Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1543: Flam's wish

When he came to the Temple of Blazing Fire in the depths of hell, he felt the aura of the powerful demons around him. Rhode also activated the power of the blood of the great demon, and his entire body changed.

With the emergence of bloodline power, the white eye mask that Rowling gave to Rhode not long ago, at this time, seemed to be repelled by some kind, and fell downward.

Before the blindfold fell into the magma, Rod reached out and grabbed it, and then put it into the space ring.

There is such an ability in the bloodline of the great demon that after activating the bloodline, Rod can not hide his face by any means, even wearing a blindfold. Once Rod activates the power of the bloodline, the blindfold will automatically come down.

Ordinary great devil would naturally not be troubled by this ability, but Rhode was deeply affected.

Fortunately, the bloodline of the great devil does not affect the ability of the Scarlet Eye, it just prevents Rhodes from wearing the blindfold.

After arriving in the depths of hell, Rod no longer had any scruples. He opened his eyes, and the **** eyes intertwined with the fire from the depths of purgatory, adding a bit of evil temperament to him.

"Your eyes..." As Rod opened her eyes, Flam, who was huge in the furnace, was suddenly surprised. In her memory, she seemed to have seen these unique eyes.

"What's the matter?" Luo Luo squinted his eyes slightly and stared at the flame giant coldly.

"Forget it, it's impossible. I should have remembered it wrong." Flam shook his head, without saying anything more about this question.

"Judge, leave the Phoenix to me, and your mission will be completed. I will inform all the doomsday believers under my command of your existence, and keep them away from your territory. In addition, the rest of the **** kings, temporarily I won't bother you...until the end." Flam ordered.

"You seem to want this phoenix very much." Hearing Flam's words, Rod did not leave in a hurry, but said with interest, "For an existence like you, what is so special about the phoenix? Are you the origin of all fire elves, why do you crave the power of the phoenix?"

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you." The Flame Giant said in a deep voice, "Give me the Phoenix, and your mission has been completed. Knowing that it won't help you much."

"No..." Rod shook his head and looked at the flame giant's eyes with a playful look. He slowly took out a sealed bottle of red blood from the space ring.

"These Phoenix blood is the task material I am going to deliver. Have you forgotten the task you assigned? As for this phoenix, she doesn't have to deliver it, I just show it to you." Rod reveals A sneer.

"How dare you do this..."

The blazing flame, which was enough to burn everything, burned on the body of the flame giant. Facing the hand that the flame giant raised high and could drop at any time, Rod was not afraid. He looked at Flam in front of him and said disdainfully: "Do you want to fight me? You can't help it. mine."

"Huh." Flam let out a cold snort after hearing Rodr's words. Finally, she put down her raised hand, resisted the anger in her heart, and asked: "Tell me, what are you going to do? Only then can you give this phoenix to me?"

"Do you want this phoenix? First tell me, what do you need her to do? I don't even know this, how can I give her to you?" Rod thought for a while and asked.

Hearing Rhode’s question, Flam fell into silence for a while, and then slowly said:

"I am the first flame in the world. The me you see now is just a body that I formed with the power of the flame to carry my will, my body, right under your feet, all that At the end of the magma."

Hearing what Flam said, Rod could not help but look carefully at the flame giant in front of him. In his perception, her body was made of pure flames, and there was no physical existence at all. The existence of this body depends entirely on the power of flames. .

"For a long time, I have always wanted to leave here and go to the surface world to find the warm place where the light is. But I can't do this. It's like a curse that exists on me. I will always be imprisoned in the depths of hell. I existed here before the angel fell, and this situation has not changed for countless years."

The flame giant's words rushed, her hand violently hit the nearby ground, cracking the entire furnace, but her anger was not reduced at all.

"I can send my consciousness to the ground by occupying the body, but this doesn't change anything. As long as my body is still a flame, I will be imprisoned here forever! It will never change!"

Flam let out a roar, and the fire elves in the entire golden palace bowed their bodies at this moment, and their whole bodies shuddered uncontrollably.

"What does this have to do with Phoenix?" Rod asked in a deep voice after listening to Flam's account.

"Of course it has a relationship. With the help of the Phoenix's rebirth from the fire, I, who is also the flame incarnation, can completely get rid of the current predicament, have my own body, and truly feel warm..."

At this moment, the flame giant's whole body was ignited with blazing light, and the gravel falling from the top of his head, before touching Flam's body, melted in the high temperature and turned into a part of the magma below.

"I remember your body on the surface world once said that when the doomsday comes, your body will also come to the ground. What does this mean?" Rod frowned and asked.

"When the doomsday comes, all the curses in the depths of **** will be broken, all demons will be released, and my body will be able to go to the surface world. I originally planned to find the traces of the phoenix myself by then. You made it for me first."

"You already have this level of power. Will going to a warm place give you stronger power?" Rod asked with some confusion.

Fromm shook his head: "How can stupid humans understand my thoughts? I shouldn't tell you this at all. The only thing you need to do is to give me the phoenix."

"Make your choice and give me the Phoenix. You will not be the target of the doomsday believers. In addition, I can tell you all the information you want to know. If you dare to fool me, you His territory will be completely destroyed by the doomsday believers." Looking in front of him, Rhode who looked extremely short, Flam said in a deep voice.

Seeing that things were proceeding step by step in the direction he hoped, Rod was secretly delighted, his face remained calm, and said:

"I will hand the Phoenix to you, but before that, I need information about hell, especially about the **** king like you, and tell me everything you know."

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