Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1556: Give strength

"Where are you going to take me?"

After many attempts, Tamick, who was still unable to control his body, also seemed to have resigned, and asked Rhodes unwillingly.

Realizing that he couldn't get rid of Rhodes's control, Tamick no longer maintained the fighting form of a vampire, but re-transformed into the appearance of a human woman, looking no different from ordinary humans.

"I just want you to know how wrong you are." Rod shrugged and answered slowly.

Moving forward along the rotating staircase, Rod and his party soon came to the bleacher at the top of the palace.

Although the height here is not like a watchtower, it can give a panoramic view of the large terrain nearby, but it can also give a sweeping view of the entire city. Catherine, the former King of Diya, likes to stand at the highest point of the palace, overlooking and reviewing his undead army. With Lord's arrival, this place is also owned by Lord.

Looking towards the ground below, Tamick keenly noticed that nearby necromancers seemed to be summoned and gathered on the ground outside the palace. They looked up from time to time and looked towards the palace, with a little respect and yearning in their eyes.

"Did you see? These necromancers gathered here because of my existence." Feeling the necromancers gathered from below, Rod was extremely satisfied, then opened his hands and said loudly.

"What do you want to do? Do you want to judge me in front of these necromancers, just like those Elasias like?" Tamick gritted his teeth and asked.

After vaguely feeling the ability that Rhodes possesses, Tamick can also guess that it belongs to his own fate. She had seen many vampires on trial, but she didn't expect that this would be her ending.

"Trial? No, I don't do that kind of meaningless things." After hearing what Tamick said, Rod shook his head, "You just watch."

Just as Rhodes was talking to Tamick, some of the necromancers gathered below discovered his appearance.

"Master Lord, you are finally here!" The first to perceive Lord's appearance was the Lich Sand who survived the Battle of Standwick. He stood on the ground together with other necromancers, looking up at the upper part of the palace. Lord, with full reverence in his eyes.

Sand's words reached the ears of other necromancers around, even if the necromancers who didn't notice the appearance of Rod, hearing Sand's words, they also looked at Rod as if they realized something.

Even the necromancer outside the City of Shadows, upon hearing the news, rushed into the city for a while, blocking the water occupied by the nearby streets.

Looking at the necromancer below, Rod beckoned with satisfaction, and his words immediately resounded in the ears of all the necromancers.

"Necromancers, I believe you all know who I am. I am very pleased to be able to see you at this time."

Rod opened his hands and continued:

"Since Dia’s liches fell one after another, we have lost control of this land. We are losing little by little, those lands harvested in the war. Elli to the north, and Elasia to the west, Won't let us go so easily."

Following Rod’s words and rumblings from the Necromancer below, they all understood that the meaning of Rod’s words, the entire Diya, was shrouded in a strong crisis.

"What should we do? Even the Lich is not an opponent of those enemies, ordinary Necromancers, how can they compete with those enemies?"

In the crowd below, an extremely nervous Necromancer finally couldn't help it, and asked Louder at the upper level of the palace.

"Don't worry, Lord Lord is the savior of all necromancers, and he will bestow all necromancers with powerful power." It was the Lich Mountain below who said these words. Under the influence of the Dark Word, Mountain Tewang There was full enthusiasm in Rod's sight.

"Yes, you don't have to worry about the powerful enemy that strikes, because I am here, I will give all the necromancers who follow me an unimaginable power, with the help of this power, you can easily defeat the enemy "At the top of the palace, Rod said loudly.

Hearing what Rod said, bursts of cheers came from the necromancers below, and they came to the Shadow City from all over Diya for this power.

Below, Shante took the initiative to say: "Some of you may not know that Lord Rod once transformed the artifact into a corpse witch king equivalent to an epic creature in Vernin, generously gifting all the necromancers who followed him, with the help of With the power of the corpse witch king, the necromancer can transform all dead creatures into corpse witches."

Speaking of this, Sander seemed to have thought of something, and his tone changed: "Unfortunately, in order to capture the holy city of Elasia, the corpse that once belonged to Lord Rhodes was destroyed in the battle, even the liches, Few can come back alive. This allows creatures from other forces to wait for an opportunity to invade Diya’s land..."

Looking around the necromancer, Sande waved his arms: "With the power bestowed by Lord Rhodes, the necromancer will regain the glory, without any enemy, can become our opponent!"

Following Shante’s words, nearby necromancers also cheered. At this time, Shante raised his head again and looked at Rod on the upper level of the palace: "Please Lord Rod, grant these necromancers supreme power!"

On the upper stage, Tamick took a dignified look at Rod, and said, "I know the power of the artifact behind you. Are you summoning these necromancers to bestow corpses on them?"

"I originally had this plan." Rod said without looking up, "but now, I have a better way."

Under Tamick's gaze, Rhode raised his hands and took off the white blindfold on his head.

"What are you going to do..."

Halfway through, Tamick's words suddenly choked up. She noticed that after removing the blindfold, Rod opened his eyes.

Unlike Tamick’s expectation, the pure white blindfold covered not a pair of blind eyes, but a pair of blood-red eyes. Even if he was only looking at it from a distance, Tamick only felt his body chill.

Perhaps it was because he was scrupulous about the creatures that existed behind him, Rod didn't mean to turn around, nor did he glance at Tamick, but from the upper level of the palace, he scanned all the necromancers below with his eyes.

Following Rod's gaze, a strong cry of exclamation came from the ground, and a special change was happening to all the necromancers.

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