Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1530: Magic amulet

Following Rod's gaze, Rowling also looked at the treasure that Kanter had taken out.

"Huh?" Looking at this uniquely shaped treasure, Rowling seemed to have discovered something, and a surprised voice came from her mouth, "Brother, this treasure seems to be very similar to the one on you..."

"I know." Rod nodded, and reached out to take the treasure.

It was a golden amulet the size of a thumb and hung on the body, with mysterious spell lines on the surface. Just holding it in his hand, Rhode could feel a huge magical element, converging toward his body, quickly replenishing Rhode's missing mana.

With the increasing number of remaining mana in the attribute panel, information about this treasure in the system log also appeared in Lord's mind.


【Magic Talisman】

Quality: Treasure

Type: Pendant

Equipment requirements: none

Basic attribute: 20 additional mana is restored every hour

Special attribute: Inspire magical elements in the surrounding space to gather around the amulet, and the effect of the spell will increase by 50% when it is cast next time.

Evaluation: Amulet of unknown origin, which contains powerful magic power. Collecting items similar to this talisman will change astonishingly.


What surprised Rhode was not the basic effect of [Magic Amulet], but this treasure, which was clearly the same as the [Magic Amulet] in Rhodes's hands, even with the system's evaluation.

The emergence of this situation also made Lord realize that the magic amulet in front of him was clearly one of the components of the combined artifact.

This also means that Rhode, who already possesses the magic amulet and magic amulet, can combine a powerful artifact [Magic Power Source] as long as he can obtain the last artifact part.

After realizing this, even Rod, who was carrying two artifacts, breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

In Rhodes’s impression, the source of magic power has a powerful effect, which can make the magical ability of the wizard change in essence, and it can be called the treasure of all the wizards.

From this point of view, neither the Titan's arrow in Rhodes's hand nor the cloak of the ghost king behind him can be compared to the source of magic power who specializes in it in terms of the degree of magic.

Carefully put away the magic amulet in front of him, and Rhode couldn't help but look at Kanter aside.

For the artifact parts of the source of magic power, Rod did not deliberately collect. He did not know the whereabouts of these artifact parts. The only artifact part in his hand could not play much role besides increasing the mana recovery speed.

What surprised Rohde was that he had obtained such precious artifact parts from a legendary fire mage who surrendered treasures and prayed for his life in the elemental plane of fire. A few eyes.

Kanter on the side also listened to Rowling's words. He looked at Rod with a bit of doubt in his eyes: "Do you have any treasures similar to this? Can I see it? It was a wish of mine..."

Hearing what Kanter said, Rod thought for a while, then picked up the magic amulet hanging in front of him, and showed it to him.

"It turns out... the rumors about that treasure are true..." Feeling the magic amulet that is completely homologous to the magic amulet in front of Rhode, and the breath is exactly the same, Kanter trembled as if he had discovered something.

"Where did you get the magic talisman?" Seeing Kanter, there seemed to be some secret, Rod asked.

"A long time ago, a planewalker from the main plane handed me the magic amulet and told me the legend about this treasure. It is one of the parts of a powerful artifact, as long as you can collect two more with it. The matching parts can be combined to form a legendary artifact." Kanter's eyes showed a reminiscence.

"Unfortunately, he traveled the entire main plane and couldn't find other similar artifact parts. After that, he set his sights on the elemental plane. The fire elemental plane was his last stop, but he still Nothing was found." Kanter sighed deeply, "When I saw him, he was already a weak old man, standing only by magic."

"So you killed him and then snatched this treasure?" Rod sneered.

"No... I didn't have much power at that time, I was just an ordinary resident here. I saw him by the nearby lava lake, brought him back to the City of Fire, and let him spend the rest of his life here." Kanter just shook his head at Rod's words.

"Before he died, he handed the magic amulet into my hand and told me everything about this treasure. Besides, he said that this treasure is a curse. All those who get it will be in vain. I wasted a whole life while searching for other parts of the artifact that would never appear."

As he said, Kanter covered his head with only one hand, and there was an expression of pain in his eyes.

"I spent nearly a hundred years, outside the city of flame, asking for treasures from other plane walkers, just to find the artifact parts that fit the magic amulet. I did not expect that when the artifact parts appeared in front of me, I failed. Now... this is really a curse."

Kanter raised his head and looked at Rod in front of him:

"Now, the curse has come to you. It is said that as long as you collect three parts, you can combine a powerful artifact. Are you still complacent about having two artifact parts? It's useless. You've spent your entire life, You won’t find the third artifact part, you will only waste your life in vain."

"Really?" Rod said dismissively, "How did you know?"

"There is an ominous breath shrouded in your body, I can feel...that is the breath of death, and people with this breath cannot have any good luck. People like you will never have a chance with the artifact. "Canter sighed.

Rod knew that the ominous aura in Kanter's mouth should be an ability attached to spiritualism. This is a curse that belongs to the Necromancer alone, and is usually accompanied by bad luck. The chance of a necromancer to find a treasure is far less than that of any other profession.

However, none of this applies to Rod.

"You said I have no relationship with the artifact? It seems that you didn't feel anything..."

Kanter didn't understand the meaning of Rod's words in his ears. He looked at Rod with some doubts in his eyes.

Suddenly, he seemed to be aware of something, his eyes rounded, and his body couldn't stop shrinking toward the back: "The cloak behind you...can't be wrong, it's that artifact...you, you count A hundred years ago, the plane walker who slaughtered the phoenix..."

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