Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1538: Scarlet Eye One

In the dim quiet room, a burst of fire suddenly lit up, and a man in a black cloak emerged from the flames.

As if being stimulated by the light, on the nearby wall, round, fist-sized eyeballs rolled, staring at the coming person.

"You are here." A low, hoarse voice came over, without many surprises.

"I remember I said that I wanted you to move to the island as soon as possible, but you didn't do that." Looking at the gray-clothed old woman with eyes full of eyes, the man said in a deep voice.

"You did say that, but I also told you that I am waiting for an old friend to arrive. He doesn't know the location of the island. I must stay here."

Faced with the man's question, the grey-clothed old woman just shrugged.

"As for you, Lord Rhodes, why are you looking for me again? Is it because the magic eyes are not enough? I just gave you a lot of them. Or are you worried about the death knight?"

Seeing the person in front of her remained silent, the grey-clothed old woman promised: "Don't worry, my friend, he is an expert in bloodlines, and he will definitely be able to solve the death knight's problem."

"I didn't come to you for these things." There was a flame in Rod's eyes. He looked at Margaret in front of him, and said solemnly, "I brought some special items. I think you must be very interested. ."

"Oh? What item?" Margaret asked curiously after hearing Rhode's words.

An iron box entangled in chains appeared in Lord's hands.

"What's in it? I've never felt so uneasy, but the things in it are deeply attracted to me..."

Marguerite seemed to feel something, and said with a trembling, the nearby magic eyes lost their focus and turned at an extremely fast speed. For a while, the entire quiet room seemed to come alive.

"Just look at it." Faced with Margaret's question, Rod shook his head and did not answer directly.

Just when Margaret was surprised, Rod easily removed the chain from the tin box, and turned the side of the flip cover of the tin box to face Margaret, while he himself stood unable to look directly at the things in it. Directly behind.

The grave guard's warning still echoed in Rod's ears, but it was a pity that Margaret didn't know all this.

The iron box that had been sealed in the dust was opened for an unknown number of years, and the evil scarlet light directly shot out from the slightly open gap, instantly dyeing half of the quiet room with the same color.

"This is..." Margaret exclaimed. Her whole body was exposed to the scarlet light. "Eyes...such beautiful and bright eyes..."

In Rhodes's eyes, Margaret also began to undergo amazing changes.

She had been blind for an unknown period of time, and tears began to shed in her empty eye sockets at this time, consistent with the light in the room, and her tears were muddy with blood.

In addition, her body, which had been squatting due to aging, swelled in a circle at this time, and her thin shoulders became thick. Sharp teeth grew from her mouth, and she became a terrifying vampire.

On the back wall, the magic eyes covered by scarlet light fell from the wall one after another, and the parts connected with the tentacles grew irregular sharp teeth, unabashedly releasing the breath of undead creatures.

"The Scarlet Eye..."

After feeling the powerful effect of the contents of the box, Rod nodded in satisfaction, closed the iron box again, and the quiet room dimmed again.

"How do you feel?" Rod asked, looking at Margaret in front of him.

Vampires are the most unique among all undead creatures. Becoming a vampire does not deprive Margaret of her mind and memory.

"I feel great." Marguerite straightened her body and said more clearly, "I have never felt so good before, my body is full of power, it's incredible..."

With that said, Margaret moved briefly, and her hand could even bring out afterimages in the air, which was not the power she originally possessed.

Seeing Margaret's changes in his eyes, Rod also realized the problem.

When the iron box was opened, Rod keenly felt that the large cloak behind him seemed to have some connection with the contents of the box, strengthening the effect of the contents of the box.

The Margaret in front of her, including the demon eyes that fell to the ground, are now full-fledged vampires. In addition, their rank has reached the sixth rank, which is equivalent to the real vampire king.

It is no wonder that Margaret is not used to her current body. Anyone who gets such a powerful force will take some time to adapt.

In addition, Rod keenly perceives that there is a special connection between the ghost king's cloak and Margaret. At this time, Rod can directly control Marg like a corpse who controls the transformation of those artifacts. Lit.

"With these two eyes, I can make the top magic eyes. Lord Rhodes, you can say that it is the right thing to give these two eyes to me!"

Margaret swiftly stepped forward and tried to take the tin box in Lord's hand. However, a huge force clamped the tin box tightly, and Margaret could not move it.

"I didn't say, let you make magic eyes with these two eyes."

Seeing Margaret's attention, he was always on the iron box, Rod pointed to himself, and said in a deep voice, "Look at me. I need you to replace these two eyes for me."

After realizing the level of power in the things in the iron box, Rod was very eager for this power. For this, he only had to give up his blind eyeballs.

"But..." Margaret said unwillingly.

"Nothing." Looking at Margaret in front of him, Rhode used the power that belongs to the cloak of the ghost king, "Tell me, your heart has been surrendered to me, and you will put your heart and soul in to change these eyes for me. ."

"I...I will put my heart and soul into these eyes for you." Marguerite murmured in a loss of consciousness.

You don't even need the power of the ghost king's cloak. When Margaret becomes a vampire, she has the most basic spiritualism in her body, and Rhode's dark word can also take effect.

Although Margaret did not do anything to endanger Rhodes, for her own safety, Rhodes must use the Dark Word to control her, so that she can be assured of transforming her body.

When reforming, Lord's state will fall into unprecedented weakness. Without the Dark Word as a prerequisite, Lord would not dare to carry out the reforming ceremony like this.

"It's not too late, let's start now." Rhode ordered.

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