyes flashed: "I saw an elf leaving alone. Did he abandon us and escape alone?"

Sotofi shook his head: "No, he went to find the Necromancer hiding in the dark. Only in this way can we get out of the predicament."

With that said, Sotofi seemed to have noticed something. She carefully looked at Arion in front of her. The surface of the elf's body was constantly rising with white smoke. In addition, she asked about a burst of burnt. Breath.

"Ariane, what happened to you? Why did you appear here?" Sodomy asked.

"Under this ditch, I found a secret." Ariane looked at the elves behind Sotophie a little worried, "I can only let you know this secret."

With that, he slowly stepped forward and approached Sotophie.

In Sotophie's perception, a warm wind seemed to blow in the distance, which caused the temperature of her body to rise a lot. She stared at Arion's body, alertness in her heart.

"Stop." Sotofi said in a deep voice, changing from the gentleness of the past, "My undead killer is not practiced enough. I can only purify the real undead creature, and there is no way to deal with the real undead mage."

"You mean, I am a necromancer?" Ariane said in disbelief, "I almost died at the hands of those vampires, you actually doubt me like that!"

"That doesn't mean anything." Sotofi shook his head, looking anxiously in the direction of the sentry tower where Aimo had gone, "Before Master Jenny arrives, please stay where you are."

The answer to Sotofi was a spell cast by Ariane.

The faint green skull appeared from the top of his head, and at the same time a weird smile was emitted. What followed was a strong shock wave transformed from death energy.

The death ripples belonging to the Necromancer caused a pain in the bodies of the nearby elves. Their vitality quickly passed away under the action of this spell. Many of the weak elves fell straight at this moment. To the ground.

On the sidelines, Sotophie was equally uncomfortable. In addition to the pain in his body, more importantly, it was his confusion and anger towards Ariane.

"What did you do? The battle is over, and the Necromancer has completely lost. Why do you want to become a Necromancer at this time and slay your fellow clan?" Sotofi asked.

"Do you think the battle is over?" Arian sneered, "You are wrong, the Necromancer will not stop like that. I have heard that the king of the Necromancer is in Diya, summoning all the powerful Necromancers in the world. , Before long, the Necromancer will come back with the strongest undead creatures. At that time, no creature can resist them."

Slowly retreating to the rear, Ariane said fiercely: "Do you know how strong the king of the necromancer is? Even the chief of the forest guardian is not his opponent, how can we resist it?"

"Is that why you became a Necromancer? Because you are afraid of death, you can only harm your kinsmen before death comes?" Sotofi sighed and said.

Ariane didn't answer, but his faintly trembling hands showed the unrest in his heart.

Without any hesitation, Arian raised his hand, and the faint green skull appeared above his head again, and the shock wave of death energy swept the entire elves once again.

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