Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1546: Blood test

"Let me check."

Looking at the weird-looking Vera with her hands up, Alama's eyes became hot, as if she had seen something beautiful.

The Vera in front of him has deeply attracted the attention of this magician. The magician can always find the unique beauty of the existence of alien creatures. Even in the alien creature competition, the beauty is included in the scoring criteria.

Coming to Vera's side, Alama circled him a few times, collecting the general condition of his entire body in his eyes, with a look of doubt on his face.

"Did you see anything from him?" Seeing Alama showing such an expression, Rhode asked.

"His body is very unusual." Alama replied softly. "He seems to have undergone some special transformation. It is a ritual unique to the surface world. There should not be any vitality in the body, but his blood has broken this. Limitation... It is a very polluting blood. I have never seen such a blood. If there is no blood sample, I need a period of experimentation to get the result..."

Hearing what Alama said, Rod nodded secretly.

In order to test Alama’s abilities, Rhodes did not tell him the detailed information about the death knight Vera, but wanted to hear the witchcraft’s own judgment. Unexpectedly, after only a short observation, Alama gave him Such accurate information.

After being aware of Alama’s ability, Rhode was extremely satisfied with this wizard. He was able to take second place with his own strength in the alien creature competition where many wizards gathered. His bloodline attainments obviously exceeded It has even reached the top level of the entire underground world after the other magicians in Nigon.

Since the black art covers many aspects, the research on bloodline is only part of the whole black art. Many black magicians who specialize in bloodline research do not so much in other parts of black art, such as potions and rituals. Good at.

This also makes many magicians who are good at bloodline unable to obtain suitable resources. Even if they want to conduct experiments, they must obtain materials from various places.

Upon seeing this, when Alama further checked Vera's condition, Rhodes took the initiative to take out a special basin of blood from the space ring.

"As you can see, this is the polluted blood exactly like his body."

Feeling the extremely active and warm blood, Alama's face was shocked: "How is it possible... how can such a thing exist?"

"Did you find anything?" Hearing what Alama said, Rod frowned and asked with some doubts.

"I need to try further." Alama hurriedly said without time to pay attention to Vera nearby.

After finishing speaking, he took out a sharp iron sword from the space ring, the sword was covered with dark red marks, and it seemed that it had not been carefully maintained.

Spread his left hand flat, place the front side on the long table opposite Margaret, Alama's right hand waved the blade, and cut off his left arm together with his elbow.

Seeing Alama's actions through the nearby magic eyes, Rod secretly wondered in his heart. What Rhode cared very much was that even though Alama's entire arm was cut off, there was no drop of blood flowing out of the wound. He was indeed a wizard with special power.

Picking up the decapitated left arm with his right hand, Alama soaked the palm of his left hand, together with his forearm, in the basin of blood that Rod took out. His right hand held the end of his left elbow and hung it high. Above the blood basin.

During this process, Alama's eyes were always staring at the inside of the blood basin, with a look of desire in his eyes, as if the things in the container were not blood at all, but the most precious treasure.

As the soaking process progressed, bursts of air bubbles surged from the blood basin, and it was clear that Alama’s right hand held the arm firmly without any extra movements. The whole basin of blood seemed to be stirred by something. There was a loud splash.

The stirring sound became louder and louder, and Alama suddenly pulled his left hand out of the blood basin, but saw that an amazing change had taken place on the palm of his left hand.

Those diverged one by one, the slender fingers belonging to the enchanter, were swinging frantically at this time. The skin at the top of each knuckle was irregularly ruptured at this time.

If you look closely, you can see from the front of these fingers the immature, newly-born eyes, and the unbroken mouth. Each finger at this time turned into an independent, snake-like head, trying to attack Alama in front.

In addition, the nails on Alama's left hand turned into long horns at this time, standing on top of these snake heads.

"These blood... These blood..." Alama seemed to realize something. He could no longer maintain his original calmness as he held his arm, and his voice trembled.

"Did you find anything?" Rod asked with some confusion.

Prior to this, Rod had also discovered through his own tests that the abnormality of the blood of the ultimate hydra, but he did not try with a single arm like Alama did.

What makes Rod feel concerned is that the image of Alama's left hand is somewhat similar to the ultimate hydra in the depths of the sea. If the back part of the palm is removed, it is simply a reduced version of the ultimate hydra.

After Alama’s attempt, Rod undoubtedly realized some information, and he immediately asked Alama: "Tell me everything you found."

"I have a question..." Instead of answering Rod’s doubts in the first place, Alama asked, "Where are you and found these blood? In other words, what kind of creatures these blood exist in? in vivo."

Hearing what Alama said, Rhode didn't have the need to conceal it. He said directly: "I was in the depths of the ocean on the Elemental Plane of Water, a powerful legendary creature, a sea snake with multiple heads, and got the blood. "

"Sure enough... the legend recorded in the classic book is true..." After learning the origin of the blood, Alama's face turned pale and muttered.

"What legend? What do you know?" Seeing Alama's body contains information that he didn't know, Rod immediately asked, "Also, what is the ancient book that records information about the ultimate hydra? Why did I never know?"

What Alama said made Rhode extremely puzzled. Regarding the existence of the Ultimate Hydra, only those books left by the legendary Brakada wizards have some records. The wizards of the underground world can't reach the plane of water at all, so how can they know this?

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